/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 by Andrius Štikonas * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #include "externalcommandhelper.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // exit helper if no ping for 42s #define TIMEOUT 42000 /** Initialize ExternalCommandHelper Daemon and prepare DBus interface */ ActionReply ExternalCommandHelper::init(const QVariantMap& args) { ActionReply reply; if (!QDBusConnection::systemBus().isConnected()) { qWarning() << "Could not connect to DBus session bus"; reply.addData(QStringLiteral("success"), false); return reply; } m_callerUuid = args[QStringLiteral("callerUuid")].toString(); if (!QDBusConnection::systemBus().registerService(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kpmcore.helperinterface"))) { qWarning() << QDBusConnection::systemBus().lastError().message(); reply.addData(QStringLiteral("success"), false); return reply; } QDBusConnection::systemBus().registerObject(QStringLiteral("/Helper"), this, QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots); timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [=] () { exit(m_callerUuid); }); timer->start(TIMEOUT); HelperSupport::progressStep(QVariantMap()); m_loop.exec(); reply.addData(QStringLiteral("success"), true); return reply; } /** Reads the given number of bytes from the sourceDevice into the given buffer. @param sourceDevice device or file to read from @param buffer buffer to store the bytes read in @param offset offset where to begin reading @param size the number of bytes to read @return true on success */ bool ExternalCommandHelper::readData(const QString& sourceDevice, QByteArray& buffer, qint64 offset, qint64 size) { QFile device(sourceDevice); if (!device.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered)) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not open device %1 for reading.", sourceDevice); return false; } if (!device.seek(offset)) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not seek position %1 on device %1.", sourceDevice); return false; } buffer = device.read(size); if (size != buffer.size()) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not read from device %1.", sourceDevice); return false; } return true; } /** Writes the data from buffer to a given device or file. @param targetDevice device or file to write to @param buffer the data that we write @param offset offset where to begin writing @return true on success */ bool ExternalCommandHelper::writeData(const QString &targetDevice, const QByteArray& buffer, qint64 offset) { QFile device(targetDevice); if (!device.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Unbuffered)) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not open device %1 for writing.", targetDevice); return false; } if (!device.seek(offset)) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not seek position %1 on device %1.", targetDevice); return false; } if (device.write(buffer) != buffer.size()) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not write to device %1.", targetDevice); return false; } return true; } bool ExternalCommandHelper::copyblocks(const QString& Uuid, const QString& sourceDevice, const qint64 sourceFirstByte, const qint64 sourceLength, const QString& targetDevice, const qint64 targetFirstByte, const qint64 blockSize) { if (!isCallerAuthorized(Uuid)) return false; const qint64 blocksToCopy = sourceLength / blockSize; qint64 readOffset = sourceFirstByte; qint64 writeOffset = targetFirstByte; qint32 copyDirection = 1; if (targetFirstByte > sourceFirstByte) { readOffset = sourceFirstByte + sourceLength - blockSize; writeOffset = targetFirstByte + sourceLength - blockSize; copyDirection = -1; } const qint64 lastBlock = sourceLength % blockSize; qint64 bytesWritten = 0; qint64 blocksCopied = 0; QByteArray buffer; int percent = 0; QTime t; t.start(); QVariantMap report; report[QStringLiteral("report")] = xi18nc("@info:progress", "Copying %1 blocks (%2 bytes) from %3 to %4, direction: %5.", blocksToCopy, sourceLength, readOffset, writeOffset, copyDirection == 1 ? i18nc("direction: left", "left") : i18nc("direction: right", "right")); HelperSupport::progressStep(report); bool rval = true; while (blocksCopied < blocksToCopy) { if (!(rval = readData(sourceDevice, buffer, readOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied * copyDirection, blockSize))) break; if (!(rval = writeData(targetDevice, buffer, writeOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied * copyDirection))) break; bytesWritten += buffer.size(); if (++blocksCopied * 100 / blocksToCopy != percent) { percent = blocksCopied * 100 / blocksToCopy; if (percent % 5 == 0 && t.elapsed() > 1000) { const qint64 mibsPerSec = (blocksCopied * blockSize / 1024 / 1024) / (t.elapsed() / 1000); const qint64 estSecsLeft = (100 - percent) * t.elapsed() / percent / 1000; report[QStringLiteral("report")]= xi18nc("@info:progress", "Copying %1 MiB/second, estimated time left: %2", mibsPerSec, QTime(0, 0).addSecs(estSecsLeft).toString()); HelperSupport::progressStep(report); } HelperSupport::progressStep(percent); } } // copy the remainder if (rval && lastBlock > 0) { Q_ASSERT(lastBlock < blockSize); const qint64 lastBlockReadOffset = copyDirection > 0 ? readOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied : sourceFirstByte; const qint64 lastBlockWriteOffset = copyDirection > 0 ? writeOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied : targetFirstByte; report[QStringLiteral("report")]= xi18nc("@info:progress", "Copying remainder of block size %1 from %2 to %3.", lastBlock, lastBlockReadOffset, lastBlockWriteOffset); HelperSupport::progressStep(report); rval = readData(sourceDevice, buffer, lastBlockReadOffset, lastBlock); if (rval) rval = writeData(targetDevice, buffer, lastBlockWriteOffset); if (rval) { HelperSupport::progressStep(100); bytesWritten += buffer.size(); } } report[QStringLiteral("report")] = xi18ncp("@info:progress argument 2 is a string such as 7 bytes (localized accordingly)", "Copying 1 block (%2) finished.", "Copying %1 blocks (%2) finished.", blocksCopied, i18np("1 byte", "%1 bytes", bytesWritten)); HelperSupport::progressStep(report); return rval; } QVariantMap ExternalCommandHelper::start(const QString& Uuid, const QString& command, const QStringList& arguments, const QByteArray& input, const QStringList& environment) { QVariantMap reply; if (!isCallerAuthorized(Uuid)) { reply[QStringLiteral("success")] = false; return reply; } // connect(&cmd, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &ExternalCommandHelper::onReadOutput); m_cmd.setEnvironment(environment); m_cmd.start(command, arguments); m_cmd.write(input); m_cmd.closeWriteChannel(); m_cmd.waitForFinished(-1); QByteArray output = m_cmd.readAllStandardOutput(); reply[QStringLiteral("output")] = output; reply[QStringLiteral("exitCode")] = m_cmd.exitCode(); return reply; } bool ExternalCommandHelper::isCallerAuthorized(const QString& Uuid) { if (Uuid != m_callerUuid) { qWarning() << "Caller is not authorized"; return false; } return true; } void ExternalCommandHelper::exit(const QString& Uuid) { if (!isCallerAuthorized(Uuid)) return; m_loop.exit(); if (QDBusConnection::systemBus().unregisterService(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kpmcore.helperinterface"))) qDebug() << "org.kde.kpmcore.helperinterface unregistered"; QDBusConnection::systemBus().unregisterObject(QStringLiteral("/Helper")); } void ExternalCommandHelper::ping(const QString &Uuid) { if (!isCallerAuthorized(Uuid)) return; timer->setInterval(TIMEOUT); } void ExternalCommandHelper::onReadOutput() { // const QByteArray s = cmd.readAllStandardOutput(); // if(output.length() > 10*1024*1024) { // prevent memory overflow for badly corrupted file systems // if (report()) // report()->line() << xi18nc("@info:status", "(Command is printing too much output)"); // return; // } // output += s; // if (report()) // *report() << QString::fromLocal8Bit(s); } KAUTH_HELPER_MAIN("org.kde.kpmcore.externalcommand", ExternalCommandHelper)