
673 lines
15 KiB
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2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
/* -*- c-file-style: "linux";indent-tabs-mode:t -*- */
/* Copyright (C) 2017 Jeremiah Orians
* Copyright (C) 2017 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
2018-08-26 21:34:31 +01:00
* This file is part of mescc-tools
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
2018-08-26 21:34:31 +01:00
* mescc-tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
2018-08-26 21:34:31 +01:00
* mescc-tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2018-08-26 21:34:31 +01:00
* along with mescc-tools. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define max_string 4096
//CONSTANT max_string 4096
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
void file_print(char* s, FILE* f);
int match(char* a, char* b);
char* numerate_number(int a);
int numerate_string(char *a);
int in_set(int c, char* s);
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
struct input_files
struct input_files* next;
char* filename;
struct entry
struct entry* next;
unsigned target;
char* name;
FILE* output;
struct entry* jump_table;
int BigEndian;
int Base_Address;
int Architecture;
int ByteMode;
int exec_enable;
int ip;
char* scratch;
char* filename;
int linenumber;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
void line_error()
file_print(filename, stderr);
file_print(":", stderr);
file_print(numerate_number(linenumber), stderr);
file_print(" :", stderr);
int consume_token(FILE* source_file)
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
int i = 0;
int c = fgetc(source_file);
while(!in_set(c, " \t\n>"))
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
scratch[i] = c;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
i = i + 1;
c = fgetc(source_file);
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
return c;
int Throwaway_token(FILE* source_file)
int c;
c = fgetc(source_file);
} while(!in_set(c, " \t\n>"));
return c;
int length(char* s)
int i = 0;
while(0 != s[i]) i = i + 1;
return i;
void Clear_Scratch(char* s)
s[0] = 0;
s = s + 1;
} while(0 != s[0]);
void Copy_String(char* a, char* b)
while(0 != a[0])
b[0] = a[0];
a = a + 1;
b = b + 1;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
unsigned GetTarget(char* c)
struct entry* i;
for(i = jump_table; NULL != i; i = i->next)
if(match(c, i->name))
return i->target;
file_print("Target label ", stderr);
file_print(c, stderr);
file_print(" is not valid\n", stderr);
int storeLabel(FILE* source_file, int ip)
struct entry* entry = calloc(1, sizeof(struct entry));
/* Ensure we have target address */
entry->target = ip;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
/* Prepend to list */
entry->next = jump_table;
jump_table = entry;
/* Store string */
int c = consume_token(source_file);
entry->name = calloc(length(scratch) + 1, sizeof(char));
Copy_String(scratch, entry->name);
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
return c;
void range_check(int displacement, int number_of_bytes)
if(4 == number_of_bytes) return;
else if (3 == number_of_bytes)
if((8388607 < displacement) || (displacement < -8388608))
file_print("A displacement of ", stderr);
file_print(numerate_number(displacement), stderr);
file_print(" does not fit in 3 bytes\n", stderr);
else if (2 == number_of_bytes)
if((32767 < displacement) || (displacement < -32768))
file_print("A displacement of ", stderr);
file_print(numerate_number(displacement), stderr);
file_print(" does not fit in 2 bytes\n", stderr);
else if (1 == number_of_bytes)
if((127 < displacement) || (displacement < -128))
file_print("A displacement of ", stderr);
file_print(numerate_number(displacement), stderr);
file_print(" does not fit in 1 byte\n", stderr);
file_print("Invalid number of bytes given\n", stderr);
void outputPointer(int displacement, int number_of_bytes)
unsigned value = displacement;
/* HALT HARD if we are going to do something BAD*/
range_check(displacement, number_of_bytes);
{ /* Deal with BigEndian */
if(4 == number_of_bytes) fputc((value >> 24), output);
if(3 <= number_of_bytes) fputc(((value >> 16)%256), output);
if(2 <= number_of_bytes) fputc(((value >> 8)%256), output);
if(1 <= number_of_bytes) fputc((value % 256), output);
{ /* Deal with LittleEndian */
while(number_of_bytes > 0)
unsigned byte = value % 256;
value = value / 256;
fputc(byte, output);
number_of_bytes = number_of_bytes - 1;
int Architectural_displacement(int target, int base)
if(0 == Architecture) return (target - base);
else if(1 == Architecture) return (target - base);
else if(2 == Architecture) return (target - base);
else if(ALIGNED && (40 == Architecture))
/* Note: Branch displacements on ARM are in number of instructions to skip, basically. */
if (target & 3)
file_print("error: Unaligned branch target: ", stderr);
file_print(scratch, stderr);
file_print(", aborting\n", stderr);
* The "fetch" stage already moved forward by 8 from the
* beginning of the instruction because it is already
* prefetching the next instruction.
* Compensate for it by subtracting the space for
* two instructions (including the branch instruction).
* and the size of the aligned immediate.
return (((target - base + (base & 3)) >> 2) - 2);
else if(40 == Architecture)
* The size of the offset is 8 according to the spec but that value is
* based on the end of the immediate, which the documentation gets wrong
* and needs to be adjusted to the size of the immediate.
* Eg 1byte immediate => -8 + 1 = -7
return ((target - base) - 8 + (3 & base));
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
file_print("Unknown Architecture, aborting before harm is done\n", stderr);
void Update_Pointer(char ch)
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
/* Calculate pointer size*/
if(in_set(ch, "%&")) ip = ip + 4; /* Deal with % and & */
else if(in_set(ch, "@$")) ip = ip + 2; /* Deal with @ and $ */
else if('~' == ch) ip = ip + 3; /* Deal with ~ */
else if('!' == ch) ip = ip + 1; /* Deal with ! */
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
file_print("storePointer given unknown\n", stderr);
void storePointer(char ch, FILE* source_file)
/* Get string of pointer */
int base_sep_p = consume_token(source_file);
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
/* Lookup token */
int target = GetTarget(scratch);
int displacement;
int base = ip;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
/* Change relative base address to :<base> */
if ('>' == base_sep_p)
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
consume_token (source_file);
base = GetTarget (scratch);
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
/* Force universality of behavior */
displacement = (target - base);
2018-08-26 21:34:31 +01:00
displacement = Architectural_displacement(target, base);
2018-08-26 21:34:31 +01:00
/* output calculated difference */
if('!' == ch) outputPointer(displacement, 1); /* Deal with ! */
else if('$' == ch) outputPointer(target, 2); /* Deal with $ */
else if('@' == ch) outputPointer(displacement, 2); /* Deal with @ */
else if('~' == ch) outputPointer(displacement, 3); /* Deal with ~ */
else if('&' == ch) outputPointer(target, 4); /* Deal with & */
else if('%' == ch) outputPointer(displacement, 4); /* Deal with % */
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
file_print("error: storePointer reached impossible case: ch=", stderr);
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
fputc(ch, stderr);
file_print("\n", stderr);
void line_Comment(FILE* source_file)
int c = fgetc(source_file);
while(!in_set(c, "\n\r"))
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
c = fgetc(source_file);
linenumber = linenumber + 1;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
int hex(int c, FILE* source_file)
if (in_set(c, "0123456789")) return (c - 48);
else if (in_set(c, "abcdef")) return (c - 87);
else if (in_set(c, "ABCDEF")) return (c - 55);
else if (in_set(c, "#;")) line_Comment(source_file);
else if ('\n' == c) linenumber = linenumber + 1;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
return -1;
int octal(int c, FILE* source_file)
if (in_set(c, "01234567")) return (c - 48);
else if (in_set(c, "#;")) line_Comment(source_file);
else if ('\n' == c) linenumber = linenumber + 1;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
return -1;
int binary(int c, FILE* source_file)
if (in_set(c, "01")) return (c - 48);
else if (in_set(c, "#;")) line_Comment(source_file);
else if ('\n' == c) linenumber = linenumber + 1;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
return -1;
int hold;
int toggle;
void process_byte(char c, FILE* source_file, int write)
if(16 == ByteMode)
if(0 <= hex(c, source_file))
if(write) fputc(((hold * 16)) + hex(c, source_file), output);
ip = ip + 1;
hold = 0;
hold = hex(c, source_file);
toggle = !toggle;
else if(8 ==ByteMode)
if(0 <= octal(c, source_file))
if(2 == toggle)
if(write) fputc(((hold * 8)) + octal(c, source_file), output);
ip = ip + 1;
hold = 0;
toggle = 0;
else if(1 == toggle)
hold = ((hold * 8) + octal(c, source_file));
toggle = 2;
hold = octal(c, source_file);
toggle = 1;
else if(2 == ByteMode)
if(0 <= binary(c, source_file))
if(7 == toggle)
if(write) fputc((hold * 2) + binary(c, source_file), output);
ip = ip + 1;
hold = 0;
toggle = 0;
hold = ((hold * 2) + binary(c, source_file));
toggle = toggle + 1;
void pad_to_align(int write)
if(40 == Architecture)
if(1 == (ip & 0x1))
ip = ip + 1;
if(write) fputc('\0', output);
if(2 == (ip & 0x2))
ip = ip + 2;
fputc('\0', output);
fputc('\0', output);
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
void first_pass(struct input_files* input)
if(NULL == input) return;
filename = input->filename;
linenumber = 1;
FILE* source_file = fopen(filename, "r");
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
if(NULL == source_file)
file_print("The file: ", stderr);
file_print(input->filename, stderr);
file_print(" can not be opened!\n", stderr);
toggle = FALSE;
int c;
for(c = fgetc(source_file); EOF != c; c = fgetc(source_file))
/* Check for and deal with label */
if(':' == c)
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
c = storeLabel(source_file, ip);
/* check for and deal with relative/absolute pointers to labels */
if(in_set(c, "!@$~%&"))
{ /* deal with 1byte pointer !; 2byte pointers (@ and $); 3byte pointers ~; 4byte pointers (% and &) */
c = Throwaway_token(source_file);
if ('>' == c)
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
{ /* deal with label>base */
c = Throwaway_token(source_file);
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
else if('<' == c)
else if('^' == c)
/* Just ignore */
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
else process_byte(c, source_file, FALSE);
void second_pass(struct input_files* input)
if(NULL == input) return;
filename = input->filename;
linenumber = 1;
FILE* source_file = fopen(filename, "r");
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
/* Something that should never happen */
if(NULL == source_file)
file_print("The file: ", stderr);
file_print(input->filename, stderr);
file_print(" can not be opened!\nWTF-pass2\n", stderr);
toggle = FALSE;
hold = 0;
int c;
for(c = fgetc(source_file); EOF != c; c = fgetc(source_file))
if(':' == c) c = Throwaway_token(source_file); /* Deal with : */
else if(in_set(c, "!@$~%&")) storePointer(c, source_file); /* Deal with !, @, $, ~, % and & */
else if('<' == c) pad_to_align(TRUE);
else if('^' == c) ALIGNED = TRUE;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
else process_byte(c, source_file, TRUE);
/* Standard C main program */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
BigEndian = TRUE;
jump_table = NULL;
Architecture = 0;
Base_Address = 0;
struct input_files* input = NULL;
output = stdout;
char* output_file = "";
exec_enable = FALSE;
ByteMode = 16;
scratch = calloc(max_string + 1, sizeof(char));
char* arch;
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
int option_index = 1;
while(option_index <= argc)
if(NULL == argv[option_index])
option_index = option_index + 1;
else if(match(argv[option_index], "--BigEndian"))
BigEndian = TRUE;
option_index = option_index + 1;
else if(match(argv[option_index], "--LittleEndian"))
BigEndian = FALSE;
option_index = option_index + 1;
else if(match(argv[option_index], "--exec_enable"))
exec_enable = TRUE;
option_index = option_index + 1;
else if(match(argv[option_index], "-A") || match(argv[option_index], "--architecture"))
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
arch = argv[option_index + 1];
if(match("knight-native", arch) || match("knight-posix", arch)) Architecture = 0;
else if(match("x86", arch)) Architecture = 1;
else if(match("amd64", arch)) Architecture = 2;
else if(match("armv7l", arch)) Architecture = 40;
file_print("Unknown architecture: ", stderr);
file_print(arch, stderr);
file_print(" know values are: knight-native, knight-posix, x86, amd64 and armv7l", stderr);
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
option_index = option_index + 2;
else if(match(argv[option_index], "-b") || match(argv[option_index], "--binary"))
ByteMode = 2;
option_index = option_index + 1;
else if(match(argv[option_index], "-B") || match(argv[option_index], "--BaseAddress"))
Base_Address = numerate_string(argv[option_index + 1]);
option_index = option_index + 2;
else if(match(argv[option_index], "-h") || match(argv[option_index], "--help"))
file_print("Usage: ", stderr);
file_print(argv[0], stderr);
file_print(" -f FILENAME1 {-f FILENAME2} (--BigEndian|--LittleEndian)", stderr);
file_print(" [--BaseAddress 12345] [--architecture name]\nArchitecture", stderr);
file_print(" knight-native, knight-posix, x86, amd64 and armv7\n", stderr);
file_print("To leverage octal or binary input: --octal, --binary\n", stderr);
2018-06-02 02:45:48 +01:00
else if(match(argv[option_index], "-f") || match(argv[option_index], "--file"))
struct input_files* temp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct input_files));
temp->filename = argv[option_index + 1];
temp->next = input;
input = temp;
option_index = option_index + 2;
else if(match(argv[option_index], "-o") || match(argv[option_index], "--output"))
output_file = argv[option_index + 1];
output = fopen(output_file, "w");
if(NULL == output)
file_print("The file: ", stderr);
file_print(argv[option_index + 1], stderr);
file_print(" can not be opened!\n", stderr);
option_index = option_index + 2;
else if(match(argv[option_index], "-O") || match(argv[option_index], "--octal"))
ByteMode = 8;
option_index = option_index + 1;
else if(match(argv[option_index], "-V") || match(argv[option_index], "--version"))
file_print("hex2 0.3\n", stdout);
file_print("Unknown option\n", stderr);
/* Make sure we have a program tape to run */
if (NULL == input)
/* Get all of the labels */
ip = Base_Address;
/* Fix all the references*/
ip = Base_Address;
/* Set file as executable */
/* 488 = 750 in octal */
if(0 != chmod(output_file, 488))
file_print("Unable to change permissions\n", stderr);