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;;; Gash -- Guile As SHell
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2021 Timothy Sample <>
;;; This file is part of Gash.
;;; Gash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; Gash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Gash. If not, see <>.
(use-modules (gnu packages bash)
(gnu packages python)
(gnu packages time)
(guix gexp)
(guix git-download)
(guix modules)
(guix monads)
(guix packages)
(guix store))
(let* ((commit "0869f9cd4d63ff6317ed7c3718e15c14aeb44d79")
(version (git-version "0.6.pre21" "0" commit))
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "")
(commit commit)))
(file-name (string-append "oil-" version "-checkout"))
(run-with-store (open-connection)
(with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
'((guix build utils)))
(string-append "oil-tests-" version)
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(ice-9 match)
(ice-9 rdelim)
(ice-9 regex)
(srfi srfi-1))
(copy-recursively #$source #$output)
(setenv "PATH" (list->search-path-as-string
(map (lambda (p)
(string-append p "/bin"))
(list #$bash-minimal
(chdir #$output)
(for-each patch-shebang
(substitute* "test/"
(("/usr/bin/env time") (which "time")))
;; Disable all shells. This is mostly for reproducibility,
;; since it is annoying when the tests fail because a
;; different set of reference shells are available.
(substitute* "test/"
(("readonly BASH=\\$[(]shell-path bash[)]") "readonly BASH=")
(("BUSYBOX_ASH=_tmp/shells/ash") "BUSYBOX_ASH=")
(("readonly DASH=\\$[(]shell-path dash[)]") "readonly DASH=")
(("readonly MKSH=\\$[(]shell-path mksh[)]") "readonly MKSH=")
(("readonly ZSH=\\$[(]shell-path zsh[)]") "readonly ZSH="))
;; This is not necessary, but it makes the output nicer.
(substitute* "test/"
(("which \\$name") "which $name 2>/dev/null"))
;; We want to omit tests that use features we do not
;; support yet. This lets us add tests quickly, and expand
;; to the more integrated tests as we are able.
(let ((filter-tests
(lambda (tests file)
(format #t "Removing tests from ~a:~%" file)
(with-atomic-file-replacement file
(lambda (in out)
;; The Oil tests are encoded as UTF-8, so we
;; set the encoding on the two ports to ensure
;; that Guile preserves non-ASCII characters.
(set-port-encoding! in "UTF-8")
(set-port-encoding! out "UTF-8")
(let loop ((line (read-line in 'concat))
(transformers #t))
((eof-object? line) #t)
((string-prefix? "####" line)
(let* ((name-part (substring line 4))
(name (string-trim-both name-part)))
(match (assoc name tests)
((_ . ())
(format #t " - ~a~%" name)
(loop (read-line in 'concat) #f))
((_ . (transformers ..1))
(format #t " * ~a~%" name)
(display line out)
(loop (read-line in 'concat) transformers))
(display line out)
(loop (read-line in 'concat) #t)))))
(match transformers
(#f #t)
(#t (display line out))
(((targets replacements) ..1)
(fold (lambda (target replacement line)
#f target line
'pre replacement 'post))
targets replacements)
(loop (read-line in 'concat) transformers))))))))
(;; These are Bash specific.
("Side Effect in Array Indexing")
("Array indexing in arith")
;; These go beyond POSIX.
("Invalid string to int with strict-arith")
("Increment undefined variables")
("Increment and decrement array")
("Increment undefined variables with nounset")
("Comma operator (borrowed from C)")
("Constants in base 36")
("Constants in bases 2 to 64")
("Dynamic base constants")
;; Following POSIX, we keep the quotes in the
;; expession.
("Constant with quotes like '1'"
("N-I bash/zsh" "N-I bash/zsh/gash"))
;; Follow bash/mksh and return status 1.
("No floating point"
("OK bash/mksh" "OK bash/mksh/gash"))
;; We do not support nounset yet.
("nounset with arithmetic")
;; We return 1 here.
("Invalid LValue"
("## status: 2" ,(string-append
"## status: 2\n"
"## OK gash status: 1\n")))
;; Follow Dash on these two.
("Invalid LValue that looks like array"
("N-I dash" "N-I dash/gash"))
("Invalid LValue: two sets of brackets"
("N-I dash" "N-I dash/gash"))
;; We do not support exponentiation.
("Exponentiation with **")
("Exponentiation operator has buggy precedence")
;; This test seems to be broken.
("Logical Ops Short Circuit"
("\\(\\(" "y=$(("))
;; Not sure about this one. We only do one
;; layer of variable lookup.
("Bizarre recursive name evaluation - result of runtime parse/eval"
("## stdout: 6 6 6 6"
"## stdout: 6 6 6 6\n"
"## OK gash stdout: 6 1 1 1\n")))))
(;; These two are Bash specific.
("Case statement with ;;&")
("Case statement with ;&")))
(;; We match KornShell here.
("Making keyword out of command sub should NOT work"
("OK mksh" "OK mksh/gash"))
;; We need an absolute path for Python.
("Command Sub trailing newline removed"
("python" ,(string-append #$python-2 "/bin/python")))
("Command Sub trailing whitespace not removed"
("python" ,(string-append #$python-2 "/bin/python")))
;; This one is Bash specific.
("Command Sub in local sets exit code")
;; We match KornShell here.
("Syntax errors with double quotes within backticks"
("OK mksh STDOUT" "OK mksh/gash STDOUT"))))
(;; We do not have the time built-in.
("errexit and time { }")
;; Follow Dash on this one.
("errexit with (( ))"
("N-I dash" "N-I dash/gash"))
;; These next two are due to a difference
;; between the Oil shell and every other shell.
;; Oil thinks that setting the errexit option in
;; a context in which it is normally ignored
;; should make it no longer ignored. We leave
;; it ignored like every other shell.
("setting errexit while it's being ignored")
("setting errexit while it's being ignored in a subshell")
;; We do not do background processes yet.
("background processes respect errexit")))
(;; We do not do tilde expansion yet.
("no glob after ~ expansion")
;; These two are Bash specific.
("store literal globs in array then expand")
("glob inside array")
;; These next two need character classes, which
;; are not yet implemented.
("glob with char class expression")
(": escaped")
;; These next four go beyond POSIX.
("shopt -s nullglob")
("shopt -s failglob")
("Don't glob flags on file system with GLOBIGNORE")
("Splitting/Globbing doesn't happen on local assignment")
;; This test is broken. It relies on '^' to
;; negate bracket expressions, but this is not
;; required by POSIX. The specified character
;; is '!', so we patch the test.
("Glob of negated unescaped [[] and []]"
("\\[\\^" "[!"))
;; These last two go beyond POSIX.
("PatSub of unescaped [[] and []]")
("PatSub of negated unescaped [[] and []]")))
(;; We do not do tilde expansion yet.
("Tilde expansion within for loop")
;; This is beyond POSIX.
("Brace Expansion within Array"
("N-I dash" "N-I dash/gash"))
;; We match Bash here.
("for loop with invalid identifier"
("OK bash" "OK bash/gash"))
;; For these next two, we do not have arithmetic
;; substitution, but we can use 'expr' instead.
("while in pipe"
("\\$\\(\\(i\\+1\\)\\)" "$(expr $i + 1)"))
("while in pipe with subshell"
("\\$\\(\\(i\\+1\\)\\)" "$(expr $i + 1)"))
;; The Oil shell handles this statically. We
;; will treat it as a fatal run-time error (for
;; now).
("too many args to continue"
("## status: 2" ,(string-append
"## status: 2\n"
"## OK gash status: 1\n"
"## OK gash STDOUT:\n"
"## END")))))
(;; We match KornShell on these two tests.
("Unterminated single quote"
("OK mksh" "OK mksh/gash"))
("Unterminated double quote"
("OK mksh" "OK mksh/gash"))
;; The rest of these are well beyond POSIX.
("$'' with quotes")
("$'' with newlines")
("$'' octal escapes don't have leading 0")
("$'' octal escapes with fewer than 3 chars")
(;; This test requires local variables, which is
;; a Bash extension.
("IFS is scoped")
;; We do not do tilde expansion yet.
("Tilde sub is not split, but var sub is")
;; These tests rely on 'echo -e', but we can use
;; Guile instead.
("IFS empty doesn't do splitting"
("echo -e ' a b\\\\tc\\\\n'"
"guile -c '(display \" a b\\tc\\n\")'"))
("IFS unset behaves like $' \\t\\n'"
("echo -e ' a b\\\\tc\\\\n'"
"guile -c '(display \" a b\\tc\\n\")'"))))
(;; We match Bash here.
("Bad var sub"
("OK bash" "OK bash/gash"))
;; This test expects 'ls' to be at '/bin/ls',
;; which isn't the case on GuixSD.
("Braced block inside ${}"
("which ls" "guile -c '(display \"/bin/ls\")'"))
;; We match KornShell here.
("Here doc with bad \"$@\" delimiter"
("OK mksh" "OK mksh/gash"))))
(;; We match Bash and Dash here, just not Oil.
("Redirect in assignment is invalid"
("OK bash" "OK bash/gash"))
;; Again, we match Dash here (though not Bash).
("Redirect in assignment"
("OK dash" "OK dash/gash"))
;; This test requires arithmetic substitutions.
("Redirect in function body is evaluated multiple times")
;; We match KornShell here.
("Prefix redirect for loop -- not allowed"
("OK mksh" "OK mksh/gash"))
;; We do not support named file descriptors
;; (they are not in POSIX).
("Named file descriptor")
;; This requires the errexit option, which we do
;; not use yet.
(">| to clobber")
;; This is Bash specific.
("&> redirects stdout and stderr")
;; This seems to go beyond POSIX.
("1>&2- to close file descriptor")
;; Again, this is Bash specific.
("&>> appends stdout and stderr")))
(;; These tests are Bash specific.
("Remove const suffix is vectorized on user array")
("Remove const suffix is vectorized on $@ array")
("Prepend using replacement of #")
("Append using replacement of %")
;; Character classes are not implemented, but we
;; do have support for ranges.
("Strip char class"
("\\[:alpha:\\]" "a-c"))
;; We follow Dash here.
("Nested % and # operators (bug reported by Crestwave)"
("N-I dash" "N-I dash/gash")))))))
(for-each (match-lambda
((file tests) (filter-tests tests file)))
;; Local Variables:
;; eval: (put 'with-atomic-file-replacement 'scheme-indent-function 1)
;; End: