
311 lines
7.9 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <arch.h>
#include <asm_macros.S>
#include <bl_common.h>
#include <cortex_a53.h>
#include <cpu_macros.S>
#include <debug.h>
#include <plat_macros.S>
#undef ERRATA_A53_836870
#define ERRATA_A53_836870 1
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Disable L1 data cache and unified L2 cache
* ---------------------------------------------
func cortex_a53_disable_dcache
mrs x1, sctlr_el3
bic x1, x1, #SCTLR_C_BIT
msr sctlr_el3, x1
endfunc cortex_a53_disable_dcache
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Disable intra-cluster coherency
* ---------------------------------------------
func cortex_a53_disable_smp
mrs x0, CORTEX_A53_ECTLR_EL1
bic x0, x0, #CORTEX_A53_ECTLR_SMP_BIT
msr CORTEX_A53_ECTLR_EL1, x0
dsb sy
endfunc cortex_a53_disable_smp
/* --------------------------------------------------
* Errata Workaround for Cortex A53 Errata #826319.
* This applies only to revision <= r0p2 of Cortex A53.
* Inputs:
* x0: variant[4:7] and revision[0:3] of current cpu.
* Shall clobber: x0-x17
* --------------------------------------------------
func errata_a53_826319_wa
* Compare x0 against revision r0p2
mov x17, x30
bl check_errata_826319
cbz x0, 1f
mrs x1, CORTEX_A53_L2ACTLR_EL1
msr CORTEX_A53_L2ACTLR_EL1, x1
ret x17
endfunc errata_a53_826319_wa
func check_errata_826319
mov x1, #0x02
b cpu_rev_var_ls
endfunc check_errata_826319
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Disable the cache non-temporal hint.
* This ignores the Transient allocation hint in the MAIR and treats
* allocations the same as non-transient allocation types. As a result,
* the LDNP and STNP instructions in AArch64 behave the same as the
* equivalent LDP and STP instructions.
* This is relevant only for revisions <= r0p3 of Cortex-A53.
* From r0p4 and onwards, the bit to disable the hint is enabled by
* default at reset.
* Inputs:
* x0: variant[4:7] and revision[0:3] of current cpu.
* Shall clobber: x0-x17
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
func a53_disable_non_temporal_hint
* Compare x0 against revision r0p3
mov x17, x30
bl check_errata_disable_non_temporal_hint
cbz x0, 1f
mrs x1, CORTEX_A53_ACTLR_EL1
orr x1, x1, #CORTEX_A53_ACTLR_DTAH
msr CORTEX_A53_ACTLR_EL1, x1
ret x17
endfunc a53_disable_non_temporal_hint
func check_errata_disable_non_temporal_hint
mov x1, #0x03
b cpu_rev_var_ls
endfunc check_errata_disable_non_temporal_hint
/* --------------------------------------------------
* Errata Workaround for Cortex A53 Errata #855873.
* This applies only to revisions >= r0p3 of Cortex A53.
* Earlier revisions of the core are affected as well, but don't
* have the chicken bit in the CPUACTLR register. It is expected that
* the rich OS takes care of that, especially as the workaround is
* shared with other erratas in those revisions of the CPU.
* Inputs:
* x0: variant[4:7] and revision[0:3] of current cpu.
* Shall clobber: x0-x17
* --------------------------------------------------
func errata_a53_855873_wa
* Compare x0 against revision r0p3 and higher
mov x17, x30
bl check_errata_855873
cbz x0, 1f
mrs x1, CORTEX_A53_ACTLR_EL1
msr CORTEX_A53_ACTLR_EL1, x1
ret x17
endfunc errata_a53_855873_wa
func check_errata_855873
mov x1, #0x03
b cpu_rev_var_hs
endfunc check_errata_855873
* Errata workaround for Cortex A53 Errata #835769.
* This applies to revisions <= r0p4 of Cortex A53.
* This workaround is statically enabled at build time.
func check_errata_835769
mov x1, #0x04
b cpu_rev_var_ls
endfunc check_errata_835769
* Errata workaround for Cortex A53 Errata #843419.
* This applies to revisions <= r0p4 of Cortex A53.
* This workaround is statically enabled at build time.
func check_errata_843419
mov x1, #0x04
b cpu_rev_var_ls
endfunc check_errata_843419
/* -------------------------------------------------
* The CPU Ops reset function for Cortex-A53.
* Shall clobber: x0-x19
* -------------------------------------------------
func cortex_a53_reset_func
mov x19, x30
bl cpu_get_rev_var
mov x18, x0
#if ERRATA_A53_826319
mov x0, x18
bl errata_a53_826319_wa
#if ERRATA_A53_836870
mov x0, x18
bl a53_disable_non_temporal_hint
#if ERRATA_A53_855873
mov x0, x18
bl errata_a53_855873_wa
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Enable the SMP bit.
* ---------------------------------------------
mrs x0, CORTEX_A53_ECTLR_EL1
orr x0, x0, #CORTEX_A53_ECTLR_SMP_BIT
msr CORTEX_A53_ECTLR_EL1, x0
ret x19
endfunc cortex_a53_reset_func
func cortex_a53_core_pwr_dwn
mov x18, x30
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Turn off caches.
* ---------------------------------------------
bl cortex_a53_disable_dcache
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Flush L1 caches.
* ---------------------------------------------
mov x0, #DCCISW
bl dcsw_op_level1
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Come out of intra cluster coherency
* ---------------------------------------------
mov x30, x18
b cortex_a53_disable_smp
endfunc cortex_a53_core_pwr_dwn
func cortex_a53_cluster_pwr_dwn
mov x18, x30
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Turn off caches.
* ---------------------------------------------
bl cortex_a53_disable_dcache
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Flush L1 caches.
* ---------------------------------------------
mov x0, #DCCISW
bl dcsw_op_level1
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Disable the optional ACP.
* ---------------------------------------------
bl plat_disable_acp
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Flush L2 caches.
* ---------------------------------------------
mov x0, #DCCISW
bl dcsw_op_level2
/* ---------------------------------------------
* Come out of intra cluster coherency
* ---------------------------------------------
mov x30, x18
b cortex_a53_disable_smp
endfunc cortex_a53_cluster_pwr_dwn
* Errata printing function for Cortex A53. Must follow AAPCS.
func cortex_a53_errata_report
stp x8, x30, [sp, #-16]!
bl cpu_get_rev_var
mov x8, x0
* Report all errata. The revision-variant information is passed to
* checking functions of each errata.
report_errata ERRATA_A53_826319, cortex_a53, 826319
report_errata ERRATA_A53_835769, cortex_a53, 835769
report_errata ERRATA_A53_836870, cortex_a53, disable_non_temporal_hint
report_errata ERRATA_A53_843419, cortex_a53, 843419
report_errata ERRATA_A53_855873, cortex_a53, 855873
ldp x8, x30, [sp], #16
endfunc cortex_a53_errata_report
/* ---------------------------------------------
* This function provides cortex_a53 specific
* register information for crash reporting.
* It needs to return with x6 pointing to
* a list of register names in ascii and
* x8 - x15 having values of registers to be
* reported.
* ---------------------------------------------
.section .rodata.cortex_a53_regs, "aS"
cortex_a53_regs: /* The ascii list of register names to be reported */
.asciz "cpuectlr_el1", "cpumerrsr_el1", "l2merrsr_el1", \
"cpuactlr_el1", ""
func cortex_a53_cpu_reg_dump
adr x6, cortex_a53_regs
mrs x8, CORTEX_A53_ECTLR_EL1
mrs x10, CORTEX_A53_L2MERRSR_EL1
mrs x11, CORTEX_A53_ACTLR_EL1
endfunc cortex_a53_cpu_reg_dump
declare_cpu_ops cortex_a53, CORTEX_A53_MIDR, \
cortex_a53_reset_func, \
cortex_a53_core_pwr_dwn, \