/* Copyright (C) 2021 Sanne Wouda * Copyright (C) 2021 Andrius Štikonas * This file is part of M2-Planet. * * M2-Planet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * M2-Planet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with M2-Planet. If not, see . */ #include "cc.h" #include "gcc_req.h" void require(int bool, char* error); int strtoint(char* a); void line_error_token(struct token_list* list); struct token_list* eat_token(struct token_list* head); struct token_list* reverse_list(struct token_list* head); struct conditional_inclusion { struct conditional_inclusion* prev; int include; /* 1 == include, 0 == skip */ int previous_condition_matched; /* 1 == all subsequent conditions treated as FALSE */ }; struct macro_list { struct macro_list* next; char* symbol; struct token_list* expansion; struct token_list* arguments; }; struct macro_list* macro_env; struct conditional_inclusion* conditional_inclusion_top; /* point where we are currently modifying the global_token list */ struct token_list* macro_token; void init_macro_env(char* sym, char* value, char* source, int num) { struct macro_list* hold = macro_env; macro_env = calloc(1, sizeof(struct macro_list)); macro_env->symbol = sym; macro_env->next = hold; macro_env->expansion = calloc(1, sizeof(struct token_list)); macro_env->expansion->s = value; macro_env->expansion->filename = source; macro_env->expansion->linenumber = num; } void _eat_current_token(int eat_whitespace) { int update_global_token = FALSE; if (macro_token == global_token) update_global_token = TRUE; macro_token = eat_token(macro_token); if(eat_whitespace) { while (macro_token->s[0] == ' ') macro_token = eat_token(macro_token); } if(update_global_token) global_token = macro_token; } void eat_current_token() { _eat_current_token(TRUE); } void eat_current_token_without_space() { _eat_current_token(FALSE); } struct token_list* lookup_token(struct token_list* token, struct token_list* arguments) { char *s; if(NULL == token) { fputs("null token received in token\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct token_list* hold = arguments; while (NULL != hold) { if (match(token->s, hold->s)) { /* found! */ return hold->expansion; } hold = hold->next; } /* not found! */ return NULL; } /* returns the first token inserted; inserts *before* point */ struct token_list* insert_tokens(struct token_list* point, struct token_list* token) { struct token_list* copy; struct token_list* first = NULL; while (NULL != token) { copy = calloc(1, sizeof(struct token_list)); copy->s = token->s; copy->filename = token->filename; copy->linenumber = token->linenumber; if(NULL == first) { first = copy; } copy->next = point; if (NULL != point) { copy->prev = point->prev; if(NULL != point->prev) { point->prev->next = copy; } point->prev = copy; } token = token->next; } return first; } /* returns the first token inserted; inserts *before* point */ struct token_list* copy_list(struct token_list* token) { struct token_list* copy; struct token_list* prev = NULL; while (NULL != token) { copy = calloc(1, sizeof(struct token_list)); copy->s = token->s; copy->next = prev; copy->prev = prev; prev = copy; token = token->next; } copy = reverse_list(copy); return copy; } struct macro_list* lookup_macro(struct token_list* token) { if(NULL == token) { line_error_token(macro_token); fputs("null token received in lookup_macro\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct macro_list* hold = macro_env; while (NULL != hold) { if (match(token->s, hold->symbol)) { /* found! */ return hold; } hold = hold->next; } /* not found! */ return NULL; } void remove_macro(struct token_list* token) { if(NULL == token) { line_error_token(macro_token); fputs("received a null in remove_macro\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct macro_list* hold = macro_env; struct macro_list* temp; /* Deal with the first element */ if (match(token->s, hold->symbol)) { macro_env = hold->next; free(hold); return; } /* Remove element form the middle of linked list */ while (NULL != hold->next) { if (match(token->s, hold->next->symbol)) { temp = hold->next; hold->next = hold->next->next; free(temp); return; } hold = hold->next; } /* nothing to undefine */ return; } int macro_expression(); int macro_variable() { int value = 0; struct macro_list* hold = lookup_macro(macro_token); if (NULL != hold) { if(NULL == hold->expansion) { line_error_token(macro_token); fputs("hold->expansion is a null\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } value = strtoint(hold->expansion->s); } eat_current_token(); return value; } int macro_number() { int result = strtoint(macro_token->s); eat_current_token(); return result; } int macro_primary_expr() { int defined_has_paren = FALSE; int hold; require(NULL != macro_token, "got an EOF terminated macro primary expression\n"); if('-' == macro_token->s[0]) { eat_current_token(); return -macro_primary_expr(); } else if('!' == macro_token->s[0]) { eat_current_token(); return !macro_primary_expr(); } else if('(' == macro_token->s[0]) { eat_current_token(); return macro_expression(); } else if(match("defined", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); require(NULL != macro_token, "got an EOF terminated macro defined expression\n"); if('(' == macro_token->s[0]) { defined_has_paren = TRUE; eat_current_token(); } if (NULL != lookup_macro(macro_token)) { hold = TRUE; } else { hold = FALSE; } eat_current_token(); if(TRUE == defined_has_paren) { if(NULL == macro_token) { line_error_token(macro_token); fputs("unterminated define ( statement\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } require(')' == macro_token->s[0], "missing close parenthesis for defined()\n"); eat_current_token(); } return hold; } else if(in_set(macro_token->s[0], "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_")) { return macro_variable(); } else if(in_set(macro_token->s[0], "0123456789")) { return macro_number(); } else { return 0; /* FIXME: error handling */ } } int macro_additive_expr() { int lhs = macro_primary_expr(); int hold; require(NULL != macro_token, "got an EOF terminated macro additive expression\n"); if(match("+", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs + macro_additive_expr(); } else if(match("-", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs - macro_additive_expr(); } else if(match("*", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs * macro_additive_expr(); } else if(match("/", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); hold = macro_additive_expr(); require(0 != hold, "divide by zero not valid even in C macros\n"); return lhs / hold; } else if(match("%", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); hold = macro_additive_expr(); require(0 != hold, "modulus by zero not valid even in C macros\n"); return lhs % hold; } else if(match(">>", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs >> macro_additive_expr(); } else if(match("<<", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs << macro_additive_expr(); } else { return lhs; } } int macro_relational_expr() { int lhs = macro_additive_expr(); if(match("<", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs < macro_relational_expr(); } else if(match("<=", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs <= macro_relational_expr(); } else if(match(">=", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs >= macro_relational_expr(); } else if(match(">", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs > macro_relational_expr(); } else if(match("==", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs == macro_relational_expr(); } else if(match("!=", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs != macro_relational_expr(); } else { return lhs; } } int macro_bitwise_expr() { int rhs; int lhs = macro_relational_expr(); if(match("&", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); return lhs & macro_bitwise_expr(); } else if(match("&&", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); rhs = macro_bitwise_expr(); return lhs && rhs; } else if(match("|", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); rhs = macro_bitwise_expr(); return lhs | rhs; } else if(match("||", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); rhs = macro_bitwise_expr(); return lhs || rhs; } else if(match("^", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); rhs = macro_bitwise_expr(); return lhs ^ rhs; } else { return lhs; } } int macro_expression() { return macro_bitwise_expr(); } void handle_define() { struct macro_list* hold; struct token_list* arg; struct token_list* expansion_end = NULL; /* don't use #define statements from non-included blocks */ int conditional_define = TRUE; if(NULL != conditional_inclusion_top) { if(FALSE == conditional_inclusion_top->include) { conditional_define = FALSE; } } eat_current_token(); require(NULL != macro_token, "got an EOF terminated #define\n"); require('\n' != macro_token->s[0], "unexpected newline after #define\n"); /* insert new macro */ hold = calloc(1, sizeof(struct macro_list)); hold->symbol = macro_token->s; hold->next = macro_env; /* provided it isn't in a non-included block */ if(conditional_define) macro_env = hold; /* discard the macro name */ eat_current_token_without_space(); /* Handle macro arguments */ if(macro_token->s[0] == '(') { /* discard ( */ eat_current_token(); require(NULL != macro_token, "got an EOF terminated #define\n"); if(macro_token->s[0] != ')') { arg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct token_list)); arg->s = macro_token->s; hold->arguments = arg; eat_current_token(); require(NULL != macro_token, "incomplete macro call\n"); while(macro_token->s[0] == ',') { eat_current_token(); require(NULL != macro_token, "incomplete macro call, got an EOF instead of an argument\n"); arg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct token_list)); arg->s = macro_token->s; arg->next = hold->arguments; hold->arguments = arg; eat_current_token(); require(NULL != macro_token, "incomplete macro call\n"); } } eat_current_token(); /* Reverse argument list */ hold->arguments = reverse_list(hold->arguments); require(NULL != macro_token, "got an EOF terminated #define\n"); } else if(macro_token->s[0] == ' ') { eat_current_token(); } while (TRUE) { require(NULL != macro_token, "got an EOF terminated #define\n"); if ('\n' == macro_token->s[0]) { if(NULL == expansion_end) { hold->expansion = NULL; expansion_end = macro_token; return; } expansion_end->next = NULL; return; } if(NULL == hold) { eat_current_token(); continue; } expansion_end = macro_token; /* in the first iteration, we set the first token of the expansion, if it exists */ if (NULL == hold->expansion) { hold->expansion = macro_token; } /* throw away if not used */ if(!conditional_define && (NULL != hold)) { free(hold); hold = NULL; } eat_current_token(); } } void handle_undef() { eat_current_token(); remove_macro(macro_token); eat_current_token(); } void handle_error() { /* don't use #error statements from non-included blocks */ int conditional_error = TRUE; if(NULL != conditional_inclusion_top) { if(FALSE == conditional_inclusion_top->include) { conditional_error = FALSE; } } eat_current_token(); /* provided it isn't in a non-included block */ if(conditional_error) { line_error_token(macro_token); fputs(" error: #error ", stderr); while (TRUE) { if ('\n' == macro_token->s[0]) break; fputs(macro_token->s, stderr); macro_token = macro_token->next; } fputs("\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (TRUE) { /* discard the error */ if ('\n' == macro_token->s[0]) { return; } eat_current_token(); } } void macro_directive() { struct conditional_inclusion *t; int result; /* FIXME: whitespace is allowed between "#"" and "if" */ if(match("#if", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); /* evaluate constant integer expression */ result = macro_expression(); /* push conditional inclusion */ t = calloc(1, sizeof(struct conditional_inclusion)); t->prev = conditional_inclusion_top; conditional_inclusion_top = t; t->include = TRUE; if(FALSE == result) { t->include = FALSE; } t->previous_condition_matched = t->include; } else if(match("#ifdef", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); require(NULL != macro_token, "got an EOF terminated macro defined expression\n"); if (NULL != lookup_macro(macro_token)) { result = TRUE; } else { result = FALSE; } eat_current_token(); /* push conditional inclusion */ t = calloc(1, sizeof(struct conditional_inclusion)); t->prev = conditional_inclusion_top; conditional_inclusion_top = t; t->include = TRUE; if(FALSE == result) { t->include = FALSE; } t->previous_condition_matched = t->include; } else if(match("#ifndef", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); require(NULL != macro_token, "got an EOF terminated macro defined expression\n"); if (NULL != lookup_macro(macro_token)) { result = FALSE; } else { result = TRUE; } eat_current_token(); /* push conditional inclusion */ t = calloc(1, sizeof(struct conditional_inclusion)); t->prev = conditional_inclusion_top; conditional_inclusion_top = t; t->include = TRUE; if(FALSE == result) { t->include = FALSE; } t->previous_condition_matched = t->include; } else if(match("#elif", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); result = macro_expression(); require(NULL != conditional_inclusion_top, "#elif without leading #if\n"); conditional_inclusion_top->include = result && !conditional_inclusion_top->previous_condition_matched; conditional_inclusion_top->previous_condition_matched = conditional_inclusion_top->previous_condition_matched || conditional_inclusion_top->include; } else if(match("#else", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); require(NULL != conditional_inclusion_top, "#else without leading #if\n"); conditional_inclusion_top->include = !conditional_inclusion_top->previous_condition_matched; } else if(match("#endif", macro_token->s)) { if(NULL == conditional_inclusion_top) { line_error_token(macro_token); fputs("unexpected #endif\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } eat_current_token(); /* pop conditional inclusion */ t = conditional_inclusion_top; conditional_inclusion_top = conditional_inclusion_top->prev; free(t); } else if(match("#define", macro_token->s)) { handle_define(); } else if(match("#undef", macro_token->s)) { handle_undef(); } else if(match("#error", macro_token->s)) { handle_error(); } else if(match("#FILENAME", macro_token->s)) { while(TRUE) { if(NULL == macro_token) { return; } if('\n' == macro_token->s[0]) { return; } eat_current_token(); } } else { /* Put a big fat warning but see if we can just ignore */ fputs(">>WARNING<<\n>>WARNING<<\n", stderr); line_error_token(macro_token); fputs("feature: ", stderr); fputs(macro_token->s, stderr); fputs(" unsupported in M2-Planet\nIgnoring line, may result in bugs\n>>WARNING<<\n>>WARNING<<\n\n", stderr); /* unhandled macro directive; let's eat until a newline; om nom nom */ while(TRUE) { if(NULL == macro_token) { return; } if('\n' == macro_token->s[0]) { return; } eat_current_token(); } } } struct token_list* expand_macro_functions(struct token_list* expansion, struct token_list* arguments) { struct token_list* expanded_token; struct token_list* head; struct token_list* hold; /* Same as head unless head == NULL */ head = copy_list(expansion); while(NULL != head) { expanded_token = lookup_token(head, arguments); hold = head; if(NULL != expanded_token) { insert_tokens(head, expanded_token); hold = head->prev; head = eat_token(head); } else { head = head->next; } } while(NULL != hold->prev) hold = hold->prev; return hold; } void eat_until_endif() { /* This #if block is nested inside of an #if block that needs to be dropped, lose EVERYTHING */ do { if(match("#if", macro_token->s) || match("#ifdef", macro_token->s) || match("#ifndef", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); eat_until_endif(); } eat_current_token(); require(NULL != macro_token, "Unterminated #if block\n"); } while(!match("#endif", macro_token->s)); } void eat_block() { /* This conditional #if block is wrong, drop everything until the #elif/#else/#endif */ do { if(match("#if", macro_token->s) || match("#ifdef", macro_token->s) || match("#ifndef", macro_token->s)) { eat_current_token(); eat_until_endif(); } eat_current_token(); require(NULL != macro_token, "Unterminated #if block\n"); } while(!match("#elif", macro_token->s) && !match("#else", macro_token->s) && !match("#endif", macro_token->s)); } struct token_list* maybe_expand(struct token_list* token) { if(NULL == token) { line_error_token(macro_token); fputs("maybe_expand passed a null token\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct macro_list* hold = lookup_macro(token); struct token_list* hold2; struct token_list* hold3; struct token_list* hold4; if(NULL == token->next) { line_error_token(macro_token); fputs("we can't expand a null token: ", stderr); fputs(token->s, stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (NULL == hold) { return token->next; } token = eat_token(token); if (NULL == hold->expansion) { return token->next; } /* Match macro arguments with stored names */ hold3 = hold->arguments; if(NULL != hold3) { if(token->s[0] == ' ') { token = eat_token(token); } require('(' == token->s[0], "missing open parenthesis for macro function\n"); token = eat_token(token); require(NULL != token, "got an EOF terminated macro function\n"); do { hold2 = calloc(1, sizeof(struct token_list)); hold2->s = token->s; hold2->next = hold->arguments->expansion; hold->arguments->expansion = hold2; token = eat_token(token); require(NULL != token, "incomplete macro call\n"); if(token->s[0] == ',') { hold->arguments->expansion = reverse_list(hold->arguments->expansion); hold->arguments = hold->arguments->next; require(NULL != hold->arguments, "too many arguments in macro call\n"); token = eat_token(token); require(NULL != token, "incomplete macro call\n"); } } while(token->s[0] != ')'); hold->arguments->expansion = reverse_list(hold->arguments->expansion); hold->arguments = hold3; token = eat_token(token); } hold4 = expand_macro_functions(hold->expansion, hold->arguments); hold4 = insert_tokens(token, hold4); return hold4; } void preprocess() { int start_of_line = TRUE; macro_token = global_token; while(NULL != macro_token) { if(start_of_line && '#' == macro_token->s[0]) { macro_directive(); if(macro_token) { if('\n' != macro_token->s[0]) { line_error_token(macro_token); fputs("newline expected at end of macro directive\n", stderr); fputs("found: '", stderr); fputs(macro_token->s, stderr); fputs("'\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } else if('\n' == macro_token->s[0]) { start_of_line = TRUE; macro_token = macro_token->next; } else { start_of_line = FALSE; if(NULL == conditional_inclusion_top) { macro_token = maybe_expand(macro_token); } else if(!conditional_inclusion_top->include) { /* rewrite the token stream to exclude the current token */ eat_block(); start_of_line = TRUE; } else { macro_token = maybe_expand(macro_token); } } } }