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;;; The Geesh Shell Interpreter
;;; Copyright 2018 Timothy Sample <>
;;; This file is part of Geesh.
;;; Geesh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; Geesh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Geesh. If not, see <>.
(define-module (test-parser)
#:use-module (geesh parser)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-64)
#:use-module (tests automake))
;;; Commentary:
;;; Tests for the parser module.
;;; Code:
(define (parse str)
(call-with-input-string str read-sh))
(test-begin "reader")
;; Commands and lists
(test-equal "Parses simple command"
'(<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(parse "echo foo"))
(test-equal "Parses command with keywords as arguments"
'(<sh-exec> "echo" "{" "!" "for" "}")
(parse "echo { ! for }"))
(test-equal "Parses command lists"
'(<sh-begin> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(parse "echo foo; echo bar"))
(test-equal "Parses asynchronous command lists"
'(<sh-begin> (<sh-async> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo"))
(<sh-async> (<sh-exec> "echo" "bar")))
(parse "echo foo& echo bar&"))
(test-equal "Parses mixed command lists"
'(<sh-begin> (<sh-async> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo"))
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(parse "echo foo& echo bar"))
(test-equal "Parses commands with assignments"
'(<sh-exec-let> (("FOO" "bar"))
"echo" (<sh-ref> "FOO"))
(parse "FOO=bar echo $FOO"))
(test-equal "Parses commands with default redirects"
'(<sh-with-redirects> ((> 1 "bar"))
(<sh-exec> "echo" "foo"))
(parse "echo foo > bar"))
(test-equal "Parses commands with specific redirects"
'(<sh-with-redirects> ((< 5 "bar"))
(<sh-exec> "echo" "foo"))
(parse "echo foo 5< bar"))
(test-equal "Parses commands with dup redirects"
'(<sh-with-redirects> ((>& 1 "3"))
(<sh-exec> "exec"))
(parse "exec >&3"))
(test-equal "Parses commands with close redirects"
'(<sh-with-redirects> ((<& 3 "-"))
(<sh-exec> "exec"))
(parse "exec 3<&-"))
(test-equal "Parses redirects without a command"
'(<sh-with-redirects> ((>& 2 "1")) #f)
(parse "2>&1"))
(test-equal "Parses command with prefix redirect and no arguments"
'(<sh-with-redirects> ((< 0 "bar"))
(<sh-exec> "cat"))
(parse "<bar cat"))
(test-equal "Parses assignments"
'(<sh-set!> ("FOO" "bar"))
(parse "FOO=bar"))
(test-equal "Parses multiple assignments"
'(<sh-set!> ("FOO" "bar") ("BAZ" "quux"))
(parse "FOO=bar BAZ=quux"))
(test-equal "Parses redirects with assignments but no command"
'(<sh-with-redirects> ((> 2 "bar"))
(<sh-set!> ("FOO" "bar")))
(parse "FOO=bar 2>bar"))
;; Boolean expressions
(test-equal "Parses disjunctions"
'(<sh-or> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(parse "echo foo || echo bar"))
(test-equal "Parses conjunctions"
'(<sh-and> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(parse "echo foo && echo bar"))
(test-equal "Parses conjunction than disjunction"
'(<sh-or> (<sh-and> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(<sh-exec> "echo" "baz"))
(parse "echo foo && echo bar || echo baz"))
(test-equal "Parses disjunction than conjunction"
'(<sh-and> (<sh-or> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(<sh-exec> "echo" "baz"))
(parse "echo foo || echo bar && echo baz"))
(test-equal "Parses negations"
'(<sh-not> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo"))
(parse "! echo foo"))
(test-equal "Parses negated pipelines"
'(<sh-not> (<sh-pipeline> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar")))
(parse "! echo foo | echo bar"))
;; Pipelines
(test-equal "Parses pipelines"
'(<sh-pipeline> (<sh-exec> "cat" "foo.txt")
(<sh-exec> "grep" "bar"))
(parse "cat foo.txt | grep bar"))
;; Brace groups and subshells
(test-equal "Parses brace groups"
'(<sh-begin> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(parse "{ echo foo
echo bar; }"))
(test-equal "Parses subshells"
'(<sh-subshell> (<sh-begin> (<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar")))
(parse "(echo foo; echo bar)"))
;; Here documents
(test-equal "Parses one here-document in a complete command"
'(<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "foo\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat"))
(parse "cat <<eof\nfoo\neof"))
(test-equal "Parses multiple here-documents in a complete command"
'(<sh-begin> (<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "foo\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat"))
(<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "bar\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat")))
(parse "cat <<eof1; cat <<eof2\nfoo\neof1\nbar\neof2"))
(test-equal "Parses one here-document in a compound list"
(<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "foo\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat")))
(parse "(cat <<eof\nfoo\neof\n)"))
(test-equal "Parses multiple here-documents in a compound list"
(<sh-begin> (<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "foo\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat"))
(<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "bar\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat"))))
(parse "(cat <<eof1; cat <<eof2\nfoo\neof1\nbar\neof2\n)"))
(test-equal "Parses here-documents in both simultaneously"
'(<sh-begin> (<sh-subshell>
(<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "foo\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat")))
(<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "bar\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat")))
(parse "(cat <<eof1); cat <<eof2\nfoo\neof1\nbar\neof2"))
(test-equal "Parses two here-documents split by two newlines"
(<sh-begin> (<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "foo\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat"))
(<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "bar\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat"))))
(parse "(\ncat <<eof\nfoo\neof\n\ncat <<eof\nbar\neof\n)"))
(test-equal "Parses tab-trimming here-document"
'(<sh-with-redirects> ((<< 0 (<sh-quote> "foo\n")))
(<sh-exec> "cat"))
(parse "cat <<-eof\n\tfoo\n\teof"))
;; For loops
(test-equal "Parses for loops over parameters without seperator"
'(<sh-for> ("x" ((<sh-quote> (<sh-ref> "@"))))
(<sh-exec> "echo" (<sh-ref> "x")))
(parse "for x do echo $x; done"))
(test-equal "Parses for loops over parameters with seperator"
'(<sh-for> ("x" ((<sh-quote> (<sh-ref> "@"))))
(<sh-exec> "echo" (<sh-ref> "x")))
(parse "for x; do echo $x; done"))
(test-equal "Parses for loops over parameters with \"in\""
'(<sh-for> ("x" ())
(<sh-exec> "echo" (<sh-ref> "x")))
(parse "for x in; do echo $x; done"))
(test-equal "Parses for loops over word lists"
'(<sh-for> ("x" ("foo" "bar" "baz"))
(<sh-exec> "echo" (<sh-ref> "x")))
(parse "for x in foo bar baz; do echo $x; done"))
;; Case statements
(test-equal "Parses case statements with final seperator"
'(<sh-case> (<sh-ref> "foo")
(("bar") (<sh-exec> "echo" "bar")))
(parse "case $foo in bar) echo bar ;; esac"))
(test-equal "Parses case statements without final seperator"
'(<sh-case> (<sh-ref> "foo")
(("bar") (<sh-exec> "echo" "bar")))
(parse "case $foo in bar) echo bar; esac"))
(test-equal "Parses empty case statements"
'(<sh-case> (<sh-ref> "foo"))
(parse "case $foo in esac"))
(test-equal "Parses case statements with empty case item"
'(<sh-case> (<sh-ref> "foo")
(("bar") #f))
(parse "case $foo in bar) esac"))
(test-equal "Parses case statements with multiple case items"
'(<sh-case> (<sh-ref> "foo")
(("bar") (<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(("baz") (<sh-exec> "echo" "baz")))
(parse "case $foo in bar) echo bar ;; baz) echo baz; esac"))
(test-equal "Parses case statements with compound patterns"
'(<sh-case> (<sh-ref> "foo")
(("bar" "baz") (<sh-exec> "echo" (<sh-quote> "bar or baz"))))
(parse "case $foo in bar | baz) echo 'bar or baz' ;; esac"))
;; If statements
(test-equal "Parses one-branch if statements"
((<sh-exec> "[" (<sh-ref> "foo") "=" "bar" "]")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar")))
(parse "if [ $foo = bar ]; then echo bar; fi"))
(test-equal "Parses two-branch if statements"
((<sh-exec> "[" (<sh-ref> "foo") "=" "bar" "]")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(<sh-exec> "echo" "baz")))
(parse "if [ $foo = bar ]; then echo bar; else echo baz; fi"))
(test-equal "Parses multi-branch if statements"
((<sh-exec> "[" (<sh-ref> "foo") "=" "bar" "]")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
((<sh-exec> "[" (<sh-ref> "foo") "=" "baz" "]")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "baz"))
(<sh-exec> "echo" "quux")))
(parse "if [ $foo = bar ]
echo bar
elif [ $foo = baz ]
echo baz
echo quux
;; While and until loops
(test-equal "Parses while loops"
'(<sh-while> (<sh-exec> "is-foo-time")
(<sh-exec> "foo"))
(parse "while is-foo-time; do foo; done"))
(test-equal "Parses until loops"
'(<sh-until> (<sh-exec> "is-no-longer-foo-time")
(<sh-exec> "foo"))
(parse "until is-no-longer-foo-time; do foo; done"))
;; Functions
(test-equal "Parses functions"
'(<sh-defun> "foo"
(<sh-exec> "echo" "foo"))
(parse "foo() { echo foo; }"))
;; Nested commands
(test-equal "Parses bracketed command substitions"
'(<sh-exec> "echo"
(<sh-cmd-sub> (<sh-exec> "foo"))
(<sh-cmd-sub> (<sh-exec> "bar")))
(parse "echo $(foo) $(bar)"))
(test-equal "Parses nested bracketed command substitions"
'(<sh-exec> "echo"
(<sh-cmd-sub> (<sh-exec> "foo"
(<sh-cmd-sub> (<sh-exec> "bar")))))
(parse "echo $(foo $(bar))"))
(test-equal "Parses empty bracketed command substitions"
'(<sh-exec> "echo" (<sh-cmd-sub>))
(parse "echo $()"))
(test-equal "Parses multiline bracketed command substitions"
'(<sh-exec> "echo" (<sh-cmd-sub> (<sh-exec> "foo")
(<sh-exec> "bar")))
(parse "echo $(foo
(test-equal "Parses backquoted command substitions"
'(<sh-exec> "echo"
(<sh-cmd-sub> (<sh-exec> "foo"))
(<sh-cmd-sub> (<sh-exec> "bar")))
(parse "echo `foo` `bar`"))
(test-equal "Parses nested backquoted command substitions"
'(<sh-exec> "echo"
(<sh-cmd-sub> (<sh-exec> "foo"
(<sh-cmd-sub> (<sh-exec> "bar")))))
(parse "echo `foo \\`bar\\``"))
(test-equal "Parses empty backquoted command substitions"
'(<sh-exec> "echo" (<sh-cmd-sub>))
(parse "echo ``"))
(test-equal "Parses multiline backquoted command substitions"
'(<sh-exec> "echo" (<sh-cmd-sub> (<sh-exec> "foo")
(<sh-exec> "bar")))
(parse "echo `foo
;; Other tests
(test-assert "Returns EOF on EOF"
(eof-object? (parse "")))
(test-equal "Parses one statement at a time"
'((<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(call-with-input-string "echo foo
echo bar"
(lambda (port)
(list (read-sh port)
(read-sh port)))))
(test-equal "Reads all commands"
'((<sh-exec> "echo" "foo")
(<sh-exec> "echo" "bar"))
(call-with-input-string "echo foo
echo bar"
(test-equal "Reads all commands and returns a list for one command"
'((<sh-exec> "echo" "foo"))
(call-with-input-string "echo foo" read-sh-all))
(test-equal "Reads all commands and returns a list for no commands"
(call-with-input-string "" read-sh-all))