/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2010 by Volker Lanz * * Copyright (C) 2016 by Andrius Štikonas * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #include "core/smartstatus.h" #include "core/smartparser.h" #include "core/smartdiskinformation.h" #include "core/smartattributeparseddata.h" #include #include #include #include #include SmartStatus::SmartStatus(const QString &device_path) : m_DevicePath(device_path), m_InitSuccess(false), m_Status(false), m_ModelName(), m_Serial(), m_Firmware(), m_Overall(Overall::Bad), m_SelfTestStatus(SelfTestStatus::Success), m_Temp(0), m_BadSectors(0), m_PowerCycles(0), m_PoweredOn(0) { update(); } void SmartStatus::update() { SmartParser parser(devicePath()); if (!parser.init()) { qDebug() << "error during smart output parsing for " << devicePath() << ": " << strerror(errno); return; } SmartDiskInformation *disk; disk = parser.diskInformation(); if (!disk) return; setStatus(disk->smartStatus()); setModelName(disk->model()); setFirmware(disk->firmware()); setSerial(disk->serial()); setSelfTestStatus(disk->selfTestExecutionStatus()); setOverall(disk->overall()); setTemp(disk->temperature()); setBadSectors(disk->badSectors()); setPoweredOn(disk->poweredOn()); setPowerCycles(disk->powerCycles()); addAttributes(disk->attributes()); setInitSuccess(true); } QString SmartStatus::tempToString(quint64 mkelvin) { const double celsius = (mkelvin - 273150.0) / 1000.0; const double fahrenheit = 9.0 * celsius / 5.0 + 32; return xi18nc("@item:intable degrees in Celsius and Fahrenheit", "%1° C / %2° F", QLocale().toString(celsius, 'g', 2), QLocale().toString(fahrenheit, 'g', 2)); } QString SmartStatus::selfTestStatusToString(SmartStatus::SelfTestStatus s) { switch (s) { case SelfTestStatus::Aborted: return xi18nc("@item", "Aborted"); case SelfTestStatus::Interrupted: return xi18nc("@item", "Interrupted"); case SelfTestStatus::Fatal: return xi18nc("@item", "Fatal error"); case SelfTestStatus::ErrorUnknown: return xi18nc("@item", "Unknown error"); case SelfTestStatus::ErrorEletrical: return xi18nc("@item", "Electrical error"); case SelfTestStatus::ErrorServo: return xi18nc("@item", "Servo error"); case SelfTestStatus::ErrorRead: return xi18nc("@item", "Read error"); case SelfTestStatus::ErrorHandling: return xi18nc("@item", "Handling error"); case SelfTestStatus::InProgress: return xi18nc("@item", "Self test in progress"); case SelfTestStatus::Success: default: return xi18nc("@item", "Success"); } } QString SmartStatus::overallAssessmentToString(Overall o) { switch (o) { case Overall::Good: return xi18nc("@item", "Healthy"); case Overall::BadPast: return xi18nc("@item", "Has been used outside of its design parameters in the past."); case Overall::BadSectors: return xi18nc("@item", "Has some bad sectors."); case Overall::BadNow: return xi18nc("@item", "Is being used outside of its design parameters right now."); case Overall::BadSectorsMany: return xi18nc("@item", "Has many bad sectors."); case Overall::Bad: default: return xi18nc("@item", "Disk failure is imminent. Backup all data!"); } } void SmartStatus::addAttributes(QList attr) { m_Attributes.clear(); for (const SmartAttributeParsedData &at : qAsConst(attr)) { SmartAttribute sm(at); m_Attributes.append(sm); } }