/* Copyright (C) 2016, 2021 Jeremiah Orians * Copyright (C) 2020 deesix * Copyright (C) 2020 Gabriel Wicki * This file is part of M2-Planet. * * M2-Planet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * M2-Planet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with M2-Planet. If not, see . */ #include"cc.h" /* The core functions */ void populate_env(char** envp); void setup_env(); char* env_lookup(char* variable); void initialize_types(); struct token_list* read_all_tokens(FILE* a, struct token_list* current, char* filename); struct token_list* reverse_list(struct token_list* head); void init_macro_env(char* sym, char* value, char* source, int num); void preprocess(); void output_tokens(struct token_list *i, FILE* out); int strtoint(char *a); void spawn_processes(int debug_flag, char* preprocessed_file, char* destination, char** envp); int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp) { FUZZING = FALSE; MAX_STRING = 65536; PREPROCESSOR_MODE = FALSE; STDIO_USED = FALSE; int debug_flag = TRUE; FILE* in = stdin; FILE* tempfile; char* destination_name = "a.out"; FILE* destination_file = stdout; init_macro_env("__M2__", "__M2__", "__INTERNAL_M2__", 0); /* Setup __M2__ */ char* name; char* hold; int DUMP_MODE = FALSE; DIRTY_MODE = FALSE; int SPECIFIED_LIBRARY = FALSE; /* Assume no debugging by default */ DEBUG_LEVEL = 0; int i = 1; while(i <= argc) { if(NULL == argv[i]) { i += 1; } else if(match(argv[i], "-E") || match(argv[i], "--preprocess-only")) { PREPROCESSOR_MODE = TRUE; i += 1; } else if(match(argv[i], "--dump-mode")) { DUMP_MODE = TRUE; i+= 1; } else if(match(argv[i], "--dirty-mode")) { DIRTY_MODE = TRUE; i+= 1; } else if(match(argv[i], "--debug-mode")) { hold = argv[i+1]; DEBUG_LEVEL = strtoint(hold); fputs("DEBUG_LEVEL set to: ", stderr); fputs(hold, stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); i+= 2; } else if(match(argv[i], "-f") || match(argv[i], "--file")) { if(NULL == hold_string) { hold_string = calloc(MAX_STRING + 4, sizeof(char)); require(NULL != hold_string, "Impossible Exhaustion has occured\n"); } name = argv[i + 1]; if(NULL == name) { fputs("did not receive a file name\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } in = fopen(name, "r"); if(NULL == in) { fputs("Unable to open for reading file: ", stderr); fputs(name, stderr); fputs("\n Aborting to avoid problems\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } global_token = read_all_tokens(in, global_token, name); fclose(in); i += 2; } else if(match(argv[i], "-o") || match(argv[i], "--output")) { destination_name = argv[i + 1]; destination_file = fopen(destination_name, "w"); if(NULL == destination_file) { fputs("Unable to open for writing file: ", stderr); fputs(argv[i + 1], stderr); fputs("\n Aborting to avoid problems\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } i += 2; } else if(match(argv[i], "--max-string")) { hold = argv[i+1]; if(NULL == hold) { fputs("--max-string requires a numeric argument\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } MAX_STRING = strtoint(hold); require(0 < MAX_STRING, "Not a valid string size\nAbort and fix your --max-string\n"); i += 2; } else if(match(argv[i], "-I")) { hold = argv[i+1]; if(NULL == hold) { fputs("-I requires a PATH\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SPECIFIED_LIBRARY = TRUE; M2LIBC_PATH = hold; i += 2; } else if(match(argv[i], "-h") || match(argv[i], "--help")) { fputs(" -f input file\n -o output file\n --help for this message\n --version for file version\n-E or --preprocess-only\n--max-string N (N is a number)\n--fuzz\n--no-debug\n", stdout); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if(match(argv[i], "-V") || match(argv[i], "--version")) { fputs("M2-Mesoplanet v1.10.0\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if(match(argv[i], "--fuzz")) { /* Set fuzzing */ FUZZING = TRUE; i += 1; } else if(match(argv[i], "--no-debug")) { /* strip things down */ debug_flag = FALSE; i += 1; } else { fputs("UNKNOWN ARGUMENT\n", stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if(1 <= DEBUG_LEVEL) fputs("READ all files\n", stderr); /* Deal with special case of wanting to read from standard input */ if(stdin == in) { hold_string = calloc(MAX_STRING, sizeof(char)); require(NULL != hold_string, "Impossible Exhaustion has occured\n"); global_token = read_all_tokens(in, global_token, "STDIN"); } if(NULL == global_token) { fputs("Either no input files were given or they were empty\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(1 <= DEBUG_LEVEL) fputs("Start to reverse list\n", stderr); global_token = reverse_list(global_token); if(1 <= DEBUG_LEVEL) fputs("List reversed\n", stderr); /* Get the environmental bits */ if(1 <= DEBUG_LEVEL) fputs("Starting to setup Environment\n", stderr); populate_env(envp); setup_env(); if(!SPECIFIED_LIBRARY) { M2LIBC_PATH = env_lookup("M2LIBC_PATH"); if(NULL == M2LIBC_PATH) M2LIBC_PATH = "./M2libc"; } if(1 <= DEBUG_LEVEL) fputs("Environment setup\n", stderr); if(DUMP_MODE) { output_tokens(global_token, destination_file); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } preprocess(); if(PREPROCESSOR_MODE) { fputs("/* M2-Mesoplanet Preprocessed source */\n", destination_file); output_tokens(global_token, destination_file); fclose(destination_file); } else { name = calloc(100, sizeof(char)); strcpy(name, "/tmp/M2-Mesoplanet-XXXXXX"); i = mkstemp(name); tempfile = fdopen(i, "w"); if(NULL != tempfile) { /* Our preprocessed crap */ output_tokens(global_token, tempfile); fclose(tempfile); /* Make me a real binary */ spawn_processes(debug_flag, name, destination_name, envp); /* And clean up the donkey */ if(!DIRTY_MODE) remove(name); } else { fputs("unable to get a tempfile for M2-Mesoplanet output\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }