Building Supporting Tools ========================= Building and using the FIP tool ------------------------------- Firmware Image Package (FIP) is a packaging format used by TF-A to package firmware images in a single binary. The number and type of images that should be packed in a FIP is platform specific and may include TF-A images and other firmware images required by the platform. For example, most platforms require a BL33 image which corresponds to the normal world bootloader (e.g. UEFI or U-Boot). The TF-A build system provides the make target ``fip`` to create a FIP file for the specified platform using the FIP creation tool included in the TF-A project. Examples below show how to build a FIP file for FVP, packaging TF-A and BL33 images. For AArch64: .. code:: shell make PLAT=fvp BL33=/bl33.bin fip For AArch32: .. code:: shell make PLAT=fvp ARCH=aarch32 AARCH32_SP=sp_min BL33=/bl33.bin fip The resulting FIP may be found in: :: build/fvp//fip.bin For advanced operations on FIP files, it is also possible to independently build the tool and create or modify FIPs using this tool. To do this, follow these steps: It is recommended to remove old artifacts before building the tool: .. code:: shell make -C tools/fiptool clean Build the tool: .. code:: shell make [DEBUG=1] [V=1] fiptool The tool binary can be located in: :: ./tools/fiptool/fiptool Invoking the tool with ``help`` will print a help message with all available options. Example 1: create a new Firmware package ``fip.bin`` that contains BL2 and BL31: .. code:: shell ./tools/fiptool/fiptool create \ --tb-fw build///bl2.bin \ --soc-fw build///bl31.bin \ fip.bin Example 2: view the contents of an existing Firmware package: .. code:: shell ./tools/fiptool/fiptool info /fip.bin Example 3: update the entries of an existing Firmware package: .. code:: shell # Change the BL2 from Debug to Release version ./tools/fiptool/fiptool update \ --tb-fw build//release/bl2.bin \ build//debug/fip.bin Example 4: unpack all entries from an existing Firmware package: .. code:: shell # Images will be unpacked to the working directory ./tools/fiptool/fiptool unpack /fip.bin Example 5: remove an entry from an existing Firmware package: .. code:: shell ./tools/fiptool/fiptool remove \ --tb-fw build//debug/fip.bin Note that if the destination FIP file exists, the create, update and remove operations will automatically overwrite it. The unpack operation will fail if the images already exist at the destination. In that case, use -f or --force to continue. More information about FIP can be found in the :ref:`Firmware Design` document. .. _tools_build_cert_create: Building the Certificate Generation Tool ---------------------------------------- The ``cert_create`` tool is built as part of the TF-A build process when the ``fip`` make target is specified and TBB is enabled (as described in the previous section), but it can also be built separately with the following command: .. code:: shell make PLAT= [DEBUG=1] [V=1] certtool For platforms that require their own IDs in certificate files, the generic 'cert_create' tool can be built with the following command. Note that the target platform must define its IDs within a ``platform_oid.h`` header file for the build to succeed. .. code:: shell make PLAT= USE_TBBR_DEFS=0 [DEBUG=1] [V=1] certtool ``DEBUG=1`` builds the tool in debug mode. ``V=1`` makes the build process more verbose. The following command should be used to obtain help about the tool: .. code:: shell ./tools/cert_create/cert_create -h -------------- *Copyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*