implement multiple terms

This commit is contained in:
Rutger van Beusekom 2016-10-13 23:40:44 +02:00
parent 12d7976dfd
commit cd6133a468
2 changed files with 15 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -157,15 +157,18 @@ copyleft.
(define (transform ast)
(match ast
(('script command ...) (map transform command))
(('script command separator) (transform command))
(('script terms ...) (list (transform terms)))
(('script term separator) (transform term))
(('if-clause "if" (expression "then" consequent "fi")) `(if (equal? 0 (status:exit-val ,(transform expression))) ,(transform consequent)))
(('if-clause "if" (expression "then" consequent ('else-part "else" alternative) "fi")) `(if (equal? 0 (status:exit-val ,(transform expression))) ,(transform consequent) ,(transform alternative)))
(('for-clause "for" ((identifier "in" lst sep) do-group)) `(for-each (lambda (,(string->symbol identifier)) ,(expand identifier (transform do-group))) (glob ,(transform lst))))
(('do-group "do" (command "done")) (transform command))
(('pipeline command) (let* ((command (transform command))) (or (builtin command) `(pipeline ,command))))
(('pipeline command piped-commands) `(pipeline ,(transform command) ,@(transform piped-commands)))
(('simple-command ('word s)) `(list ,(transform s)))
(('compound-list terms ...) (transform terms))
((('term command)) (transform command))
((('term ('pipeline command)) (('term ('pipeline commands)) ...)) `(map pipeline ,(cons 'list (cons (transform command) (map transform commands)))))
(('simple-command ('word s)) `(glob ,(transform s)))
(('simple-command ('word s1) ('word s2)) `(append (glob ,(transform s1)) (glob ,(transform s2))))
(('simple-command ('word s1) (('word s2) ...)) `(append (glob ,(transform s1)) (append-map glob (list ,@(map transform s2)))))
(('literal s) (transform s))
@ -180,16 +183,19 @@ copyleft.
((_ o) (transform o)) ;; peel the onion: (symbol (...)) -> (...)
(_ ast)))
(define (sh-exec ast) ;; (local-eval (transform ast) (the-environment))
(define (sh-exec ast)
(define (exec cmd)
;(format (current-output-port) "eval: ~s\n" cmd)
(local-eval cmd (the-environment)))
;(format (current-error-port) "parsed: ~a\n" ast)
(let ((cmd (transform ast)))
(match cmd
(let* (;(print (format (current-error-port) "parsed: ~a\n" ast))
(ast (transform ast))
;(print (format (current-error-port) "transformed: ~a\n" ast))
(match ast
('script '()) ;; skip
((? list? cmd ...) (map exec cmd)))))
(_ (map exec ast)))))
(define (prompt)
(let* ((esc (string #\033))

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@ -1 +1 @@
for f in *; do ../anguish -p $f; done
for f in test/*; do echo $f; ./anguish -p $f; ./anguish $f; done