/* * Copyright (c) 2019, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include "socfpga_mailbox.h" #include "socfpga_sip_svc.h" /* Number of SiP Calls implemented */ #define SIP_NUM_CALLS 0x3 /* Total buffer the driver can hold */ #define FPGA_CONFIG_BUFFER_SIZE 4 static int current_block; static int read_block; static int current_buffer; static int send_id; static int rcv_id; static int max_blocks; static uint32_t bytes_per_block; static uint32_t blocks_submitted; struct fpga_config_info { uint32_t addr; int size; int size_written; uint32_t write_requested; int subblocks_sent; int block_number; }; /* SiP Service UUID */ DEFINE_SVC_UUID2(intl_svc_uid, 0xa85273b0, 0xe85a, 0x4862, 0xa6, 0x2a, 0xfa, 0x88, 0x88, 0x17, 0x68, 0x81); uint64_t socfpga_sip_handler(uint32_t smc_fid, uint64_t x1, uint64_t x2, uint64_t x3, uint64_t x4, void *cookie, void *handle, uint64_t flags) { ERROR("%s: unhandled SMC (0x%x)\n", __func__, smc_fid); SMC_RET1(handle, SMC_UNK); } struct fpga_config_info fpga_config_buffers[FPGA_CONFIG_BUFFER_SIZE]; static int intel_fpga_sdm_write_buffer(struct fpga_config_info *buffer) { uint32_t args[3]; while (max_blocks > 0 && buffer->size > buffer->size_written) { args[0] = (1<<8); args[1] = buffer->addr + buffer->size_written; if (buffer->size - buffer->size_written <= bytes_per_block) { args[2] = buffer->size - buffer->size_written; current_buffer++; current_buffer %= FPGA_CONFIG_BUFFER_SIZE; } else args[2] = bytes_per_block; buffer->size_written += args[2]; mailbox_send_cmd_async( send_id++ % MBOX_MAX_JOB_ID, MBOX_RECONFIG_DATA, args, 3, 0); buffer->subblocks_sent++; max_blocks--; } return !max_blocks; } static int intel_fpga_sdm_write_all(void) { for (int i = 0; i < FPGA_CONFIG_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) if (intel_fpga_sdm_write_buffer( &fpga_config_buffers[current_buffer])) break; return 0; } uint32_t intel_mailbox_fpga_config_isdone(void) { uint32_t ret = intel_mailbox_get_config_status(MBOX_RECONFIG_STATUS); if (ret) { if (ret == MBOX_CFGSTAT_STATE_CONFIG) return INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_BUSY; else return INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_ERROR; } return INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_OK; } static int mark_last_buffer_xfer_completed(uint32_t *buffer_addr_completed) { int i; for (i = 0; i < FPGA_CONFIG_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { if (fpga_config_buffers[i].block_number == current_block) { fpga_config_buffers[i].subblocks_sent--; if (fpga_config_buffers[i].subblocks_sent == 0 && fpga_config_buffers[i].size <= fpga_config_buffers[i].size_written) { fpga_config_buffers[i].write_requested = 0; current_block++; *buffer_addr_completed = fpga_config_buffers[i].addr; return 0; } } } return -1; } int intel_fpga_config_completed_write(uint32_t *completed_addr, uint32_t *count) { uint32_t status = INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_OK; *count = 0; int resp_len = 0; uint32_t resp[5]; int all_completed = 1; while (*count < 3) { resp_len = mailbox_read_response(rcv_id % MBOX_MAX_JOB_ID, resp, sizeof(resp) / sizeof(resp[0])); if (resp_len < 0) break; max_blocks++; rcv_id++; if (mark_last_buffer_xfer_completed( &completed_addr[*count]) == 0) *count = *count + 1; else break; } if (*count <= 0) { if (resp_len != MBOX_NO_RESPONSE && resp_len != MBOX_TIMEOUT && resp_len != 0) { mailbox_clear_response(); return INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_ERROR; } *count = 0; } intel_fpga_sdm_write_all(); if (*count > 0) status = INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_OK; else if (*count == 0) status = INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_BUSY; for (int i = 0; i < FPGA_CONFIG_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { if (fpga_config_buffers[i].write_requested != 0) { all_completed = 0; break; } } if (all_completed == 1) return INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_OK; return status; } int intel_fpga_config_start(uint32_t config_type) { uint32_t response[3]; int status = 0; mailbox_clear_response(); mailbox_send_cmd(1, MBOX_CMD_CANCEL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0); status = mailbox_send_cmd(1, MBOX_RECONFIG, 0, 0, 0, response, sizeof(response) / sizeof(response[0])); if (status < 0) return status; max_blocks = response[0]; bytes_per_block = response[1]; for (int i = 0; i < FPGA_CONFIG_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { fpga_config_buffers[i].size = 0; fpga_config_buffers[i].size_written = 0; fpga_config_buffers[i].addr = 0; fpga_config_buffers[i].write_requested = 0; fpga_config_buffers[i].block_number = 0; fpga_config_buffers[i].subblocks_sent = 0; } blocks_submitted = 0; current_block = 0; read_block = 0; current_buffer = 0; send_id = 0; rcv_id = 0; return 0; } static bool is_fpga_config_buffer_full(void) { for (int i = 0; i < FPGA_CONFIG_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) if (!fpga_config_buffers[i].write_requested) return false; return true; } static bool is_address_in_ddr_range(uint64_t addr) { if (addr >= DRAM_BASE && addr <= DRAM_BASE + DRAM_SIZE) return true; return false; } uint32_t intel_fpga_config_write(uint64_t mem, uint64_t size) { int i; intel_fpga_sdm_write_all(); if (!is_address_in_ddr_range(mem) || !is_address_in_ddr_range(mem + size) || is_fpga_config_buffer_full()) return INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_REJECTED; for (i = 0; i < FPGA_CONFIG_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { int j = (i + current_buffer) % FPGA_CONFIG_BUFFER_SIZE; if (!fpga_config_buffers[j].write_requested) { fpga_config_buffers[j].addr = mem; fpga_config_buffers[j].size = size; fpga_config_buffers[j].size_written = 0; fpga_config_buffers[j].write_requested = 1; fpga_config_buffers[j].block_number = blocks_submitted++; fpga_config_buffers[j].subblocks_sent = 0; break; } } if (is_fpga_config_buffer_full()) return INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_BUSY; return INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_OK; } /* * This function is responsible for handling all SiP calls from the NS world */ uintptr_t sip_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid, u_register_t x1, u_register_t x2, u_register_t x3, u_register_t x4, void *cookie, void *handle, u_register_t flags) { uint32_t status = INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_OK; uint32_t completed_addr[3]; uint32_t count = 0; switch (smc_fid) { case SIP_SVC_UID: /* Return UID to the caller */ SMC_UUID_RET(handle, intl_svc_uid); break; case INTEL_SIP_SMC_FPGA_CONFIG_ISDONE: status = intel_mailbox_fpga_config_isdone(); SMC_RET4(handle, status, 0, 0, 0); break; case INTEL_SIP_SMC_FPGA_CONFIG_GET_MEM: SMC_RET3(handle, INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_OK, INTEL_SIP_SMC_FPGA_CONFIG_ADDR, INTEL_SIP_SMC_FPGA_CONFIG_SIZE - INTEL_SIP_SMC_FPGA_CONFIG_ADDR); break; case INTEL_SIP_SMC_FPGA_CONFIG_START: status = intel_fpga_config_start(x1); SMC_RET4(handle, status, 0, 0, 0); break; case INTEL_SIP_SMC_FPGA_CONFIG_WRITE: status = intel_fpga_config_write(x1, x2); SMC_RET4(handle, status, 0, 0, 0); break; case INTEL_SIP_SMC_FPGA_CONFIG_COMPLETED_WRITE: status = intel_fpga_config_completed_write(completed_addr, &count); switch (count) { case 1: SMC_RET4(handle, INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_OK, completed_addr[0], 0, 0); break; case 2: SMC_RET4(handle, INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_OK, completed_addr[0], completed_addr[1], 0); break; case 3: SMC_RET4(handle, INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_OK, completed_addr[0], completed_addr[1], completed_addr[2]); break; case 0: SMC_RET4(handle, status, 0, 0, 0); break; default: mailbox_clear_response(); SMC_RET1(handle, INTEL_SIP_SMC_STATUS_ERROR); } break; default: return socfpga_sip_handler(smc_fid, x1, x2, x3, x4, cookie, handle, flags); } } DECLARE_RT_SVC( socfpga_sip_svc, OEN_SIP_START, OEN_SIP_END, SMC_TYPE_FAST, NULL, sip_smc_handler ); DECLARE_RT_SVC( socfpga_sip_svc_std, OEN_SIP_START, OEN_SIP_END, SMC_TYPE_YIELD, NULL, sip_smc_handler );