/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #ifndef _BSV_CRYPTO_API_H #define _BSV_CRYPTO_API_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! @file @brief This file contains the cryptographic ROM APIs of the Boot Services. @defgroup cc_bsv_crypto_api CryptoCell Boot Services cryptographic ROM APIs @{ @ingroup cc_bsv */ #include "cc_pal_types.h" #include "cc_sec_defs.h" #include "cc_address_defs.h" #include "bsv_crypto_defs.h" /*---------------------------- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------*/ /*! @brief This function calculates the SHA-256 digest over contiguous memory in an integrated operation. @return \c CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value from bsv_error.h on failure. */ CCError_t CC_BsvSha256( unsigned long hwBaseAddress, /*!< [in] The base address of the CryptoCell HW registers. */ uint8_t *pDataIn, /*!< [in] A pointer to the input buffer to be hashed. The buffer must be contiguous. */ size_t dataSize, /*!< [in] The size of the data to be hashed, in bytes. */ CCHashResult_t hashBuff /*!< [out] A pointer to a word-aligned 32-byte buffer. */ ); /*! @brief This function allows you to calculate SHA256 digest of an image with decryption base on AES-CTR, with HW or user key. @return \c CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value from bsv_error.h on failure. (in this case, hashBuff will be returned clean, while the output data should be cleaned by the user). */ CCError_t CC_BsvCryptoImageDecrypt( unsigned long hwBaseAddress, /*!< [in] The base address of the CryptoCell HW registers. */ CCBsvflowMode_t flow, /*!< [in] The supported operations are: HASH, AES to HASH, AES and HASH. */ CCBsvKeyType_t keyType, /*!< [in] The key type to use: Kce, Kceicv, or user key. */ uint8_t *pUserKey, /*!< [in] A pointer to the user key buffer in case keyType is CC_BSV_USER_KEY. */ size_t userKeySize, /*!< [in] The user key size in bytes (128bits) in case keyType is CC_BSV_USER_KEY. */ uint8_t *pIvBuf, /*!< [in] A pointer to the IV / counter buffer. */ uint8_t *pInputData, /*!< [in] A pointer to the input data. */ uint8_t *pOutputData, /*!< [out] A pointer to the output buffer. (optional – should be null in case of hash only). */ size_t dataSize, /*!< [in] The size of the input data in bytes. MUST be multiple of AES block size. */ CCHashResult_t hashBuff /*!< [out] A pointer to a word-aligned 32-byte digest output buffer. */ ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /** @} */