Remove broken smart unit test.

BUG: 413853
This commit is contained in:
Andrius Štikonas 2019-11-07 22:12:00 +00:00
parent 59c9ba2f8d
commit c9a08a593b
2 changed files with 0 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -53,12 +53,3 @@ find_package (Threads)
# Execute external commands as root
kpm_test(testexternalcommand testexternalcommand.cpp)
add_test(NAME testexternalcommand COMMAND testexternalcommand ${BACKEND})
# Including SMART files reference
set(SMARTPARSER ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/core/smartdiskinformation.cpp
# Test SMART support
kpm_test(testsmart testsmart.cpp ${SMARTPARSER})
add_test(NAME testsmart COMMAND testsmart ${BACKEND})

View File

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
#include "helpers.h"
#include "util/externalcommand.h"
#include "backend/corebackend.h"
#include "backend/corebackendmanager.h"
#include "core/smartstatus.h"
#include "core/smartparser.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
static QString getDefaultDevicePath();
static bool testSmartStatus();
static bool testSmartParser();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
KPMCoreInitializer i;
if (argc == 2)
i = KPMCoreInitializer(argv[1]);
if (!i.isValid())
return 1;
CoreBackend *backend = CoreBackendManager::self()->backend();
if (!backend)
qWarning() << "Couldn't get backend.";
return 1;
if (!testSmartStatus() || !testSmartParser())
return 1;
return app.exec();
static QString getDefaultDevicePath()
// Getting default home partition using 'df -P /home | awk 'END{print $1}'' command
ExternalCommand command(QStringLiteral("df"), { QStringLiteral("-P"), QStringLiteral("/home"), QStringLiteral("|"),
QStringLiteral("awk"), QStringLiteral("\'END{print $1}\'") });
if ( && command.exitCode() == 0) {
QString output = command.output();
return output;
return QString();
static bool testSmartStatus()
QString devicePath = getDefaultDevicePath();
SmartStatus smart(devicePath);
if (smart.devicePath() != devicePath)
return false;
if (!smart.status())
return false;
if (smart.modelName() == QString())
return false;
if (smart.firmware() == QString())
return false;
if (smart.serial() == QString())
return false;
if (smart.selfTestStatus() != SmartStatus::SelfTestStatus::Success)
return false;
if (!smart.isValid())
return false;
return true;
static bool testSmartParser()
QString devicePath = getDefaultDevicePath();
SmartParser parser(devicePath);
if (!parser.init())
return false;
if (parser.devicePath() != devicePath)
return false;
if (!parser.diskInformation())
return false;
return true;