/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2008 by Volker Lanz * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #include "core/partition.h" #include "core/device.h" #include "fs/filesystem.h" #include "fs/filesystemfactory.h" #include "util/externalcommand.h" #include "util/report.h" #include #include #include #include #include /** Creates a new Partition object. @param parent the Partition's parent. May be another Partition (for logicals) or a PartitionTable. Must not be NULL. @param device the Device this Partition is on. @param role the Partition's role(s) @param fs pointer to the Partition's FileSystem object. The Partition object will take ownership of this. @param sectorStart the first sector of the Partition on its Device @param sectorEnd the last sector of the Partition on its Device @param partitionPath the Partition's path, e.g. /dev/sda4 or /dev/mmcblk0p1 @param availableFlags the flags available for this Partition @param mountPoint mount point for this Partition @param mounted true if the Partition is mounted @param activeFlags active flags for this Partition @param state the Partition's state */ Partition::Partition(PartitionNode* parent, const Device& device, const PartitionRole& role, FileSystem* fs, qint64 sectorStart, qint64 sectorEnd, QString partitionPath, PartitionTable::Flags availableFlags, const QString& mountPoint, bool mounted, PartitionTable::Flags activeFlags, State state) : PartitionNode(), m_Children(), m_Parent(parent), m_FileSystem(fs), m_Roles(role), m_FirstSector(sectorStart), m_LastSector(sectorEnd), m_DevicePath(device.deviceNode()), m_MountPoint(mountPoint), m_AvailableFlags(availableFlags), m_ActiveFlags(activeFlags), m_IsMounted(mounted), m_SectorSize(device.logicalSectorSize()), m_State(state) { setPartitionPath(partitionPath); Q_ASSERT(m_Parent); } /** Destroys a Partition, destroying its children and its FileSystem */ Partition::~Partition() { // FIXME: Design flaw: Currently, there are two ways a partition node can get children: Either // they're created and inserted as unallocated in PartitionTable (these unallocated then get // "converted" to real, new partitions in the GUI) or they're created and appended in the // backend plugin. There is however no defined way to remove partitions from parents. This might // either cause leaks (a partition is removed from the parent's list of children but never // deleted) or, worse, crashes (a partition is deleted but not removed from the parent's // list of children). As a workaround, always remove a partition from its parent here in the dtor. // This presumably fixes 232092, but backporting is too risky until we're sure this doesn't cause // side-effects. parent()->remove(this); clearChildren(); deleteFileSystem(); } /** @param other Partition to copy */ Partition::Partition(const Partition& other) : PartitionNode(), m_Children(), m_Parent(other.m_Parent), m_FileSystem(FileSystemFactory::create(other.fileSystem())), m_Roles(other.m_Roles), m_FirstSector(other.m_FirstSector), m_LastSector(other.m_LastSector), m_DevicePath(other.m_DevicePath), m_MountPoint(other.m_MountPoint), m_AvailableFlags(other.m_AvailableFlags), m_ActiveFlags(other.m_ActiveFlags), m_IsMounted(other.m_IsMounted), m_SectorSize(other.m_SectorSize), m_State(other.m_State) { setPartitionPath(other.m_PartitionPath); foreach(const Partition * child, other.children()) { Partition* p = new Partition(*child); p->setParent(this); m_Children.append(p); } } /** @param other Partition to assign from */ Partition& Partition::operator=(const Partition& other) { if (&other == this) return *this; clearChildren(); foreach(const Partition * child, other.children()) { Partition* p = new Partition(*child); p->setParent(this); m_Children.append(p); } m_Number = other.m_Number; m_FileSystem = FileSystemFactory::create(other.fileSystem()); m_Roles = other.m_Roles; m_FirstSector = other.m_FirstSector; m_LastSector = other.m_LastSector; m_DevicePath = other.m_DevicePath; m_PartitionPath = other.m_PartitionPath; m_MountPoint = other.m_MountPoint; m_AvailableFlags = other.m_AvailableFlags; m_ActiveFlags = other.m_ActiveFlags; m_IsMounted = other.m_IsMounted; m_SectorSize = other.m_SectorSize; m_State = other.m_State; return *this; } bool Partition::operator==(const Partition& other) const { return other.deviceNode() == deviceNode(); } bool Partition::operator!=(const Partition& other) const { return !(other == *this); } /** @return a short descriptive text or, in case the Partition has StateNone, its device node. */ QString Partition::deviceNode() const { if (roles().has(PartitionRole::None) || roles().has(PartitionRole::Unallocated)) return i18nc("@item partition name", "unallocated"); if (state() == StateNew) return i18nc("@item partition name", "New Partition"); if (state() == StateRestore) return i18nc("@item partition name", "Restored Partition"); if (state() == StateCopy) return i18nc("@item partition name", "Copy of %1", partitionPath()); return partitionPath(); } /** @return the sectors used in the Partition's FileSystem or, in case of an extended partition, the sum of used sectors of the Partition's children */ qint64 Partition::sectorsUsed() const { if (!roles().has(PartitionRole::Extended)) return fileSystem().sectorsUsed(); qint64 result = 0; foreach(const Partition * p, children()) if (!p->roles().has(PartitionRole::Unallocated)) result += p->length(); return result; } /** @return the minimum number of sectors this Partition must be long */ qint64 Partition::minimumSectors() const { return fileSystem().minCapacity() / sectorSize(); } /** @return the maximum number of sectors this Partition may be long */ qint64 Partition::maximumSectors() const { return fileSystem().maxCapacity() / sectorSize(); } /** Adjusts the numbers of logical Partitions for an extended Partition. This is required if a logical Partition is deleted or inserted because logicals must be numberd from 5 onwards without a gap. So if the user deletes Partition number 7 and there is a number 8, 8 becomes the "new" 7. And since this happens somewhere in the middle of a DeleteOperation, we have to adjust to that so the next Job still finds the Partition it wants to deal with. @param deletedNumber the number of a deleted logical or -1 if none has been deleted @param insertedNumber the number of an inserted logical or -1 if none has been inserted */ void Partition::adjustLogicalNumbers(qint32 deletedNumber, qint32 insertedNumber) { if (!roles().has(PartitionRole::Extended)) return; foreach(Partition * p, children()) { QString path = p->partitionPath(); path.remove(QRegExp(QStringLiteral("([0-9]+$)"))); if (deletedNumber > 4 && p->number() > deletedNumber) p->setPartitionPath(path + QString::number(p->number() - 1)); else if (insertedNumber > 4 && p->number() >= insertedNumber) p->setPartitionPath(path + QString::number(p->number() + 1)); } } /** @return the highest sector number an extended Partition can begin at */ qint64 Partition::maxFirstSector() const { qint64 rval = -1; foreach(const Partition * child, children()) if (!child->roles().has(PartitionRole::Unallocated) && (child->firstSector() < rval || rval == -1)) rval = child->firstSector(); return rval; } /** @return the lowest sector number an extended Partition can end at */ qint64 Partition::minLastSector() const { qint64 rval = -1; foreach(const Partition * child, children()) if (!child->roles().has(PartitionRole::Unallocated) && child->lastSector() > rval) rval = child->lastSector(); return rval; } /** @return true if the Partition has children */ bool Partition::hasChildren() const { foreach(const Partition * child, children()) if (!child->roles().has(PartitionRole::Unallocated)) return true; return false; } /** Sets an extended Partition to mounted if any of its children are mounted */ void Partition::checkChildrenMounted() { setMounted(isChildMounted()); } /** @return true if this Partition can be mounted */ bool Partition::canMount() const { // cannot mount if already mounted if (isMounted()) return false; // if the file system says we can mount without mount points, that's fine // (this is the case for swap only, actually) if (fileSystem().canMount(deviceNode())) return true; // cannot mount if we have no mount points return !mountPoint().isEmpty(); } /** @return true if this Partition can be unmounted */ bool Partition::canUnmount() const { return !roles().has(PartitionRole::Extended) && isMounted(); } /** Tries to mount a Partition. @return true on success */ bool Partition::mount(Report& report) { if (isMounted()) return false; bool success = false; if (fileSystem().canMount(deviceNode())) success = fileSystem().mount(deviceNode()); else { ExternalCommand mountCmd(report, QStringLiteral("mount"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("-v") << deviceNode() << mountPoint()); if (mountCmd.run() && mountCmd.exitCode() == 0) success = true; } setMounted(success); return success; } /** Tries to unmount a Partition. @return true on success */ bool Partition::unmount(Report& report) { if (!isMounted()) return false; bool success = true; while (success) { if (fileSystem().canUnmount(deviceNode())) { success = fileSystem().unmount(deviceNode()); if (success) setMountPoint(QString()); } else { ExternalCommand umountCmd(report, QStringLiteral("umount"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("-v") << deviceNode()); if (!umountCmd.run() || umountCmd.exitCode() != 0) success = false; } KMountPoint::List mountPoints = KMountPoint::currentMountPoints(KMountPoint::NeedRealDeviceName); if (!mountPoints.findByDevice(deviceNode())) break; } setMounted(!success); return success; } void Partition::deleteFileSystem() { delete m_FileSystem; m_FileSystem = NULL; } void Partition::setPartitionPath(const QString& s) { m_PartitionPath = s; QRegExp rxPartitionNumber(QStringLiteral("([0-9]+$)")); if (rxPartitionNumber.indexIn(partitionPath()) > -1) { setNumber(rxPartitionNumber.cap().toInt()); return; } setNumber(-1); } void Partition::setFileSystem(FileSystem* fs) { m_FileSystem = fs; } void Partition::move(qint64 newStartSector) { const qint64 savedLength = length(); setFirstSector(newStartSector); setLastSector(newStartSector + savedLength - 1); } QTextStream& operator<<(QTextStream& stream, const Partition& p) { QStringList flagList; foreach(const PartitionTable::Flag & f, PartitionTable::flagList()) { if (p.activeFlags() & f) flagList.append(PartitionTable::flagName(f)); } const QString sep(QStringLiteral(";")); // number - start - end - type - roles - label - flags stream << p.number() << sep << p.firstSector() << sep << p.lastSector() << sep << p.fileSystem().name() << sep << p.roles().toString() << sep << "\"" << p.fileSystem().label() << QStringLiteral("\"") << sep << "\"" << flagList.join(QStringLiteral(",")) << QStringLiteral("\"") << "\n"; return stream; }