# # Copyright 2018-2020 NXP # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # # SHELL=/bin/bash CREATE_PBL ?= ${CREATE_PBL_TOOL_PATH}/create_pbl${BIN_EXT} BYTE_SWAP ?= ${CREATE_PBL_TOOL_PATH}/byte_swap${BIN_EXT} HOST_GCC := gcc BL2_SRC_OFFSET ?= 0x9000 BL2_HDR_SRC_OFFSET ?= 0x5000 bl2_hdr_loc=$(shell echo $$(( $(BL2_HDR_SRC_OFFSET) / 1024 ))) bl2_loc=$(shell echo $$(( $(BL2_SRC_OFFSET) / 1024 ))) .PHONY: pbl pbl: ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2.bin ifeq ($(SECURE_BOOT),yes) pbl: ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2.bin ifeq ($(RCW),"") ${Q}echo "Platform ${PLAT} requires rcw file. Please set RCW to point to the right RCW file for boot mode ${BOOT_MODE}" else # Generate header for bl2.bin $(Q)$(CST_DIR)/create_hdr_isbc --in ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2.bin --out ${BUILD_PLAT}/hdr_bl2 ${BL2_INPUT_FILE} # Compile create_pbl tool ${Q}${MAKE} CPPFLAGS="-DVERSION='\"${VERSION_STRING}\"'" --no-print-directory -C ${CREATE_PBL_TOOL_PATH};\ # Add Block Copy command for bl2.bin to RCW ${CREATE_PBL} -r ${RCW} -i ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2.bin -b ${BOOT_MODE} -c ${SOC_NUM} -d ${BL2_BASE} -e ${BL2_BASE}\ -o ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2_${BOOT_MODE}.pbl -f ${BL2_SRC_OFFSET};\ # Add Block Copy command and Load CSF header command to RCW ${CREATE_PBL} -r ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2_${BOOT_MODE}.pbl -i ${BUILD_PLAT}/hdr_bl2 -b ${BOOT_MODE} -c ${SOC_NUM} \ -d ${BL2_HDR_LOC} -e ${BL2_HDR_LOC} -s -f ${BL2_HDR_SRC_OFFSET} \ -o ${BUILD_PLAT}/rcw_sec.pbl # Sign and add "Load Security Header command to PBI commands $(Q)$(CST_DIR)/create_hdr_pbi --out ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2_${BOOT_MODE}_sec.pbl --in ${BUILD_PLAT}/rcw_sec.pbl ${PBI_INPUT_FILE} # Append the bl2_hdr to the RCW image @echo "${bl2_hdr_loc}" dd if=${BUILD_PLAT}/hdr_bl2 of=${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2_${BOOT_MODE}_sec.pbl bs=1K seek=${bl2_hdr_loc} # Append the bl2.bin to the RCW image @echo "${bl2_loc}" dd if=${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2.bin of=${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2_${BOOT_MODE}_sec.pbl bs=1K seek=${bl2_loc} rm ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2_${BOOT_MODE}.pbl cd ${CREATE_PBL_TOOL_PATH}; ${MAKE} clean ; cd -; endif else #SECURE_BOOT ifeq ($(RCW),"") ${Q}echo "Platform ${PLAT} requires rcw file. Please set RCW to point to the right RCW file for boot mode ${BOOT_MODE}" else ${Q}${MAKE} CPPFLAGS="-DVERSION='\"${VERSION_STRING}\"'" --no-print-directory -C ${CREATE_PBL_TOOL_PATH}; # Add Block Copy command and populate boot loc ptrfor bl2.bin to RCW ${CREATE_PBL} -r ${RCW} -i ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2.bin -b ${BOOT_MODE} -c ${SOC_NUM} -d ${BL2_BASE} -e ${BL2_BASE} \ -o ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2_${BOOT_MODE}.pbl -f ${BL2_SRC_OFFSET}; # Append the bl2.bin to the RCW image @echo "bl2_loc is ${bl2_offset}" dd if=${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2.bin of=${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2_${BOOT_MODE}.pbl bs=1K seek=${bl2_loc} cd ${CREATE_PBL_TOOL_PATH}; ${MAKE} clean ; cd -; endif endif # SECURE_BOOT