SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours

In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
This commit is contained in:
l10n daemon script 2015-06-06 04:26:29 +00:00
parent 80dc2e97b8
commit 55c21cf142
3 changed files with 30 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=KDE Partition Manager Dummy Backend
Name[nl]=Dummy backend van KDE-partitiebeheerder
Name[pt]=Infra-Estrutura de Testes do Gestor de Partições do KDE
Name[pt_BR]=Infraestrutura de testes do gerenciador de partições do KDE
Name[sv]=KDE:s partitionshanterare testbakgrundsprogram
Name[uk]=Тестовий додаток сервера Керування розділами KDE
Name[x-test]=xxKDE Partition Manager Dummy Backendxx
Comment=A KDE Partition Manager dummy backend for testing purposes.
Comment[nl]=Dummy backend van KDE-partitiebeheerder voor testdoeleinden
Comment[pt]=Uma infra-estrutura de exemplo do Gestor de Partições do KDE para fins de testes.
Comment[pt_BR]=Uma infraestrutura de testes do gerenciador de partições do KDE.
Comment[sv]=Ett bakgrundsprogram för KDE:s partitionshanterare i testsyfte.
Comment[uk]=Тестовий додаток сервера Керування розділами KDE.
Comment[x-test]=xxA KDE Partition Manager dummy backend for testing purposes.xx

View File

@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=KDE Partition Manager LibParted Backend
Name[nl]=KDE-partitiebeheerder LibParted-backend
Name[pt]=Infra-Estrutura da LibParted do Gestor de Partições do KDE
Name[pt_BR]=Infraestrutura LibParted do gerenciador de partições do KDE
Name[sv]=KDE:s partitionshanterare LibParted bakgrundsprogram
Name[uk]=Сервер LibParted Керування розділами KDE
Name[x-test]=xxKDE Partition Manager LibParted Backendxx
Comment=The LibParted backend for KDE Partition Manager
Comment[nl]=De LibParted-backend voor de KDE-partitiebeheerder
Comment[pt]=A infra-estrutura com a LibParted para o Gestor de Partições do KDE
Comment[pt_BR]=Uma infraestrutura LibParted para o gerenciador de partições do KDE
Comment[sv]=LibParted bakgrundsprogram för KDE:s partitionshanterare
Comment[uk]=Сервер LibParted для Керування розділами KDE
Comment[x-test]=xxThe LibParted backend for KDE Partition Managerxx

View File

@ -2,4 +2,10 @@
Name=KDE Partition Manager Plugin
Name[nl]=Plugin voor KDE-partitiebeheerder
Name[pt]='Plugin' do Gestor de Partições do KDE
Name[pt_BR]=Plugin do gerenciador de partições do KDE
Name[sv]=KDE:s partitionshanterare insticksprogram
Name[uk]=Додаток Керування розділами KDE
Name[x-test]=xxKDE Partition Manager Pluginxx