/* Copyright (C) 2016 Jeremiah Orians * This file is part of mescc-tools. * * mescc-tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mescc-tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with mescc-tools. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #define FALSE 0 //CONSTANT FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 //CONSTANT TRUE 1 #define max_string 4096 //CONSTANT max_string 4096 #define max_args 256 //CONSTANT max_args 256 char* numerate_number(int a); int match(char* a, char* b); void file_print(char* s, FILE* f); char** tokens; int command_done; int VERBOSE; int STRICT; int envp_length; /* Function for purging line comments */ void collect_comment(FILE* input) { int c; do { c = fgetc(input); if(-1 == c) { file_print("IMPROPERLY TERMINATED LINE COMMENT!\nABORTING HARD\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } while('\n' != c); } /* Function for collecting RAW strings and removing the " that goes with them */ int collect_string(FILE* input, int index, char* target) { int c; do { c = fgetc(input); if(-1 == c) { /* We never should hit EOF while collecting a RAW string */ file_print("IMPROPERLY TERMINATED RAW string!\nABORTING HARD\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if('"' == c) { /* Made it to the end */ c = 0; } target[index] = c; index = index + 1; } while(0 != c); return index; } /* Function to collect an individual argument or purge a comment */ char* collect_token(FILE* input) { char* token = calloc(max_string, sizeof(char)); char c; int i = 0; do { c = fgetc(input); if(-1 == c) { /* Deal with end of file */ file_print("execution complete\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if((' ' == c) || ('\t' == c)) { /* space and tab are token seperators */ c = 0; } else if('\n' == c) { /* Command terminates at end of line */ c = 0; command_done = 1; } else if('"' == c) { /* RAW strings are everything between a pair of "" */ i = collect_string(input, i, token); c = 0; } else if('#' == c) { /* Line comments to aid the humans */ collect_comment(input); c = 0; command_done = 1; } else if('\\' == c) { /* Support for end of line escapes, drops the char after */ fgetc(input); c = 0; } token[i] = c; i = i + 1; } while (0 != c); if(1 == i) { /* Nothing worth returning */ free(token); return NULL; } return token; } char* copy_string(char* target, char* source) { while(0 != source[0]) { target[0] = source[0]; target = target + 1; source = source + 1; } return target; } int string_length(char* a) { int i = 0; while(0 != a[i]) i = i + 1; return i; } char* prepend_string(char* add, char* base) { char* ret = calloc(max_string, sizeof(char)); copy_string(copy_string(ret, add), base); return ret; } char* find_char(char* string, char a) { if(0 == string[0]) return NULL; while(a != string[0]) { string = string + 1; if(0 == string[0]) return string; } return string; } char* prematch(char* search, char* field) { do { if(search[0] != field[0]) return NULL; search = search + 1; field = field + 1; } while(0 != search[0]); return field; } char* env_lookup(char* token, char** envp) { if(NULL == envp) return NULL; int i = 0; char* ret = NULL; do { ret = prematch(token, envp[i]); if(NULL != ret) return ret; i = i + 1; } while(NULL != envp[i]); return NULL; } char* find_executable(char* name, char* PATH) { if(('.' == name[0]) || ('/' == name[0])) { /* assume names that start with . or / are relative or absolute */ return name; } char* next = find_char(PATH, ':'); char* trial; FILE* t; while(NULL != next) { next[0] = 0; trial = prepend_string(PATH, prepend_string("/", name)); t = fopen(trial, "r"); if(NULL != t) { fclose(t); return trial; } PATH = next + 1; next = find_char(PATH, ':'); free(trial); } return NULL; } /* Function to check if the token is an envar and if it is get the pos of = */ int check_envar(char* token) { int j; int equal_found; equal_found = 0; int found; char c; for(j = 0; j < string_length(token); j = j + 1) { if(token[j] == '=') { /* After = can be anything */ equal_found = 1; break; } else { /* Should be A-z */ found = 0; /* Represented numerically; 0 = 48 through 9 = 57 */ for(c = 48; c <= 57; c = c + 1) { if(token[j] == c) { found = 1; } } /* Represented numerically; A = 65 through z = 122 */ for(c = 65; c <= 122; c = c + 1) { if(token[j] == c) { found = 1; } } if(found == 0) { /* In all likelihood this isn't actually an environment variable */ return 1; } } } if(equal_found == 0) { /* Not an envar */ return 1; } return 0; } /* Function for executing our programs with desired arguments */ void execute_commands(FILE* script, char** envp, int envp_length) { char* PATH; char* USERNAME; int i; int status; char* result; int j; int is_envar; char* program; int f; while(1) { tokens = calloc(max_args, sizeof(char*)); PATH = env_lookup("PATH=", envp); if(NULL != PATH) { PATH = calloc(max_string, sizeof(char)); copy_string(PATH, env_lookup("PATH=", envp)); } USERNAME = env_lookup("LOGNAME=", envp); if((NULL == PATH) && (NULL == USERNAME)) { PATH = calloc(max_string, sizeof(char)); copy_string(PATH, "/root/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"); } else if(NULL == PATH) { PATH = prepend_string("/home/", prepend_string(USERNAME,"/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games")); } i = 0; status = 0; command_done = 0; do { result = collect_token(script); if(0 != result) { /* Not a comment string but an actual argument */ tokens[i] = result; i = i + 1; } } while(0 == command_done); if(VERBOSE && (0 < i)) { file_print(" +> ", stdout); for(j = 0; j < i; j = j + 1) { file_print(tokens[j], stdout); fputc(' ', stdout); } file_print("\n", stdout); } if(0 < i) { /* Not a line comment */ is_envar = 0; if(check_envar(tokens[0]) == 0) { /* It's an envar! */ is_envar = 1; envp[envp_length] = tokens[0]; /* Since arrays are 0 indexed */ envp_length = envp_length + 1; } if(is_envar == 0) { /* Stuff to exec */ program = find_executable(tokens[0], PATH); if(NULL == program) { file_print(tokens[0], stderr); file_print("Some weird shit went down with: ", stderr); file_print("\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } f = fork(); if (f == -1) { file_print("fork() failure", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (f == 0) { /* child */ /* execve() returns only on error */ execve(program, tokens, envp); /* Prevent infinite loops */ _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Otherwise we are the parent */ /* And we should wait for it to complete */ waitpid(f, &status, 0); if(STRICT && (0 != status)) { /* Clearly the script hit an issue that should never have happened */ file_print("Subprocess error ", stderr); file_print(numerate_number(status), stderr); file_print("\nABORTING HARD\n", stderr); /* stop to prevent damage */ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Then go again */ } } } int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp) { VERBOSE = FALSE; STRICT = FALSE; char* filename = "kaem.run"; FILE* script = NULL; /* Get envp_length */ envp_length = 1; while(envp[envp_length] != NULL) { envp_length = envp_length + 1; } char** nenvp = calloc(envp_length + max_args, sizeof(char*)); int i; for(i = 0; i < envp_length; i = i + 1) { nenvp[i] = envp[i]; } for(i = envp_length; i < (envp_length + max_args); i = i + 1) { nenvp[i] = ""; } i = 1; while(i <= argc) { if(NULL == argv[i]) { i = i + 1; } else if(match(argv[i], "-h") || match(argv[i], "--help")) { file_print("kaem only accepts --help, --version, --file, --verbose, --nightmare-mode or no arguments\n", stdout); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if(match(argv[i], "-f") || match(argv[i], "--file")) { filename = argv[i + 1]; i = i + 2; } else if(match(argv[i], "n") || match(argv[i], "--nightmare-mode")) { file_print("Begin nightmare", stdout); envp = NULL; i = i + 1; } else if(match(argv[i], "-V") || match(argv[i], "--version")) { file_print("kaem version 0.6.0\n", stdout); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if(match(argv[i], "--verbose")) { VERBOSE = TRUE; i = i + 1; } else if(match(argv[i], "--strict")) { STRICT = TRUE; i = i + 1; } else { file_print("UNKNOWN ARGUMENT\n", stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } script = fopen(filename, "r"); if(NULL == script) { file_print("The file: ", stderr); file_print(filename, stderr); file_print(" can not be opened!\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } execute_commands(script, nenvp, envp_length); fclose(script); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }