/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Arm Limited. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ /* eslint-env es6 */ "use strict"; const cz = require("./.cz.json"); /* * Convert the Commitizen types array into the format accepted by the Conventional Changelog * Conventional Commits plugin (which our own plugin extends). */ const types = cz.types.map(type => { if (!type.hidden) { /* * Conventional Changelog prevents each section from appearing only if it has no designated * title, regardless of the value of the `hidden` flag. */ type.section = type.title; } delete type.title; delete type.description; return type; }); module.exports = { "header": "# Change Log & Release Notes\n\nThis document contains a summary of the new features, changes, fixes and known\nissues in each release of Trusted Firmware-A.\n", "preset": { "name": "tf-a", "commitUrlFormat": "https://review.trustedfirmware.org/plugins/gitiles/TF-A/trusted-firmware-a/+/{{hash}}", "compareUrlFormat": "https://review.trustedfirmware.org/plugins/gitiles/TF-A/trusted-firmware-a/+/{{previousTag}}..{{currentTag}}", "userUrlFormat": "https://github.com/{{user}}", "types": types, "sections": cz.sections, }, "bumpFiles": [ { "filename": "Makefile", "updater": { "readVersion": function (contents) { const major = contents.match(/^VERSION_MAJOR\s*:=\s*(\d+?)$/m)[1]; const minor = contents.match(/^VERSION_MINOR\s*:=\s*(\d+?)$/m)[1]; return `${major}.${minor}.0`; }, "writeVersion": function (contents, version) { const major = version.split(".")[0]; const minor = version.split(".")[1]; contents = contents.replace(/^(VERSION_MAJOR\s*:=\s*)(\d+?)$/m, `$1${major}`); contents = contents.replace(/^(VERSION_MINOR\s*:=\s*)(\d+?)$/m, `$1${minor}`); return contents; } } } ] };