/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 by Volker Lanz * * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 by Teo Mrnjavac * * Copyright (C) 2016 by Andrius Štikonas * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ /** @file */ #include "plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.h" #include "plugins/libparted/libparteddevice.h" #include "plugins/libparted/pedflags.h" #include "core/diskdevice.h" #include "core/partition.h" #include "core/partitiontable.h" #include "core/partitionalignment.h" #include "fs/filesystem.h" #include "fs/filesystemfactory.h" #include "fs/fat16.h" #include "fs/hfs.h" #include "fs/hfsplus.h" #include "fs/luks.h" #include "fs/lvm2_pv.h" #include "util/globallog.h" #include "util/externalcommand.h" #include "util/helpers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(LibPartedBackendFactory, "pmlibpartedbackendplugin.json", registerPlugin();) static QString s_lastPartedExceptionMessage; /** Callback to handle exceptions from libparted @param e the libparted exception to handle */ static PedExceptionOption pedExceptionHandler(PedException* e) { Log(Log::error) << xi18nc("@info:status", "LibParted Exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e->message)); s_lastPartedExceptionMessage = QString::fromLocal8Bit(e->message); return PED_EXCEPTION_UNHANDLED; } /** Reads sectors used on a FileSystem using libparted functions. @param pedDisk pointer to pedDisk where the Partition and its FileSystem are @param p the Partition the FileSystem is on @return the number of sectors used */ #if defined LIBPARTED_FS_RESIZE_LIBRARY_SUPPORT static qint64 readSectorsUsedLibParted(const Partition& p) { KAuth::Action action(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kpmcore.scan.readsectorsused")); action.setHelperId(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kpmcore.scan")); QVariantMap args = { { QStringLiteral("deviceNode"), p.deviceNode() }, { QStringLiteral("firstSector"), p.firstSector() } }; action.setArguments(args); KAuth::ExecuteJob *job = action.execute(); if (!job->exec()) { qWarning() << "KAuth returned an error code: " << job->errorString(); return -1; } return job->data()[QLatin1String("sectorsUsed")].toLongLong(); } #endif /** Reads the sectors used in a FileSystem and stores the result in the Partition's FileSystem object. @param p the Partition the FileSystem is on @param mountPoint mount point of the partition in question */ static void readSectorsUsed(const DiskDevice& d, Partition& p, const QString& mountPoint) { const KDiskFreeSpaceInfo freeSpaceInfo = KDiskFreeSpaceInfo::freeSpaceInfo(mountPoint); if (p.isMounted() && freeSpaceInfo.isValid() && mountPoint != QString()) p.fileSystem().setSectorsUsed(freeSpaceInfo.used() / d.logicalSectorSize()); else if (p.fileSystem().supportGetUsed() == FileSystem::cmdSupportFileSystem) p.fileSystem().setSectorsUsed(p.fileSystem().readUsedCapacity(p.deviceNode()) / d.logicalSectorSize()); #if defined LIBPARTED_FS_RESIZE_LIBRARY_SUPPORT else if (p.fileSystem().supportGetUsed() == FileSystem::cmdSupportBackend) p.fileSystem().setSectorsUsed(readSectorsUsedLibParted(p)); #endif } /** Constructs a LibParted object. */ LibPartedBackend::LibPartedBackend(QObject*, const QList&) : CoreBackend() { ped_exception_set_handler(pedExceptionHandler); } void LibPartedBackend::initFSSupport() { #if defined LIBPARTED_FS_RESIZE_LIBRARY_SUPPORT if (FS::fat16::m_Shrink == FileSystem::cmdSupportNone) FS::fat16::m_Shrink = FileSystem::cmdSupportBackend; if (FS::fat16::m_Grow == FileSystem::cmdSupportNone) FS::fat16::m_Grow = FileSystem::cmdSupportBackend; if (FS::hfs::m_Shrink == FileSystem::cmdSupportNone) FS::hfs::m_Shrink = FileSystem::cmdSupportBackend; if (FS::hfsplus::m_Shrink == FileSystem::cmdSupportNone) FS::hfsplus::m_Shrink = FileSystem::cmdSupportBackend; if (FS::hfs::m_GetUsed == FileSystem::cmdSupportNone) FS::hfs::m_GetUsed = FileSystem::cmdSupportBackend; if (FS::hfsplus::m_GetUsed == FileSystem::cmdSupportNone) FS::hfsplus::m_GetUsed = FileSystem::cmdSupportBackend; #endif } /** Create a Device for the given deviceNode and scan it for partitions. @param deviceNode the device node (e.g. "/dev/sda") @return the created Device object. callers need to free this. */ Device* LibPartedBackend::scanDevice(const QString& deviceNode) { KAuth::Action scanAction(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kpmcore.scan.scandevice")); scanAction.setHelperId(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kpmcore.scan")); QVariantMap args = {{ QStringLiteral("deviceNode"), deviceNode }}; scanAction.setArguments(args); KAuth::ExecuteJob *job = scanAction.execute(); if (!job->exec()) { qWarning() << "KAuth returned an error code: " << job->errorString(); return nullptr; } bool pedDeviceError = job->data()[QLatin1String("pedDeviceError")].toBool(); if (pedDeviceError) { Log(Log::warning) << xi18nc("@info:status", "Could not access device %1", deviceNode); return nullptr; } QString model = job->data()[QLatin1String("model")].toString(); QString path = job->data()[QLatin1String("path")].toString(); int heads = job->data()[QLatin1String("heads")].toInt(); int sectors = job->data()[QLatin1String("sectors")].toInt(); int cylinders = job->data()[QLatin1String("cylinders")].toInt(); int sectorSize = job->data()[QLatin1String("sectorSize")].toInt(); bool pedDiskError = job->data()[QLatin1String("pedDiskError")].toBool(); Log(Log::information) << xi18nc("@info:status", "Device found: %1", model); DiskDevice* d = new DiskDevice(model, path, heads, sectors, cylinders, sectorSize); if (pedDiskError) return d; QString typeName = job->data()[QLatin1String("typeName")].toString(); qint32 maxPrimaryPartitionCount = job->data()[QLatin1String("maxPrimaryPartitionCount")].toInt(); quint64 firstUsableSector = job->data()[QLatin1String("firstUsableSector")].toULongLong(); quint64 lastUsableSector = job->data()[QLatin1String("lastUsableSector")].toULongLong(); const PartitionTable::TableType type = PartitionTable::nameToTableType(typeName); CoreBackend::setPartitionTableForDevice(*d, new PartitionTable(type, firstUsableSector, lastUsableSector)); CoreBackend::setPartitionTableMaxPrimaries(*d->partitionTable(), maxPrimaryPartitionCount); KMountPoint::List mountPoints = KMountPoint::currentMountPoints(KMountPoint::NeedRealDeviceName); mountPoints.append(KMountPoint::possibleMountPoints(KMountPoint::NeedRealDeviceName)); QList partitionPath = job->data()[QLatin1String("partitionPath")].toList(); QList partitionType = job->data()[QLatin1String("partitionType")].toList(); QList partitionStart = job->data()[QLatin1String("partitionStart")].toList(); QList partitionEnd = job->data()[QLatin1String("partitionEnd")].toList(); QList partitionBusy = job->data()[QLatin1String("partitionBusy")].toList(); quint32 totalPartitions = partitionPath.size(); QList partitions; for (quint32 i = 0; i < totalPartitions; ++i) { QString partitionNode = partitionPath[i].toString(); int type = partitionType[i].toInt(); qint64 start = partitionStart[i].toLongLong(); qint64 end = partitionEnd[i].toLongLong(); bool busy = partitionBusy[i].toBool(); PartitionRole::Roles r = PartitionRole::None; FileSystem::Type fsType = detectFileSystem(partitionNode); switch (type) { case PED_PARTITION_NORMAL: r = PartitionRole::Primary; break; case PED_PARTITION_EXTENDED: r = PartitionRole::Extended; type = FileSystem::Extended; break; case PED_PARTITION_LOGICAL: r = PartitionRole::Logical; break; default: continue; } // Find an extended partition this partition is in. PartitionNode* parent = d->partitionTable()->findPartitionBySector(start, PartitionRole(PartitionRole::Extended)); // None found, so it's a primary in the device's partition table. if (parent == nullptr) parent = d->partitionTable(); FileSystem* fs = FileSystemFactory::create(fsType, start, end); // libparted does not handle LUKS partitions QString mountPoint; bool mounted = false; if (fsType == FileSystem::Luks) { r |= PartitionRole::Luks; FS::luks* luksFs = static_cast(fs); QString mapperNode = FS::luks::mapperName(partitionNode); bool isCryptOpen = !mapperNode.isEmpty(); luksFs->setCryptOpen(isCryptOpen); luksFs->setLogicalSectorSize(d->logicalSectorSize()); if (isCryptOpen) { luksFs->loadInnerFileSystem(partitionNode, mapperNode); if (luksFs->type() == FileSystem::Lvm2_PV) { mountPoint = FS::lvm2_pv::getVGName(mapperNode); mounted = false; } else { mountPoint = mountPoints.findByDevice(mapperNode) ? mountPoints.findByDevice(mapperNode)->mountPoint() : QString(); // We cannot use libparted to check the mounted status because // we don't have a PedPartition for the mapper device, so we use lsblk mounted = isMounted(mapperNode); } if (mounted) { const KDiskFreeSpaceInfo freeSpaceInfo = KDiskFreeSpaceInfo::freeSpaceInfo(mountPoint); if (freeSpaceInfo.isValid() && mountPoint != QString()) luksFs->setSectorsUsed((freeSpaceInfo.used() + luksFs->getPayloadOffset(partitionNode)) / d->logicalSectorSize()); } } else { mounted = false; } luksFs->setMounted(mounted); } else if (fsType == FileSystem::Lvm2_PV) { r |= PartitionRole::Lvm_Lv; mountPoint = FS::lvm2_pv::getVGName(partitionNode); mounted = false; } else { mountPoint = mountPoints.findByDevice(partitionNode) ? mountPoints.findByDevice(partitionNode)->mountPoint() : QString(); mounted = busy; } QList availableFlags = job->data()[QLatin1String("availableFlags")].toList(); PartitionTable::Flags available = static_cast(availableFlags[i].toInt()); QList activeFlags = job->data()[QLatin1String("activeFlags")].toList(); PartitionTable::Flags active = static_cast(activeFlags[i].toInt()); Partition* part = new Partition(parent, *d, PartitionRole(r), fs, start, end, partitionNode, available, mountPoint, mounted, active); if (!part->roles().has(PartitionRole::Luks)) readSectorsUsed(*d, *part, mountPoint); if (fs->supportGetLabel() != FileSystem::cmdSupportNone) fs->setLabel(fs->readLabel(part->deviceNode())); if (fs->supportGetUUID() != FileSystem::cmdSupportNone) fs->setUUID(fs->readUUID(part->deviceNode())); parent->append(part); partitions.append(part); } d->partitionTable()->updateUnallocated(*d); if (d->partitionTable()->isSectorBased(*d)) d->partitionTable()->setType(*d, PartitionTable::msdos_sectorbased); foreach(const Partition * part, partitions) PartitionAlignment::isAligned(*d, *part); return d; } QList LibPartedBackend::scanDevices(bool excludeReadOnly) { QList result; // linux.git/tree/Documentation/devices.txt QString blockDeviceMajorNumbers = QStringLiteral( "3,22,33,34,56,57,88,89,90,91,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135," // MFM, RLL and IDE hard disk/CD-ROM interface "7," // loop devices "8,65,66,67,68,69,70,71," // SCSI disk devices "80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87," // I2O hard disk "179," // MMC block devices "259" // Block Extended Major (include NVMe) ); ExternalCommand cmd(QStringLiteral("lsblk"), { QStringLiteral("--nodeps"), QStringLiteral("--noheadings"), QStringLiteral("--output"), QString::fromLatin1("name"), QStringLiteral("--paths"), QStringLiteral("--include"), blockDeviceMajorNumbers}); if (cmd.run(-1) && cmd.exitCode() == 0) { QStringList devices = cmd.output().split(QString::fromLatin1("\n")); devices.removeLast(); quint32 totalDevices = devices.length(); for (quint32 i = 0; i < totalDevices; ++i) { if (excludeReadOnly) { QFile f(QStringLiteral("/sys/block/%1/ro").arg(QString(devices[i]).remove(QStringLiteral("/dev/")))); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) if (f.readLine().trimmed().toInt() == 1) continue; } emitScanProgress(devices[i], i * 100 / totalDevices); result.append(scanDevice(devices[i])); } } return result; } /** Detects the type of a FileSystem given a PedDevice and a PedPartition @param partitionPath path to the partition @return the detected FileSystem type (FileSystem::Unknown if not detected) */ FileSystem::Type LibPartedBackend::detectFileSystem(const QString& partitionPath) { FileSystem::Type rval = FileSystem::Unknown; blkid_cache cache; if (blkid_get_cache(&cache, nullptr) == 0) { blkid_dev dev; if ((dev = blkid_get_dev(cache, partitionPath.toLocal8Bit().constData(), BLKID_DEV_NORMAL)) != nullptr) { char *string = blkid_get_tag_value(cache, "TYPE", partitionPath.toLocal8Bit().constData()); QString s = QString::fromUtf8(string); free(string); if (s == QStringLiteral("ext2")) rval = FileSystem::Ext2; else if (s == QStringLiteral("ext3")) rval = FileSystem::Ext3; else if (s.startsWith(QStringLiteral("ext4"))) rval = FileSystem::Ext4; else if (s == QStringLiteral("swap")) rval = FileSystem::LinuxSwap; else if (s == QStringLiteral("ntfs")) rval = FileSystem::Ntfs; else if (s == QStringLiteral("reiserfs")) rval = FileSystem::ReiserFS; else if (s == QStringLiteral("reiser4")) rval = FileSystem::Reiser4; else if (s == QStringLiteral("xfs")) rval = FileSystem::Xfs; else if (s == QStringLiteral("jfs")) rval = FileSystem::Jfs; else if (s == QStringLiteral("hfs")) rval = FileSystem::Hfs; else if (s == QStringLiteral("hfsplus")) rval = FileSystem::HfsPlus; else if (s == QStringLiteral("ufs")) rval = FileSystem::Ufs; else if (s == QStringLiteral("vfat")) { // libblkid uses SEC_TYPE to distinguish between FAT16 and FAT32 string = blkid_get_tag_value(cache, "SEC_TYPE", partitionPath.toLocal8Bit().constData()); QString st = QString::fromUtf8(string); free(string); if (st == QStringLiteral("msdos")) rval = FileSystem::Fat16; else rval = FileSystem::Fat32; } else if (s == QStringLiteral("btrfs")) rval = FileSystem::Btrfs; else if (s == QStringLiteral("ocfs2")) rval = FileSystem::Ocfs2; else if (s == QStringLiteral("zfs_member")) rval = FileSystem::Zfs; else if (s == QStringLiteral("hpfs")) rval = FileSystem::Hpfs; else if (s == QStringLiteral("crypto_LUKS")) rval = FileSystem::Luks; else if (s == QStringLiteral("exfat")) rval = FileSystem::Exfat; else if (s == QStringLiteral("nilfs2")) rval = FileSystem::Nilfs2; else if (s == QStringLiteral("LVM2_member")) rval = FileSystem::Lvm2_PV; else if (s == QStringLiteral("f2fs")) rval = FileSystem::F2fs; else qWarning() << "blkid: unknown file system type " << s << " on " << partitionPath; } blkid_put_cache(cache); } return rval; } CoreBackendDevice* LibPartedBackend::openDevice(const QString& deviceNode) { LibPartedDevice* device = new LibPartedDevice(deviceNode); if (device == nullptr || !device->open()) { delete device; device = nullptr; } return device; } CoreBackendDevice* LibPartedBackend::openDeviceExclusive(const QString& deviceNode) { LibPartedDevice* device = new LibPartedDevice(deviceNode); if (device == nullptr || !device->openExclusive()) { delete device; device = nullptr; } return device; } bool LibPartedBackend::closeDevice(CoreBackendDevice* core_device) { return core_device->close(); } PedPartitionFlag LibPartedBackend::getPedFlag(PartitionTable::Flag flag) { for (const auto &f : flagmap) if (f.flag == flag) return f.pedFlag; return static_cast(-1); } QString LibPartedBackend::lastPartedExceptionMessage() { return s_lastPartedExceptionMessage; } #include "libpartedbackend.moc"