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This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

;;; The Geesh Shell Interpreter
;;; Copyright 2017, 2018 Timothy Sample <>
;;; This file is part of Geesh.
;;; Geesh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; Geesh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Geesh. If not, see <>.
(define-module (geesh lexer)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
#:use-module (ice-9 receive)
#:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:use-module (system base lalr)
#:export (read-bracketed-command
;;; Commentary:
;;; This module contains the lexer for the Shell language.
;;; Code:
(define-record-type <port-location>
(make-port-location filename line column offset)
(filename port-location-filename)
(line port-location-line)
(column port-location-column)
(offset port-location-offset))
(define (port->port-location port)
"Create a <port-location> from a port"
(make-port-location (port-filename port)
(port-line port)
(port-column port)
(false-if-exception (ftell port))))
(define (complete-source-location port-location len)
"Create a <source-location> by mixing a <port-location> and a length"
(make-source-location (port-location-filename port-location)
(port-location-line port-location)
(port-location-column port-location)
(port-location-offset port-location)
(define *operators*
'(("&" . AND)
("|" . PIPE)
(";" . SEMI)
("<" . LESS)
(">" . GREAT)
("(" . LPAREN)
(")" . RPAREN)
("&&" . AND-IF)
("||" . OR-IF)
(";;" . DSEMI)
("<<" . DLESS)
(">>" . DGREAT)
("<&" . LESSAND)
(">&" . GREATAND)
("<>" . LESSGREAT)
("<<-" . DLESSDASH)
(">|" . CLOBBER)))
(define *reserved-words*
'(("!" . Bang)
("{" . Lbrace)
("}" . Rbrace)
("case" . Case)
("do" . Do)
("done" . Done)
("elif" . Elif)
("else" . Else)
("esac" . Esac)
("fi" . Fi)
("for" . For)
("if" . If)
("in" . In)
("then" . Then)
("until" . Until)
("while" . While)))
(define (operator-prefix? str)
(any (cut string-prefix? str <>) (map car *operators*)))
(define operator-prefix-char? (compose operator-prefix? string))
(define blank? (cut char-set-contains? char-set:blank <>))
(define name-start-char?
(let ((char-set:name-start
(char-set-intersection char-set:ascii
(char-set-union char-set:letter
(char-set #\_)))))
(lambda (chr)
(and (char? chr)
(char-set-contains? char-set:name-start chr)))))
(define name-char?
(let ((char-set:name
(char-set-intersection char-set:ascii
(char-set-union char-set:letter+digit
(char-set #\_)))))
(lambda (chr)
(and (char? chr)
(char-set-contains? char-set:name chr)))))
(define (name? str)
(and (string? str)
(not (string-null? str))
(name-start-char? (string-ref str 0))
(string-every name-char? str)))
(define ascii-digit-char?
(let ((char-set:ascii-digit
(char-set-intersection char-set:ascii
(lambda (chr)
(and (char? chr)
(char-set-contains? char-set:ascii-digit chr)))))
(define io-number?
(let ((char-set:ascii-digit (char-set-intersection char-set:ascii
(lambda (str)
(and (string? str)
(string-every ascii-digit-char? str)))))
(define (assignment-word? word)
(define (name-then-=? str)
(match (string-index str #\=)
(#f #f)
(index (name? (substring str 0 index)))))
(match word
(((? string? str) . tail) (name-then-=? str))
((? string? str) (name-then-=? str))
(_ #f)))
(define (reserved-word? word)
(assoc word *reserved-words*))
(define (join-contiguous-strings lst)
"Join all contiguous strings in @var{lst}."
(fold-right (lambda (x lst)
(let ((head (if (null? lst) #f (car lst))))
(if (and (string? x) (string? head))
(cons (string-append x head) (cdr lst))
(cons x lst))))
(define (next-char port)
"Advance @var{port} by one character and return the lookahead
(get-char port)
(lookahead-char port))
(define read-bracketed-command
;; A procedure for reading a bracketed command (e.g, "$(command)").
;; This is parameterized to avoid a circular dependency.
(make-parameter (lambda (port) (throw 'bracketed-command-parser-unset))))
(define read-backquoted-command
;; A procedure for reading a backquoted command (e.g, "`command`").
;; This is parameterized to avoid a circular dependency.
(make-parameter (lambda (port) (throw 'backquoted-command-parser-unset))))
(define* (get-parameter port #:key (multidigit? #f))
"Get a parameter name (excluding the leading '$') from @var{port}.
If @var{multidigit?} is true, treat strings of numbers as a valid
name. If a valid parameter name cannot be read from @var{port},
nothing will be read and @code{#f} will be returned."
(match (lookahead-char port)
;; Special parameter names
((or #\@ #\* #\# #\? #\- #\$ #\! #\0)
(string (get-char port)))
;; Numeric parameter names (excluding "0")
((? ascii-digit-char? digit)
(if multidigit?
(let loop ((chr (next-char port)) (acc `(,digit)))
(match chr
((? ascii-digit-char?) (loop (next-char port) (cons chr acc)))
(_ (list->string (reverse! acc)))))
(string (get-char port))))
;; Regular names ("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*").
((? name-start-char? start-chr)
(let loop ((chr (next-char port)) (acc `(,start-chr)))
(match chr
((? name-char?) (loop (next-char port) (cons chr acc)))
(_ (list->string (reverse! acc))))))
;; Not a parameter name.
(_ #f)))
(define *parameter-operators*
;; Associate Scheme-like names to all of the Shell parameter
;; operators. Note that "#" means the infix version and not the
;; prefixed "#", which means "length".
'(("-" . <sh-ref-or>)
(":-" . <sh-ref-or*>)
("=" . <sh-ref-or!>)
(":=" . <sh-ref-or!*>)
("?" . <sh-ref-assert>)
(":?" . <sh-ref-assert*>)
("+" . <sh-ref-and>)
(":+" . <sh-ref-and*>)
("%" . <sh-ref-except-min>)
("%%" . <sh-ref-except-max>)
("#" . <sh-ref-skip-min>)
("##" . <sh-ref-skip-max>)))
(define (try-get-parameter-operator port)
"Try to get a Shell parameter operator from @var{port}. Upon failure,
return #f and use 'unget-char' to return at most one character back to
(match (lookahead-char port)
((or #\- #\= #\? #\+) (string (get-char port)))
(#\: (match (next-char port)
((or #\- #\= #\? #\+) (string #\: (get-char port)))
(_ (unget-char port #\:)
(#\% (match (next-char port)
(#\% (string #\% (get-char port)))
(_ "%")))
(#\# (match (next-char port)
(#\# (string #\# (get-char port)))
(_ "#")))
(_ #f)))
(define (get-parameter-word port)
"Get a parameter word (the bit that comes after the operator in a
parameter expression) from @var{port}."
(define (get-parameter-word-string port)
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port)) (acc '()))
(match chr
((? eof-object?) (throw 'lex-error))
((or #\{ #\} #\" #\' #\$ #\` #\\) (list->string (reverse! acc)))
(_ (loop (next-char port) (cons chr acc))))))
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port)) (brace-balance 0) (acc '()))
(match chr
((or #\$ #\`) (let ((expansion (get-expansion port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port)
(cons (or expansion (string chr)) acc))))
(#\\ (let ((escape (get-escape port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port) brace-balance (append escape acc ))))
(#\' (let ((quotation (get-single-quotation port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port) brace-balance (cons quotation acc))))
(#\" (let ((quotation (get-double-quotation port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port) brace-balance (cons quotation acc))))
(#\{ (loop (next-char port) (+ brace-balance 1) (cons "{" acc)))
(#\} (if (= brace-balance 0)
(match (join-contiguous-strings (reverse! acc))
((str) str)
(x x))
(loop (next-char port) (- brace-balance 1) (cons "}" acc))))
(_ (let ((str (get-parameter-word-string port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port)
(if (not (string-null? str))
(cons str acc)
(define (get-parameter-expression port)
"Get a parameter expression ('${...}') from @var{port} (excluding the
leading '$')."
(match (get-char port)
(#\{ (match (lookahead-char port)
(get-char port)
(let ((parameter (get-parameter port #:multidigit? #t)))
(match (get-char port)
(#\} `(<sh-ref-length> ,parameter)))))
(let* ((parameter (get-parameter port #:multidigit? #t))
(operator (assoc-ref *parameter-operators*
(try-get-parameter-operator port)))
(word (if operator
(match (lookahead-char port)
(#\} #f)
(_ (get-parameter-word port)))
(match (get-char port)
(#\} (match `(,parameter ,operator ,word)
((p #f #f) `(<sh-ref> ,p))
((p o #f) `(,o ,p #f))
((p o w) `(,o ,p ,w)))))))))))
(define (get-parameter-expansion port)
"Get a parameter expansion (either '$name' or '${...}') from
@var{port} (excluding the leading '$')."
(match (lookahead-char port)
(#\{ (get-parameter-expression port))
(_ (and=> (get-parameter port)
(lambda (name)
`(<sh-ref> ,name))))))
(define (get-bracketed-command port)
"Get a bracketed command ('$(...)') from @var{port} (excluding the
leading '$')."
(match (get-char port)
(let ((result ((read-bracketed-command) port)))
(match (get-char port)
(#\) `(<sh-cmd-sub> ,result)))))))
(define (get-backquoted-command port)
"Get a backquoted command ('`...`') from @var{port}."
(match (get-char port)
(let ((result ((read-backquoted-command) port)))
(match (get-char port)
(#\` `(<sh-cmd-sub> ,result)))))))
(define (get-expansion port)
"Get an expansion ('$name', '${...}', '$(...)', or '`...`') from
(match (lookahead-char port)
(#\$ (begin
(get-char port)
(match (lookahead-char port)
(#\( (get-bracketed-command port))
(_ (get-parameter-expansion port)))))
(#\` (get-backquoted-command port))))
;; When this parameter is true, expansion processing is enabled.
(define expansions? (make-parameter #t))
(define* (get-escape port #:optional (pred (lambda _ #t)))
"Get an escape sequence ('\\x') from @var{port}. If @var{pred} is set,
then the backslash will be treated as a literal backslash unless the
next character statisfies @var{pred} (or is a newline)."
(match (get-char port)
(let ((chr (lookahead-char port)))
(match chr
(#\newline (begin (get-char port) '()))
((and (? char?) (? pred)) (begin (get-char port)
`((<sh-quote> ,(string chr)))))
(_ `(,(string #\\))))))))
(define (get-single-quotation port)
"Get a single-quote wrapped string from @var{port}."
(match (get-char port)
(let loop ((chr (get-char port)) (acc '()))
(match chr
(#\' `(<sh-quote> ,(list->string (reverse! acc))))
(x (loop (get-char port) (cons x acc))))))))
(define (get-double-quotation port)
"Get a double-quote wrapped string from @var{port}."
(define (get-double-quotation-string port)
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port)) (acc '()))
(match chr
((? eof-object?) (throw 'lex-error))
((or #\" #\$ #\` #\\) (list->string (reverse! acc)))
(_ (loop (next-char port) (cons chr acc))))))
(match (get-char port)
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port)) (acc '()))
(match chr
(#\" (begin
(get-char port)
`(<sh-quote> ,@(join-contiguous-strings (reverse! acc)))))
((or #\$ #\`)
(if (expansions?)
(let ((expansion (get-expansion port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port)
(cons (or expansion (string chr)) acc)))
(loop (next-char port) (cons (string chr) acc))))
(#\\ (let ((escape (get-escape port
(cut member <> '(#\" #\$ #\` #\\)))))
(loop (lookahead-char port) (append escape acc))))
(_ (let ((str (get-double-quotation-string port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port) (if (not (string-null? str))
(cons str acc)
(define (get-operator port)
"Get an operator from @var{port}."
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port)) (acc '()))
(if (and (not (eof-object? chr))
(operator-prefix? (list->string (reverse (cons chr acc)))))
(loop (next-char port) (cons chr acc))
(let ((operator (list->string (reverse! acc))))
`(,(assoc-ref *operators* operator) . ,operator)))))
(define (get-word port)
"Get a word (name, keyword, number, etc.) from @var{port}."
(define (get-word-string port)
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port)) (acc '()))
(match chr
((or (? eof-object?)
(? operator-prefix-char?)
(? blank?)
#\newline #\#
#\$ #\` #\' #\" #\\) (list->string (reverse! acc)))
(_ (loop (next-char port) (cons chr acc))))))
(define* (acc->token acc #:optional (delimiter #f))
(match (join-contiguous-strings (reverse! acc))
((str) (match str
((? io-number?) (if (member delimiter '(#\< #\>))
`(IO-NUMBER . ,str)
`(WORD . ,str)))
((? reserved-word?) `(,(assoc-ref *reserved-words* str) . ,str))
((? name?) `(NAME . ,str))
((? assignment-word?) `(ASSIGNMENT-WORD . ,str))
(_ `(WORD . ,str))))
(lst (match lst
((? assignment-word?) `(ASSIGNMENT-WORD . ,lst))
(_ `(WORD . ,lst))))))
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port)) (acc '()))
(match chr
((or (? eof-object?)
(? operator-prefix-char?)
(? blank?)
#\#) (acc->token acc chr))
((or #\$ #\`)
(if (expansions?)
(let ((expansion (get-expansion port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port)
(cons (or expansion (string chr)) acc)))
(loop (next-char port) (cons (string chr) acc))))
(#\\ (let ((escape (get-escape port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port) (append escape acc))))
(#\' (let ((quotation (get-single-quotation port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port) (cons quotation acc))))
(#\" (let ((quotation (get-double-quotation port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port) (cons quotation acc))))
(_ (let ((str (get-word-string port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port) (if (not (string-null? str))
(cons str acc)
(define (call-with-metered-input-port port proc)
"Call @var{proc} with @var{port} instrumented to count the number of
characters read."
(define meter 0)
(define wrapped-port
;; put-char, put-string, and flush-output-port
#f #f #f
;; get-char
(lambda ()
(set! meter (+ meter 1))
(get-char port))
;; close-port
(let ((result (proc wrapped-port)))
;; The soft port seems to have an independent buffer from the
;; input port. This means that the "lookahead" character on the
;; soft port will disappear unless we move it back to the input
;; port.
(when (char? (lookahead-char wrapped-port))
(unget-char port (lookahead-char wrapped-port)))
(values meter result)))
(define (get-token->get-lexical-token proc)
"Convert @var{proc} from a procedure that returns a token-value pair
to a procedure that returns a lexical token to be consumed by the LALR
(lambda (port)
(let ((port-location (port->port-location port)))
(receive (length token)
(call-with-metered-input-port port proc)
(match token
((category . value)
;; We must use "length - 1" since proc will get a final
;; delimiting character that is not part of the token.
(complete-source-location port-location (- length 1))
(define get-operator-lexical-token
(get-token->get-lexical-token get-operator))
(define get-word-lexical-token
(get-token->get-lexical-token get-word))
(define (get-newline-lexical-token port)
"Get a newline as a lexical token to be consumed by the LALR module."
(let ((port-location (port->port-location port)))
(match (get-char port)
(#\newline (make-lexical-token
(complete-source-location port-location 1)
(define (skip-to-end-of-line port)
"Skip characters from @var{port} until the next character to be read
is a newline (or EOF)."
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port)))
(match chr
((or (? eof-object?) #\newline) #f)
(_ (loop (next-char port))))))
(define (get-token port)
"Get the next lexical token from @var{port}."
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port)))
(match chr
((? eof-object?) '*eoi*)
((? operator-prefix-char?) (get-operator-lexical-token port))
((? blank?) (loop (next-char port)))
(#\# (begin
(skip-to-end-of-line port)
(loop (lookahead-char port))))
(#\newline (get-newline-lexical-token port))
(#\\ (match (next-char port)
(#\newline (loop (next-char port)))
(_ (unget-char port #\\)
(get-word-lexical-token port))))
(_ (get-word-lexical-token port)))))
;;; Here-documents.
(define (get-here-end port)
"Get the next lexical token from @var{port}, using the special rules
for lexing a here-end word. Namely, do not treat expansions
(parameters, command substitutions, etc.) specially."
(parameterize ((expansions? #f))
(get-token port)))
(define (get-quoted-here-doc end port)
"Get a quoted here-document string from @var{port}, where @var{end}
marks the end of the here-document."
(let loop ((line (read-line port 'concat)) (acc '()))
(if (eof-object? line)
;; XXX: Following Bash, we should issue a warning here.
`(<sh-quote> ,(string-concatenate-reverse acc))
(let ((line* (string-trim-right line #\newline)))
(if (string=? line* end)
`(<sh-quote> ,(string-concatenate-reverse acc))
(loop (read-line port 'concat) (cons line acc)))))))
(define (get-unquoted-here-doc end port)
"Get an unquoted here-document string from @var{port}, where
@var{end} marks the end of the here-document."
(define end-list (string->list end))
(define (get-unquoted-here-doc-string port)
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port)) (acc '()))
(match chr
((or #\$ #\` #\\ (? eof-object?)) (list->string (reverse! acc)))
(#\newline (list->string (reverse! (cons (get-char port) acc))))
(_ (loop (next-char port) (cons chr acc))))))
(let loop ((chr (lookahead-char port))
(end end-list)
(end-acc '())
(acc '()))
;; We've read the end string and are looking at newline or EOF.
((and (null? end)
(or (eof-object? chr)
(char=? chr #\newline)))
(get-char port)
`(<sh-quote> ,@(join-contiguous-strings (reverse! acc))))
;; We've hit EOF prematurely.
((eof-object? chr)
;; XXX: Following Bash, we should issue a warning here.
(let* ((end-str (list->string (reverse! end-acc)))
(acc (if (string-null? end-str) acc (cons end-str acc))))
`(<sh-quote> ,@(join-contiguous-strings (reverse! acc)))))
;; We've read another character from the end string.
((and (pair? end)
(char=? (car end) chr))
(loop (next-char port) (cdr end) (cons chr end-acc) acc))
;; We've read a non-end-string character, and have some
;; characters from the end string already read.
((pair? end-acc)
(loop chr #f '() (cons (list->string (reverse! end-acc)) acc)))
;; We've nothing to do with the end string.
(match chr
((or #\$ #\`) (let ((expansion (get-expansion port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port) #f '()
(cons (or expansion (string chr)) acc))))
(#\\ (let ((escape (get-escape port (cut member <> '(#\$ #\` #\\)))))
(loop (lookahead-char port) #f '() (append escape acc))))
(_ (let ((str (get-unquoted-here-doc-string port)))
(loop (lookahead-char port) end-list '()
(if (not (string-null? str))
(cons str acc)
(define (wrap-port-with-tab-trimming port)
"Wrap @var{port} filtering out all tabs that occur at the beginning
of a line."
(define after-newline? #t)
;; put-char, put-string, and flush-output-port
#f #f #f
;; get-char
(lambda ()
(if after-newline?
(let loop ((chr (get-char port)))
(match chr
(#\tab (loop (get-char port)))
(#\newline chr)
(_ (set! after-newline? #f)
(match (get-char port)
(set! after-newline? #t)
(chr chr))))
;; close-port
(define* (get-here-doc end port #:key (trim-tabs? #f) (quoted? #f))
"Get a here-document token from @var{port}, using @var{end} to
signal the ending. If @var{trim-tabs?} is set, remove leading tabs
from each line. If @var{quoted?} is set, ignore substitutions."
(lambda (port)
(let ((port (if trim-tabs? (wrap-port-with-tab-trimming port) port)))
`(HERE-DOC . ,(if quoted?
(get-quoted-here-doc end port)
(get-unquoted-here-doc end port))))))