ANGUISH: that which you might experience when your shell falls short of expressing your programming solution or AN[other] GUIle SHell Anguish is Not a GUIle SHell This project aims to produce at least a POSIX compliant sh replacement or even implement GNU bash. On top of that it also intends to make scheme available for interactive and scripting application. The approach also intends to allow capturing the intermediate scheme representation of the "original" shell script to offer a migration path away from [ba]sh. On top of this GNU make could similarly be replaced, as make turns out to be fraught with limitations and complexities. One of the features I personally desire is not be forced to keep doing what was done in the past, i.e. once an object file is produced, it does not have to be produced again as long as the original is kept around. The orignal must be replaced when any of its dependencies change (source, compiler options, linker, etc.) I feel that the shell has been instrumental on my path to embracing functional programming, however now I mostly experience that the language itselfs folds on functional expression, pun intended. * history flattened vs full, i.e. navigate interactively without redundancy vs export as script