/* Copyright (C) 2016 Jeremiah Orians * This file is part of stage0. * * stage0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * stage0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with stage0. If not, see . */ #include "cc.h" #include #define GLOBAL 1 #define FUNCTION 2 #define LOCAL_VARIABLE 4 #define ARGUEMENT 8 /* Globals */ struct token_list* global_symbol_list; struct token_list* global_token; struct token_list* current_target; struct token_list* strings_list; struct token_list* globals_list; /* Imported functions */ struct token_list* read_all_tokens(char* source_file); char* parse_string(char* string); struct token_list* emit(char *s, struct token_list* head) { struct token_list* t = calloc(1, sizeof(struct token_list)); t->next = head; t->s = s; return t; } struct token_list* double_emit(char* a, char* b, struct token_list* out, int flag) { out = emit(a, out); out = emit(b, out); if(flag) out = emit("\n", out); return out; } char* numerate_number(int a) { char* result = calloc(16, sizeof(char)); int i = 0; /* Deal with Zero case */ if(0 == a) { result[0] = '0'; result[1] = '\n'; return result; } /* Deal with negatives */ if(0 > a) { result[0] = '-'; i = 1; a = a * -1; } /* Using the largest 10^n number possible in 32bits */ int divisor = 0x3B9ACA00; /* Skip leading Zeros */ while(0 == (a / divisor)) divisor = divisor / 10; /* Now simply collect numbers until divisor is gone */ while(0 < divisor) { result[i] = ((a / divisor) + 48); a = a % divisor; divisor = divisor / 10; i = i + 1; } result[i] = '\n'; return result; } struct token_list* sym_declare(char *s, int type, struct type* size, struct token_list* list) { struct token_list* a = calloc(1, sizeof(struct token_list)); a->next = list; a->type = type; a->s = s; a->size = size; return a; } struct token_list* sym_lookup(char *s, struct token_list* symbol_list) { for(struct token_list* i = symbol_list; NULL != i; i = i->next) { if(0 == strcmp(s,i->s)) return i; } return NULL; } int stack_index(struct token_list* a, struct token_list* function) { int depth = 4 * function->temps; for(struct token_list* i = function->locals; NULL != i; i = i->next) { if(i == a) return depth; else depth = depth + 4; } /* Deal with offset caused by return pointer */ depth = depth+ 4; for(struct token_list* i = function->arguments; NULL != i; i = i->next) { if(i == a) return depth; else depth = depth + 4; } fprintf(stderr, "%s does not exist in function %s\n", a->s, function->s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct token_list* sym_get_value(char *s, struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { struct token_list* a = sym_lookup(s, function->locals); if(NULL == a) a = sym_lookup(s, function->arguments); if(NULL == a) a = sym_lookup(s, global_symbol_list); if(a == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a defined symbol\n", s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } current_target = a; global_token = global_token->next; switch(a->type) { case FUNCTION: return out; case GLOBAL: out = double_emit("LOAD_IMMEDIATE_eax &GLOBAL_", s, out, true); break; default: out = double_emit("LOAD_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS %", numerate_number(stack_index(a, function)), out, false); } if(strcmp(global_token->s, "=")) out = emit("LOAD_INTEGER\n", out); return out; } void require_char(char* message, char required) { if(global_token->s[0] != required) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", message); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } global_token = global_token->next; } struct token_list* expression(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function); /* * primary-expr: * identifier * constant * ( expression ) */ struct token_list* primary_expr(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { if(('0' <= global_token->s[0]) & (global_token->s[0] <= '9')) { out = double_emit("LOAD_IMMEDIATE_eax %", global_token->s, out, true); global_token = global_token->next; } else if(('a' <= global_token->s[0]) & (global_token->s[0] <= 'z')) { out = sym_get_value(global_token->s, out, function); } else if(global_token->s[0] == '(') { global_token = global_token->next; out = expression(out, function); require_char("Error in Primary expression\nDidn't get )\n", ')'); } else if(global_token->s[0] == '\'') { out = emit("LOAD_IMMEDIATE_eax %", out); out = emit(numerate_number(global_token->s[1]), out); global_token = global_token->next; } else if(global_token->s[0] == '"') { static int string_num; char* number_string = numerate_number(string_num); out = emit("LOAD_IMMEDIATE_eax &STRING_", out); out = emit(number_string, out); /* The target */ strings_list = emit(":STRING_", strings_list); strings_list = emit(number_string, strings_list); /* Parse the string */ strings_list = emit(parse_string(global_token->s), strings_list); global_token = global_token->next; string_num = string_num + 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Recieved %s in primary_expr\n", global_token->s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return out; } /* Deal with Expression lists */ struct token_list* process_expression_list(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { char* func = global_token->prev->s; global_token = global_token->next; int temp = function->temps; if(global_token->s[0] != ')') { out = expression(out, function); out = emit("PUSH_eax\t#_process_expression1\n", out); function->temps = function->temps + 1; while(global_token->s[0] == ',') { global_token = global_token->next; out = expression(out, function); out = emit("PUSH_eax\t#_process_expression2\n", out); function->temps = function->temps + 1; } require_char("ERROR in process_expression_list\nNo ) was found\n", ')'); } else global_token = global_token->next; out = double_emit("CALL_IMMEDIATE %FUNCTION_", func, out, true); for(int i = function->temps - temp; 0 != i; i = i - 1) { out = emit("POP_ebx\t# _process_expression_locals\n", out); } function->temps = temp; return out; } struct token_list* common_recursion(struct token_list* (*function) (struct token_list*, struct token_list*), struct token_list* out, struct token_list* func) { global_token = global_token->next; out = emit("PUSH_eax\t#_common_recursion\n", out); func->temps = func->temps + 1; out = function(out, func); func->temps = func->temps - 1; out = emit("POP_ebx\t# _common_recursion\n", out); return out; } /* * postfix-expr: * primary-expr * postfix-expr [ expression ] * postfix-expr ( expression-list-opt ) */ struct token_list* postfix_expr(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { out = primary_expr(out, function); if(global_token->s[0] == '[') { struct token_list* target = current_target; out = common_recursion(expression, out, function); /* Add support for Ints*/ if( 4 == target->size->member_size) { out = emit("SAL_eax_Immediate8 !2\n", out); } out = emit("ADD_ebx_to_eax\n", out); current_target = target; if(strcmp(global_token->next->s, "=")) { if( 4 == target->size->member_size) { out = emit("LOAD_INTEGER\n", out); } else { out = emit("LOAD_BYTE\n", out); } } require_char("ERROR in postfix_expr\nMissing ]\n", ']'); } else if(global_token->s[0] == '(') { out = process_expression_list(out, function); } return out; } /* * additive-expr: * postfix-expr * additive-expr + postfix-expr * additive-expr - postfix-expr */ struct token_list* additive_expr(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { out = postfix_expr(out, function); while(1) { if(global_token->s[0] == '+') { out = common_recursion(postfix_expr, out, function); out = emit("ADD_ebx_to_eax\n", out); } else if(global_token->s[0] == '-') { out = common_recursion(postfix_expr, out, function); out = emit("SUBTRACT_eax_from_ebx_into_ebx\nMOVE_ebx_to_eax\n", out); } else return out; } } /* * shift-expr: * additive-expr * shift-expr << additive-expr * shift-expr >> additive-expr */ struct token_list* shift_expr(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { out = additive_expr(out, function); while(1) { if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "<<")) { out = common_recursion(additive_expr, out, function); // Ugly hack to Work around flaw in x86 struct token_list* old = out->next; free(out); out = emit("COPY_eax_to_ecx\nPOP_eax\nSAL_eax_cl\n", old); } else if(!strcmp(global_token->s, ">>")) { out = common_recursion(additive_expr, out, function); // Ugly hack to Work around flaw in x86 struct token_list* old = out->next; free(out); out = emit("COPY_eax_to_ecx\nPOP_eax\nSAR_eax_cl\n", old); } else { return out; } } } /* * relational-expr: * shift-expr * relational-expr <= shift-expr */ struct token_list* relational_expr(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { out = shift_expr(out, function); while(!strcmp(global_token->s, "<=")) { out = common_recursion(shift_expr, out, function); out = emit("CMP\nSETLE\nMOVEZBL\n", out); } return out; } /* * equality-expr: * relational-expr * equality-expr == relational-expr * equality-expr != relational-expr */ struct token_list* equality_expr(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { out = relational_expr(out, function); while(1) { if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "==")) { out = common_recursion(relational_expr, out, function); out = emit("CMP\nSETE\nMOVEZBL\n", out); } else if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "!=")) { out = common_recursion(relational_expr, out, function); out = emit("CMP\nSETNE\nMOVEZBL\n", out); } else return out; } } /* * bitwise-and-expr: * equality-expr * bitwise-and-expr & equality-expr */ struct token_list* bitwise_and_expr(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { out = equality_expr(out, function); while(global_token->s[0] == '&') { out = common_recursion(equality_expr, out, function); out = emit("AND_eax_ebx\n", out); } return out; } /* * bitwise-or-expr: * bitwise-and-expr * bitwise-and-expr | bitwise-or-expr */ struct token_list* bitwise_or_expr(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { out = bitwise_and_expr(out, function); while(global_token->s[0] == '|') { out = common_recursion(bitwise_and_expr, out, function); out = emit("OR_eax_ebx\n", out); } return out; } /* * expression: * bitwise-or-expr * bitwise-or-expr = expression */ struct token_list* expression(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { out = bitwise_or_expr(out, function); if(global_token->s[0] == '=') { struct token_list* target = current_target; bool member = !strcmp(global_token->prev->s, "]"); out = common_recursion(expression, out, function); if(member) { if(1 == target->size->member_size) out = emit("STORE_CHAR\n", out); else if(4 == target->size->member_size) { out = emit("STORE_INTEGER\n", out); } } else { out = emit("STORE_INTEGER\n", out); } } return out; } /* * type-name: * char * * int */ struct type* type_name() { struct type* ret = calloc(1, sizeof(struct type)); ret->size = 4; if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "char")) { ret->size = 1; } if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "void")) { ret->_void = 1; } global_token = global_token->next; if(global_token->s[0] == '*') { ret->member_size = ret->size; ret->size = 4; ret->indirect = 1; } while(global_token->s[0] == '*') { global_token = global_token->next; } return ret; } /* Process local variable */ struct token_list* collect_local(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { struct type* type_size = type_name(); out = double_emit("# Defining local ", global_token->s, out, true); struct token_list* a = sym_declare(global_token->s, LOCAL_VARIABLE, type_size, function->locals); function->locals = a; global_token = global_token->next; function->temps = function->temps - 1; if(global_token->s[0] == '=') { global_token = global_token->next; out = expression(out, function); } function->temps = function->temps + 1; require_char("ERROR in collect_local\nMissing ;\n", ';'); out = double_emit("PUSH_eax\t#", a->s, out, true); return out; } struct token_list* statement(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function); /* Evaluate if statements */ int if_count; struct token_list* process_if(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { char* number_string = numerate_number(if_count); int number = if_count; if_count = if_count + 1; out = double_emit("# IF_",number_string, out, false); global_token = global_token->next; require_char("ERROR in process_if\nMISSING (\n", '('); out = expression(out, function); out = double_emit("TEST\nJUMP_EQ %ELSE_", number_string, out, false); require_char("ERROR in process_if\nMISSING )\n", ')'); out = statement(out, function); out = double_emit("JUMP %_END_IF_", number_string, out, false); out = double_emit(":ELSE_", number_string, out, false); if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "else")) { global_token = global_token->next; out = statement(out, function); } out = double_emit(":_END_IF_", number_string, out, false); return out; } int for_count; struct token_list* process_for(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { char* number_string = numerate_number(for_count); for_count = for_count + 1; out = double_emit("# FOR_initialization_", number_string, out, false); global_token = global_token->next; require_char("ERROR in process_for\nMISSING (\n", '('); out = expression(out, function); out = double_emit(":FOR_", number_string, out , false); require_char("ERROR in process_for\nMISSING ;1\n", ';'); out = expression(out, function); out = double_emit("TEST\nJUMP_EQ %FOR_END_", number_string, out, false); out = double_emit("JUMP %FOR_THEN_", number_string, out, false); out = double_emit(":FOR_ITER_", number_string, out, false); require_char("ERROR in process_for\nMISSING ;2\n", ';'); out = expression(out, function); out = double_emit("JUMP %FOR_", number_string, out, false); out = double_emit(":FOR_THEN_", number_string, out, false); require_char("ERROR in process_for\nMISSING )\n", ')'); out = statement(out, function); out = double_emit("JUMP %FOR_ITER_", number_string, out, false); out = double_emit(":FOR_END_", number_string, out, false); return out; } /* Process Assembly statements */ struct token_list* process_asm(struct token_list* out) { global_token = global_token->next; require_char("ERROR in process_asm\nMISSING (\n", '('); while('"' == global_token->s[0]) { out = emit((global_token->s + 1), out); out = emit("\n", out); global_token = global_token->next; } require_char("ERROR in process_asm\nMISSING )\n", ')'); require_char("ERROR in process_asm\nMISSING ;\n", ';'); return out; } /* Process while loops */ int while_count; struct token_list* process_while(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { char* number_string = numerate_number(while_count); while_count = while_count + 1; out = double_emit(":WHILE_", number_string, out, false); global_token = global_token->next; require_char("ERROR in process_while\nMISSING (\n", '('); out = expression(out, function); out = double_emit("TEST\nJUMP_EQ %END_WHILE_", number_string, out, false); out = double_emit("# THEN_while_", number_string, out, false); require_char("ERROR in process_while\nMISSING )\n", ')'); out = statement(out, function); out = double_emit("JUMP %WHILE_", number_string, out, false); out = double_emit(":END_WHILE_", number_string, out, false); return out; } /* Ensure that functions return */ struct token_list* return_result(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { global_token = global_token->next; if(global_token->s[0] != ';') out = expression(out, function); require_char("ERROR in return_result\nMISSING ;\n", ';'); for(struct token_list* i = function->locals; NULL != i; i = i->next) { out = emit("POP_ebx\t# _return_result_locals\n", out); function->locals = function->locals->next; } out = emit("RETURN\n", out); return out; } struct token_list* recursive_statement(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { global_token = global_token->next; struct token_list* frame = function->locals; while(strcmp(global_token->s, "}")) { out = statement(out, function); } global_token = global_token->next; /* Clean up any locals added */ if(NULL != function->locals) { for(struct token_list* i = function->locals; frame != i; i = i->next) { out = emit( "POP_ebx\t# _recursive_statement_locals\n", out); function->locals = function->locals->next; } } return out; } /* * statement: * { statement-list-opt } * type-name identifier ; * type-name identifier = expression; * if ( expression ) statement * if ( expression ) statement else statement * while ( expression ) statement * for ( expression ; expression ; expression ) statement * asm ( "assembly" ... "assembly" ) ; * return ; * expr ; */ struct token_list* statement(struct token_list* out, struct token_list* function) { if(global_token->s[0] == '{') { out = recursive_statement(out, function); } else if((!strcmp(global_token->s, "char")) | (!strcmp(global_token->s, "int"))) { out = collect_local(out, function); } else if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "if")) { out = process_if(out, function); } else if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "while")) { out = process_while(out, function); } else if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "for")) { out = process_for(out, function); } else if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "asm")) { out = process_asm(out); } else if(!strcmp(global_token->s, "return")) { out = return_result(out, function); } else { out = expression(out, function); require_char("ERROR in statement\nMISSING ;\n", ';'); } return out; } /* Collect function arguments */ void collect_arguments(struct token_list* function) { global_token = global_token->next; while(strcmp(global_token->s, ")")) { struct type* type_size = type_name(); if(global_token->s[0] == ')') { /* deal with foo(int|char|void) */ global_token = global_token->prev; } else if(global_token->s[0] != ',') { /* deal with foo(int a, char b) */ struct token_list* a = sym_declare(global_token->s, ARGUEMENT, type_size, function->arguments); function->arguments = a; } /* foo(int,char,void) doesn't need anything done */ global_token = global_token->next; /* ignore trailing comma (needed for foo(bar(), 1); expressions*/ if(global_token->s[0] == ',') global_token = global_token->next; } global_token = global_token->next; } struct token_list* declare_global(struct token_list* out, struct type* type_size) { /* Add to global symbol table */ global_symbol_list = sym_declare(global_token->prev->s, GLOBAL, type_size, global_symbol_list); /* Ensure 4 bytes are allocated for the global */ globals_list = double_emit(":GLOBAL_", global_token->prev->s, globals_list, true); globals_list = emit("NOP\n", globals_list); global_token = global_token->next; return out; } struct token_list* declare_function(struct token_list* out, struct type* type) { char* essential = global_token->prev->s; struct token_list* func = sym_declare(global_token->prev->s, FUNCTION, calloc(1, sizeof(struct type)), global_symbol_list); func->size = type; collect_arguments(func); /* allow previously defined functions to be looked up */ global_symbol_list = func; /* If just a prototype don't waste time */ if(global_token->s[0] == ';') global_token = global_token->next; else { out = double_emit("# Defining function ", essential, out, true); out = double_emit(":FUNCTION_", essential, out, true); out = statement(out, func); /* Prevent duplicate RETURNS */ if(strcmp(out->s, "RETURN\n")) { out = emit("RETURN\n", out); } } return out; } /* * program: * declaration * declaration program * * declaration: * type-name identifier ; * type-name identifier ( parameter-list ) ; * type-name identifier ( parameter-list ) statement * * parameter-list: * parameter-declaration * parameter-list, parameter-declaration * * parameter-declaration: * type-name identifier-opt */ struct token_list* program(struct token_list* out) { while(NULL != global_token->next) { struct type* type_size = type_name(); global_token = global_token->next; if(global_token->s[0] == ';') out = declare_global(out, type_size); else if(global_token->s[0] == '(') out = declare_function(out, type_size); else { fprintf(stderr, "Recieved %s in program\n", global_token->s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } return out; } void recursive_output(FILE* out, struct token_list* i) { if(NULL == i) return; recursive_output(out, i->next); fprintf(out, "%s", i->s); } /* Our essential organizer */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "We require more arguments\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } global_token = read_all_tokens(argv[1]); struct token_list* output_list = program(NULL); FILE* output = fopen(argv[2], "w"); fprintf(output, "\n# Core program\n\n"); recursive_output(output, output_list); fprintf(output, "\n# Program global variables\n\n"); recursive_output(output, globals_list); fprintf(output, "\n# Program strings\n\n"); recursive_output(output, strings_list); fclose(output); return 0; }