/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2017 by Andrius Štikonas * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #include "plugins/sfdisk/sfdiskpartitiontable.h" #include "backend/corebackend.h" #include "backend/corebackendmanager.h" #include "core/partition.h" #include "core/device.h" #include "fs/filesystem.h" #include "util/report.h" #include "util/externalcommand.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include SfdiskPartitionTable::SfdiskPartitionTable(const QString& deviceNode) : CoreBackendPartitionTable(), m_deviceNode(deviceNode) { } SfdiskPartitionTable::~SfdiskPartitionTable() { } bool SfdiskPartitionTable::open() { return true; } bool SfdiskPartitionTable::commit(quint32 timeout) { if (!ExternalCommand(QStringLiteral("udevadm"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("settle") << QStringLiteral("--timeout=") + QString::number(timeout)).run() && !ExternalCommand(QStringLiteral("udevsettle"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("--timeout=") + QString::number(timeout)).run()) sleep(timeout); return true; } QString SfdiskPartitionTable::createPartition(Report& report, const Partition& partition) { if ( !(partition.roles().has(PartitionRole::Extended) || partition.roles().has(PartitionRole::Logical) || partition.roles().has(PartitionRole::Primary) ) ) { report.line() << xi18nc("@info:progress", "Unknown partition role for new partition %1 (roles: %2)", partition.deviceNode(), partition.roles().toString()); return QString(); } QByteArray type = QByteArray(); // FIXME add map between fs types and default partition types if (partition.roles().has(PartitionRole::Extended)) type = QByteArrayLiteral(" type=5"); // NOTE: at least on GPT partition types "are" partition flags ExternalCommand createCommand(report, QStringLiteral("sfdisk"), { QStringLiteral("--force"), QStringLiteral("--append"), partition.devicePath() } ); if ( createCommand.start(-1) && createCommand.write(QByteArrayLiteral("start=") + QByteArray::number(partition.firstSector()) + type + QByteArrayLiteral(" size=") + QByteArray::number(partition.length()) + QByteArrayLiteral("\nwrite\n")) && createCommand.waitFor() ) { QRegularExpression re(QStringLiteral("Created a new partition (\\d)")); QRegularExpressionMatch rem = re.match(createCommand.output()); if (rem.hasMatch()) return partition.devicePath() + rem.captured(1); } report.line() << xi18nc("@info:progress", "Failed to add partition %1 to device %2.", partition.deviceNode(), m_deviceNode); return QString(); } bool SfdiskPartitionTable::deletePartition(Report& report, const Partition& partition) { ExternalCommand deleteCommand(report, QStringLiteral("sfdisk"), { QStringLiteral("--force"), QStringLiteral("--delete"), partition.devicePath(), QString::number(partition.number()) } ); if (deleteCommand.run(-1) && deleteCommand.exitCode() == 0) return true; report.line() << xi18nc("@info:progress", "Could not delete partition %1.", partition.devicePath()); return false; } bool SfdiskPartitionTable::updateGeometry(Report& report, const Partition& partition, qint64 sectorStart, qint64 sectorEnd) { ExternalCommand sfdiskCommand(report, QStringLiteral("sfdisk"), { QStringLiteral("--force"), partition.devicePath(), QStringLiteral("-N"), QString::number(partition.number()) } ); if ( sfdiskCommand.start(-1) && sfdiskCommand.write(QByteArrayLiteral("start=") + QByteArray::number(sectorStart) + QByteArrayLiteral(" size=") + QByteArray::number(sectorEnd - sectorStart + 1) + QByteArrayLiteral("\nY\n")) && sfdiskCommand.waitFor() && sfdiskCommand.exitCode() == 0) { return true; } report.line() << xi18nc("@info:progress", "Could not set geometry for partition %1 while trying to resize/move it.", partition.devicePath()); return false; } bool SfdiskPartitionTable::clobberFileSystem(Report& report, const Partition& partition) { ExternalCommand wipeCommand(report, QStringLiteral("wipefs"), { QStringLiteral("--all"), partition.partitionPath() } ); if (wipeCommand.run(-1) && wipeCommand.exitCode() == 0) return true; report.line() << xi18nc("@info:progress", "Failed to erase filesystem signature on partition %1.", partition.partitionPath()); return false; } bool SfdiskPartitionTable::resizeFileSystem(Report& report, const Partition& partition, qint64 newLength) { // sfdisk does not have any partition resize capabilities Q_UNUSED(report) Q_UNUSED(partition) Q_UNUSED(newLength) return false; } FileSystem::Type SfdiskPartitionTable::detectFileSystemBySector(Report& report, const Device& device, qint64 sector) { FileSystem::Type type = FileSystem::Unknown; ExternalCommand jsonCommand(QStringLiteral("sfdisk"), { QStringLiteral("--json"), device.deviceNode() } ); if (jsonCommand.run(-1) && jsonCommand.exitCode() == 0) { const QJsonArray partitionTable = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonCommand.rawOutput()).object()[QLatin1String("partitiontable")].toObject()[QLatin1String("partitions")].toArray(); for (const auto &partition : partitionTable) { const QJsonObject partitionObject = partition.toObject(); const qint64 start = partitionObject[QLatin1String("start")].toVariant().toLongLong(); if (start == sector) { const QString deviceNode = partitionObject[QLatin1String("node")].toString(); type = CoreBackendManager::self()->backend()->detectFileSystem(deviceNode); return type; } } } report.line() << xi18nc("@info:progress", "Could not determine file system of partition at sector %1 on device %2.", sector, device.deviceNode()); return type; } bool SfdiskPartitionTable::setPartitionSystemType(Report& report, const Partition& partition) { Q_UNUSED(report) Q_UNUSED(partition) return true; } bool SfdiskPartitionTable::setFlag(Report& report, const Partition& partition, PartitionTable::Flag flag, bool state) { if (flag == PartitionTable::FlagBoot && state == true) { ExternalCommand sfdiskCommand(report, QStringLiteral("sfdisk"), { QStringLiteral("--activate"), m_deviceNode, QString::number(partition.number()) } ); if (sfdiskCommand.run(-1) && sfdiskCommand.exitCode() == 0) return true; else return false; } else if (flag == PartitionTable::FlagBoot && state == false) { ExternalCommand sfdiskCommand(report, QStringLiteral("sfdisk"), { QStringLiteral("--activate"), m_deviceNode, QStringLiteral("-") } ); if (sfdiskCommand.run(-1) && sfdiskCommand.exitCode() == 0) return true; // FIXME: Do not return false since we have no way of checking if partition table is MBR } if (flag == PartitionTable::FlagEsp && state == true) { ExternalCommand sfdiskCommand(report, QStringLiteral("sfdisk"), { QStringLiteral("--part-type"), m_deviceNode, QString::number(partition.number()), QStringLiteral("C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B") } ); if (sfdiskCommand.run(-1) && sfdiskCommand.exitCode() == 0) return true; else return false; } if (flag == PartitionTable::FlagEsp && state == false) setPartitionSystemType(report, partition); if (flag == PartitionTable::FlagBiosGrub && state == true) { ExternalCommand sfdiskCommand(report, QStringLiteral("sfdisk"), { QStringLiteral("--part-type"), m_deviceNode, QString::number(partition.number()), QStringLiteral("21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649") } ); if (sfdiskCommand.run(-1) && sfdiskCommand.exitCode() == 0) return true; else return false; } if (flag == PartitionTable::FlagBiosGrub && state == false) setPartitionSystemType(report, partition); return true; }