Trusted Firmware-A for Socionext Synquacer SoCs =============================================== Socionext's Synquacer SC2A11 is a multi-core processor with 24 cores of Arm Cortex-A53. The Developerbox, of 96boards, is a platform that contains this processor. This port of the Trusted Firmware only supports this platform at the moment. More information are listed in `link`_. How to build ============ Code Locations -------------- - Trusted Firmware-A: `link `__ - edk2: `link `__ - edk2-platforms: `link `__ - edk2-non-osi: `link `__ Boot Flow --------- SCP firmware --> TF-A BL31 --> UEFI(edk2) Build Procedure --------------- - Firstly, in addition to the “normal” build tools you will also need a few specialist tools. On a Debian or Ubuntu operating system try: .. code:: shell sudo apt install acpica-tools device-tree-compiler uuid-dev - Secondly, create a new working directory and store the absolute path to this directory in an environment variable, WORKSPACE. It does not matter where this directory is created but as an example: .. code:: shell export WORKSPACE=$HOME/build/developerbox-firmware mkdir -p $WORKSPACE - Run the following commands to clone the source code: .. code:: shell cd $WORKSPACE git clone -b master git clone -b master git clone -b master git clone -b master - Build ATF: .. code:: shell cd $WORKSPACE/arm-trusted-firmware make -j`nproc` PLAT=synquacer PRELOADED_BL33_BASE=0x8200000 bl31 fiptool tools/fiptool/fiptool create \ --tb-fw ./build/synquacer/release/bl31.bin \ --soc-fw ./build/synquacer/release/bl31.bin \ --scp-fw ./build/synquacer/release/bl31.bin \ ../edk2-non-osi/Platform/Socionext/DeveloperBox/fip_all_arm_tf.bin - Build EDK2: .. code:: shell cd $WORKSPACE export PACKAGES_PATH=$WORKSPACE/edk2:$WORKSPACE/edk2-platforms:$WORKSPACE/edk2-non-osi export ACTIVE_PLATFORM="Platform/Socionext/DeveloperBox/DeveloperBox.dsc" export GCC5_AARCH64_PREFIX=aarch64-linux-gnu- unset ARCH . edk2/ make -C edk2/BaseTools build -p $ACTIVE_PLATFORM -b RELEASE -a AARCH64 -t GCC5 -n `nproc` -D DO_X86EMU=TRUE - The firmware image, which comprises the option ROM, ARM trusted firmware and EDK2 itself, can be found $WORKSPACE/../Build/DeveloperBox/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/. Use SYNQUACERFIRMWAREUPDATECAPSULEFMPPKCS7.Cap for UEFI capsule update and SPI_NOR_IMAGE.fd for the serial flasher. Note #1: -t GCC5 can be loosely translated as “enable link-time-optimization”; any version of gcc >= 5 will support this feature and may be used to build EDK2. Note #2: Replace -b RELEASE with -b DEBUG to build a debug. Install the System Firmware --------------------------- - Providing your Developerbox is fully working and has on operating system installed then you can adopt your the newly compiled system firmware using the capsule update method:. .. code:: shell sudo apt install fwupdate sudo fwupdate --apply {50b94ce5-8b63-4849-8af4-ea479356f0e3} \ SYNQUACERFIRMWAREUPDATECAPSULEFMPPKCS7.Cap sudo reboot - Alternatively you can install SPI_NOR_IMAGE.fd using the `board recovery method`_. .. _link: .. _board recovery method: