/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 by Volker Lanz * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #include "gui/partresizerwidget.h" #include "gui/partwidget.h" #include "core/partition.h" #include "core/device.h" #include "core/partitiontable.h" #include "core/partitionalignment.h" #include "fs/filesystem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const qint32 PartResizerWidget::m_HandleHeight = 59; /** Creates a new PartResizerWidget Initializing is mostly done in init(). @param parent pointer to the parent widget */ PartResizerWidget::PartResizerWidget(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent), m_Device(nullptr), m_Partition(nullptr), m_PartWidget(nullptr), m_MinimumFirstSector(0), m_MaximumFirstSector(-1), m_MinimumLastSector(-1), m_MaximumLastSector(0), m_MinimumLength(-1), m_MaximumLength(-1), m_LeftHandle(this), m_RightHandle(this), m_DraggedWidget(nullptr), m_Hotspot(0), m_MoveAllowed(true), m_ReadOnly(false), m_Align(true) { } /** Intializes the PartResizerWidget @param d the Device the Partition is on @param p the Partition to show and/or resize @param minFirst the minimum value for the first sector @param maxLast the maximum value for the last sector */ void PartResizerWidget::init(Device& d, Partition& p, qint64 minFirst, qint64 maxLast, bool read_only, bool move_allowed) { setDevice(d); setPartition(p); setMinimumFirstSector(minFirst); setMaximumLastSector(maxLast); setReadOnly(read_only); setMoveAllowed(move_allowed); setMinimumLength(qMax(partition().sectorsUsed(), partition().minimumSectors())); setMaximumLength(qMin(totalSectors(), partition().maximumSectors())); // set margins to accommodate to top/bottom button asymmetric layouts QStyleOptionButton bOpt; bOpt.initFrom(this); QRect buttonRect(style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_PushButtonContents, &bOpt)); int asym = (rect().bottom() - buttonRect.bottom()) - (buttonRect.top() - rect().top()); if (asym > 0) setContentsMargins(0, asym, 0, 0); else setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, asym); if (!readOnly()) { QPixmap pixmap(handleWidth(), handleHeight()); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&pixmap); QStyleOption opt; opt.state |= QStyle::State_Horizontal; opt.rect = pixmap.rect().adjusted(0, 2, 0, -2); style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_Splitter, &opt, &p, this); leftHandle().setPixmap(pixmap); rightHandle().setPixmap(pixmap); leftHandle().setFixedSize(handleWidth(), handleHeight()); rightHandle().setFixedSize(handleWidth(), handleHeight()); } delete m_PartWidget; m_PartWidget = new PartWidget(this, &partition()); if (!readOnly()) { if (moveAllowed()) leftHandle().setCursor(Qt::SizeHorCursor); rightHandle().setCursor(Qt::SizeHorCursor); } if (moveAllowed()) partWidget().setCursor(Qt::SizeAllCursor); partWidget().setToolTip(QString()); updatePositions(); } qint32 PartResizerWidget::handleWidth() const { return style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SplitterWidth); } long double PartResizerWidget::sectorsPerPixel() const { return totalSectors() / (width() - 2.0L * handleWidth()); } int PartResizerWidget::partWidgetStart() const { return handleWidth() + (partition().firstSector() - minimumFirstSector()) / sectorsPerPixel(); } int PartResizerWidget::partWidgetWidth() const { return partition().length() / sectorsPerPixel(); } void PartResizerWidget::updatePositions() { QMargins margins(contentsMargins()); partWidget().move(partWidgetStart() + margins.left(), margins.top()); partWidget().resize(partWidgetWidth() - margins.left() - margins.right(), height() - margins.top() - margins.bottom()); leftHandle().move(partWidgetStart() - leftHandle().width(), 0); rightHandle().move(partWidgetStart() + partWidgetWidth(), 0); partWidget().update(); } void PartResizerWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { updatePositions(); QWidget::resizeEvent(event); } void PartResizerWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { // draw sunken frame QPainter painter(this); QStyleOptionFrame opt; opt.initFrom(this); opt.frameShape = QFrame::StyledPanel; opt.rect = contentsRect(); opt.lineWidth = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth, &opt, this); opt.midLineWidth = 0; opt.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken; style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelLineEdit, &opt, &painter, this); } void PartResizerWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { m_DraggedWidget = static_cast(childAt(event->pos())); if (m_DraggedWidget != nullptr) { if (partWidget().isAncestorOf(m_DraggedWidget)) m_DraggedWidget = &partWidget(); m_Hotspot = m_DraggedWidget->mapFromParent(event->pos()).x(); } } } bool PartResizerWidget::checkConstraints(qint64 first, qint64 last) const { return (maximumFirstSector() == -1 || first <= maximumFirstSector()) && (minimumFirstSector() == 0 || first >= minimumFirstSector()) && (minimumLastSector() == -1 || last >= minimumLastSector()) && (maximumLastSector() == 0 || last <= maximumLastSector()); } bool PartResizerWidget::movePartition(qint64 newFirstSector) { const qint64 originalLength = partition().length(); const bool isLengthAligned = PartitionAlignment::isLengthAligned(device(), partition()); if (maximumFirstSector(align()) > -1 && newFirstSector > maximumFirstSector(align())) newFirstSector = maximumFirstSector(align()); if (minimumFirstSector(align()) > 0 && newFirstSector < minimumFirstSector(align())) newFirstSector = minimumFirstSector(align()); if (align()) newFirstSector = PartitionAlignment::alignedFirstSector(device(), partition(), newFirstSector, minimumFirstSector(align()), maximumFirstSector(align()), -1, -1); qint64 delta = newFirstSector - partition().firstSector(); if (delta == 0) return false; qint64 newLastSector = partition().lastSector() + delta; if (minimumLastSector(align()) > -1 && newLastSector < minimumLastSector(align())) { const qint64 deltaLast = minimumLastSector(align()) - newLastSector; newFirstSector += deltaLast; newLastSector += deltaLast; } if (maximumLastSector(align()) > 0 && newLastSector > maximumLastSector(align())) { const qint64 deltaLast = newLastSector - maximumLastSector(align()); newFirstSector -= deltaLast; newLastSector -= deltaLast; } if (align()) newLastSector = PartitionAlignment::alignedLastSector(device(), partition(), newLastSector, minimumLastSector(align()), maximumLastSector(align()), -1, -1, originalLength, isLengthAligned); if (newLastSector == partition().lastSector()) return false; if (isLengthAligned && newLastSector - newFirstSector + 1 != partition().length()) { qDebug() << "length changes while trying to move partition " << partition().deviceNode() << ". new first: " << newFirstSector << ", new last: " << newLastSector << ", old length: " << partition().length() << ", new length: " << newLastSector - newFirstSector + 1; return false; } if (!checkConstraints(newFirstSector, newLastSector)) { qDebug() << "constraints not satisfied while trying to move partition " << partition().deviceNode() << ". new first: " << newFirstSector << ", new last: " << newLastSector; return false; } if (align() && !PartitionAlignment::isAligned(device(), partition(), newFirstSector, newLastSector, true)) { qDebug() << "partition " << partition().deviceNode() << " not aligned but supposed to be. new first: " << newFirstSector << " delta: " << PartitionAlignment::firstDelta(device(), partition(), newFirstSector) << ", new last: " << newLastSector << ", delta: " << PartitionAlignment::lastDelta(device(), partition(), newLastSector); return false; } if (partition().children().size() > 0 && (!checkAlignment(*partition().children().first(), partition().firstSector() - newFirstSector) || !checkAlignment(*partition().children().last(), partition().lastSector() - newLastSector))) { qDebug() << "cannot align children while trying to move partition " << partition().deviceNode(); return false; } partition().setFirstSector(newFirstSector); partition().fileSystem().setFirstSector(newFirstSector); partition().setLastSector(newLastSector); partition().fileSystem().setLastSector(newLastSector); updatePositions(); emit firstSectorChanged(partition().firstSector()); emit lastSectorChanged(partition().lastSector()); return true; } void PartResizerWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { int x = event->pos().x() - m_Hotspot; if (draggedWidget() == &leftHandle()) { const qint64 newFirstSector = qMax(minimumFirstSector() + x * sectorsPerPixel(), 0.0L); updateFirstSector(newFirstSector); } else if (draggedWidget() == &rightHandle()) { const qint64 newLastSector = qMin(static_cast(minimumFirstSector() + (x - rightHandle().width()) * sectorsPerPixel()), maximumLastSector()); updateLastSector(newLastSector); } else if (draggedWidget() == &partWidget() && moveAllowed()) { const qint64 newFirstSector = qMax(minimumFirstSector() + (x - handleWidth()) * sectorsPerPixel(), 0.0L); movePartition(newFirstSector); } } void PartResizerWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) m_DraggedWidget = nullptr; } bool PartResizerWidget::updateFirstSector(qint64 newFirstSector) { if (maximumFirstSector(align()) > -1 && newFirstSector > maximumFirstSector(align())) newFirstSector = maximumFirstSector(align()); if (minimumFirstSector(align()) > 0 && newFirstSector < minimumFirstSector(align())) newFirstSector = minimumFirstSector(align()); const qint64 newLength = partition().lastSector() - newFirstSector + 1; if (newLength < minimumLength()) newFirstSector -= minimumLength() - newLength; if (newLength > maximumLength()) newFirstSector -= newLength - maximumLength(); if (align()) newFirstSector = PartitionAlignment::alignedFirstSector(device(), partition(), newFirstSector, minimumFirstSector(align()), maximumFirstSector(align()), minimumLength(), maximumLength()); if (newFirstSector != partition().firstSector() && (partition().children().size() == 0 || checkAlignment(*partition().children().first(), partition().firstSector() - newFirstSector))) { const qint64 deltaFirst = partition().firstSector() - newFirstSector; partition().setFirstSector(newFirstSector); partition().fileSystem().setFirstSector(newFirstSector); resizeLogicals(deltaFirst, 0); updatePositions(); emit firstSectorChanged(partition().firstSector()); return true; } return false; } bool PartResizerWidget::checkAlignment(const Partition& child, qint64 delta) const { // TODO: what is this exactly good for? and is it correct in non-cylinder-aligned // situations? if (!partition().roles().has(PartitionRole::Extended)) return true; if (child.roles().has(PartitionRole::Unallocated)) return true; return qAbs(delta) >= PartitionAlignment::sectorAlignment(device()); } void PartResizerWidget::resizeLogicals(qint64 deltaFirst, qint64 deltaLast, bool force) { if (deltaFirst != 0 && partition().children().size() > 0 && partition().children().first()->roles().has(PartitionRole::Unallocated)) { qint64 start = partition().children().first()->firstSector() - deltaFirst; qint64 end = partition().children().first()->lastSector() + deltaLast; if (PartitionTable::getUnallocatedRange(device(), partition(), start, end)) { partition().children().first()->setFirstSector(start); deltaFirst = 0; } } if (deltaLast != 0 && partition().children().size() > 0 && partition().children().last()->roles().has(PartitionRole::Unallocated)) { qint64 start = partition().children().last()->firstSector() - deltaFirst; qint64 end = partition().children().last()->lastSector() + deltaLast; if (PartitionTable::getUnallocatedRange(device(), partition(), start, end)) { partition().children().last()->setLastSector(end); deltaLast = 0; } } if (force || deltaFirst != 0 || deltaLast != 0) { Q_ASSERT(device().partitionTable()); device().partitionTable()->removeUnallocated(&partition()); if (partition().roles().has(PartitionRole::Extended)) device().partitionTable()->insertUnallocated(device(), &partition(), partition().firstSector()); } partWidget().updateChildren(); } bool PartResizerWidget::updateLastSector(qint64 newLastSector) { if (minimumLastSector(align()) > -1 && newLastSector < minimumLastSector(align())) newLastSector = minimumLastSector(align()); if (maximumLastSector(align()) > 0 && newLastSector > maximumLastSector(align())) newLastSector = maximumLastSector(align()); const qint64 newLength = newLastSector - partition().firstSector() + 1; if (newLength < minimumLength()) newLastSector += minimumLength() - newLength; if (newLength > maximumLength()) newLastSector -= newLength - maximumLength(); if (align()) newLastSector = PartitionAlignment::alignedLastSector(device(), partition(), newLastSector, minimumLastSector(align()), maximumLastSector(align()), minimumLength(), maximumLength()); if (newLastSector != partition().lastSector() && (partition().children().size() == 0 || checkAlignment(*partition().children().last(), partition().lastSector() - newLastSector))) { const qint64 deltaLast = newLastSector - partition().lastSector(); partition().setLastSector(newLastSector); partition().fileSystem().setLastSector(newLastSector); resizeLogicals(0, deltaLast); updatePositions(); emit lastSectorChanged(partition().lastSector()); return true; } return false; } /** Sets the minimum sectors the Partition can be long. @note This value can never be less than 0 and never be higher than totalSectors() @param s the new minimum length */ void PartResizerWidget::setMinimumLength(qint64 s) { m_MinimumLength = qBound(0LL, s, totalSectors()); } /** Sets the maximum sectors the Partition can be long. @note This value can never be less than 0 and never by higher than totalSectors() @param s the new maximum length */ void PartResizerWidget::setMaximumLength(qint64 s) { m_MaximumLength = qBound(0LL, s, totalSectors()); } /** Sets if moving the Partition is allowed. @param b true if moving is allowed */ void PartResizerWidget::setMoveAllowed(bool b) { m_MoveAllowed = b; if (m_PartWidget != nullptr) partWidget().setCursor(b ? Qt::SizeAllCursor : Qt::ArrowCursor); } qint64 PartResizerWidget::minimumFirstSector(bool aligned) const { if (!aligned || PartitionAlignment::firstDelta(device(), partition(), m_MinimumFirstSector) == 0) return m_MinimumFirstSector; return m_MinimumFirstSector - PartitionAlignment::firstDelta(device(), partition(), m_MinimumFirstSector) + PartitionAlignment::sectorAlignment(device()); } qint64 PartResizerWidget::maximumFirstSector(bool aligned) const { return (m_MaximumFirstSector != -1 && aligned) ? m_MaximumFirstSector - PartitionAlignment::firstDelta(device(), partition(), m_MaximumFirstSector) : m_MaximumFirstSector; } qint64 PartResizerWidget::minimumLastSector(bool aligned) const { if (!aligned || PartitionAlignment::lastDelta(device(), partition(), m_MinimumLastSector) == 1) return m_MinimumLastSector; return m_MinimumLastSector - PartitionAlignment::lastDelta(device(), partition(), m_MinimumLastSector) + 1 + PartitionAlignment::sectorAlignment(device()); } qint64 PartResizerWidget::maximumLastSector(bool aligned) const { return (m_MaximumLastSector != 0 && aligned) ? m_MaximumLastSector - PartitionAlignment::lastDelta(device(), partition(), m_MaximumLastSector) : m_MaximumLastSector; }