/* Copyright (C) 2016 Jeremiah Orians * This file is part of stage0. * * stage0 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * stage0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with stage0. If not, see . */ #include "lisp.h" #include #include FILE* source_file; int Reached_EOF; struct cell* token_stack; struct cell* make_sym(char* name); struct cell* intern(char *name); struct cell* findsym(char *name); /**************************************************************** * "Convert a string into a list of tokens." * ****************************************************************/ struct cell* tokenize(struct cell* head, char* fullstring, int size) { int i = 0; int done = FALSE; if((0 >= size) || (0 == fullstring[0])) { return head; } char *store = calloc(MAX_STRING + 1, sizeof(char)); do { int c = fullstring[i]; if((i > size) || (MAX_STRING <= i)) { done = TRUE; } else if(34 == c) { store[i] = c; i = i + 1; while(34 != fullstring[i]) { store[i] = fullstring[i]; i = i + 1; } i = i + 1; done = TRUE; } else { if((' ' == c) || ('\t' == c) || ('\n' == c) | ('\r' == c)) { i = i + 1; done = TRUE; } else { store[i] = c; i = i + 1; } } } while(!done); if(i > 1) { struct cell* temp = make_sym(store); temp->cdr = head; head = temp; } else { free(store); } head = tokenize(head, (fullstring+i), (size - i)); return head; } int is_integer(char* a) { if(('0' <= a[0]) && ('9' >= a[0])) { return TRUE; } if('-' == a[0]) { if(('0' <= a[1]) && ('9' >= a[1])) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /******************************************************************** * Numbers become numbers * * Strings become strings * * Functions become functions * * quoted things become quoted * * Everything is treated like a symbol * ********************************************************************/ struct cell* atom(struct cell* a) { /* Check for quotes */ if('\'' == a->string[0]) { a->string = a->string + 1; return make_cons(quote, make_cons(a, nil)); } /* Check for strings */ if(34 == a->string[0]) { a->type = STRING; a->string = a->string + 1; return a; } /* Check for integer */ if(is_integer(a->string)) { a->type = INT; a->value = numerate_string(a->string); return a; } /* Check for functions */ struct cell* op = findsym(a->string); if(nil != op) { return op->car; } /* Assume new symbol */ all_symbols = make_cons(a, all_symbols); return a; } /**************************************************************** * "Read an expression from a sequence of tokens." * ****************************************************************/ struct cell* readlist(); struct cell* readobj() { struct cell* head = token_stack; token_stack = head->cdr; head->cdr = NULL; if (match("(", head->string)) { return readlist(); } return atom(head); } struct cell* readlist() { struct cell* head = token_stack; if (match(")", head->string)) { token_stack = head->cdr; return nil; } struct cell* tmp = readobj(); /* token_stack = head->cdr; */ return make_cons(tmp,readlist()); } /**************************************************** * Put list of tokens in correct order * ****************************************************/ struct cell* reverse_list(struct cell* head) { struct cell* root = NULL; while(NULL != head) { struct cell* next = head->cdr; head->cdr = root; root = head; head = next; } return root; } /**************************************************** * "Read a Scheme expression from a string." * ****************************************************/ struct cell* parse(char* program, int size) { token_stack = tokenize(NULL, program, size); if(NULL == token_stack) { return nil; } token_stack = reverse_list(token_stack); return readobj(); } /**************************************************** * Do the heavy lifting of reading an s-expreesion * ****************************************************/ unsigned Readline(FILE* source_file, char* temp) { int c; unsigned i; unsigned depth = 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX_STRING; i = i + 1) { restart_comment: c = fgetc(source_file); if((-1 == c) || (4 == c)) { return i; } else if(';' == c) { /* drop everything until we hit newline */ while('\n' != c) { c = fgetc(source_file); } goto restart_comment; } else if('"' == c) { /* Deal with strings */ temp[i] = c; i = i + 1; c = fgetc(source_file); while('"' != c) { temp[i] = c; i = i + 1; c = fgetc(source_file); } temp[i] = c; } else if((0 == depth) && (('\n' == c) || ('\r' == c) || (' ' == c) || ('\t' == c))) { goto Line_complete; } else if(('(' == c) || (')' == c)) { if('(' == c) { depth = depth + 1; } if(')' == c) { depth = depth - 1; } temp[i] = ' '; temp[i+1] = c; temp[i+2] = ' '; i = i + 2; } else { temp[i] = c; } } Line_complete: if(1 > i) { return Readline(source_file, temp); } return i; }