
308 lines
9.4 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2020 Andrius Štikonas <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Adriaan de Groot <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include "core/fstab.h"
#include "util/externalcommand.h"
#include "util/report.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
#include <blkid/blkid.h>
#include <QChar>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QTemporaryFile>
#include <QTextStream>
static void parseFsSpec(const QString& m_fsSpec, FstabEntry::Type& m_entryType, QString& m_deviceNode);
static QString findBlkIdDevice(const char *token, const QString& value);
static void writeEntry(QTextStream& s, const FstabEntry& entry, std::array<unsigned int, 4> columnWidth);
std::array<unsigned int, 4> fstabColumnWidth(const FstabEntryList& fstabEntries);
struct FstabEntryPrivate
QString m_fsSpec;
QString m_deviceNode;
QString m_mountPoint;
QString m_type;
QStringList m_options;
int m_dumpFreq;
int m_passNumber;
QString m_comment;
FstabEntry::Type m_entryType;
FstabEntry::FstabEntry(const QString& fsSpec, const QString& mountPoint, const QString& type, const QString& options, int dumpFreq, int passNumber, const QString& comment) :
d->m_fsSpec = fsSpec;
d->m_mountPoint = mountPoint;
d->m_type = type;
d->m_dumpFreq = dumpFreq;
d->m_passNumber = passNumber;
d->m_comment = comment;
d->m_options = options.split(QLatin1Char(','));
parseFsSpec(d->m_fsSpec, d->m_entryType, d->m_deviceNode);
FstabEntryList readFstabEntries( const QString& fstabPath )
FstabEntryList fstabEntries;
QFile fstabFile( fstabPath );
if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
const QStringList fstabLines = QString::fromLocal8Bit(fstabFile.readAll()).split( QLatin1Char('\n') );
for ( const QString& rawLine : fstabLines )
QString line = rawLine.trimmed();
if ( line.startsWith( QLatin1Char('#') ) || line.isEmpty()) {
fstabEntries.push_back( { {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, line } );
QString comment = line.section( QLatin1Char('#'), 1 );
QStringList splitLine = line.section( QLatin1Char('#'), 0, 0 ).split( QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("[\\s]+")), Qt::SkipEmptyParts );
// We now split the standard components of /etc/fstab entry:
// (0) path, or UUID, or LABEL, etc,
// (1) mount point,
// (2) file system type,
// (3) options,
// (4) dump frequency (optional, defaults to 0), no comment is allowed if omitted,
// (5) pass number (optional, defaults to 0), no comment is allowed if omitted,
// (#) comment (optional).
// Handle deprecated subtypes, e.g. sshfs#example. They are not relevant for partitioning, ignore them.
if (splitLine.size() < 3) {
auto fsSpec =;
auto mountPoint = unescapeSpaces(;
auto fsType =;
auto options =;
switch (splitLine.length()) {
case 4:
fstabEntries.push_back( {fsSpec, mountPoint, fsType, options } );
case 5:
fstabEntries.push_back( {fsSpec, mountPoint, fsType, options, } );
case 6:
fstabEntries.push_back( {fsSpec, mountPoint, fsType, options,,, comment.isEmpty() ? QString() : QLatin1Char('#') + comment } );
fstabEntries.push_back( { {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, QLatin1Char('#') + line } );
if (fstabEntries.back().entryType() == FstabEntry::Type::comment && fstabEntries.back().comment().isEmpty())
return fstabEntries;
QString escapeSpaces(const QString& mountPoint)
QString tmp = mountPoint;
tmp.replace(QStringLiteral(" "), QStringLiteral("\\040"));
tmp.replace(QStringLiteral("\t"), QStringLiteral("\\011"));
return tmp;
QString unescapeSpaces(const QString& mountPoint)
QString tmp = mountPoint;
tmp.replace(QStringLiteral("\\040"), QStringLiteral(" "));
tmp.replace(QStringLiteral("\\011"), QStringLiteral("\t"));
return tmp;
void FstabEntry::setFsSpec(const QString& s)
d->m_fsSpec = s;
parseFsSpec(d->m_fsSpec, d->m_entryType, d->m_deviceNode);
const QString& FstabEntry::fsSpec() const
return d->m_fsSpec;
const QString& FstabEntry::deviceNode() const
return d->m_deviceNode;
const QString& FstabEntry::mountPoint() const
return d->m_mountPoint;
const QString& FstabEntry::type() const
return d->m_type;
const QStringList& FstabEntry::options() const
return d->m_options;
const QString FstabEntry::optionsString() const
return options().size() > 0 ? options().join(QLatin1Char(',')) : QStringLiteral("defaults");
int FstabEntry::dumpFreq() const
return d->m_dumpFreq;
int FstabEntry::passNumber() const
return d->m_passNumber;
const QString& FstabEntry::comment() const
return d->m_comment;
FstabEntry::Type FstabEntry::entryType() const
return d->m_entryType;
void FstabEntry::setMountPoint(const QString& s)
d->m_mountPoint = s;
void FstabEntry::setOptions(const QStringList& s)
d->m_options = s;
void FstabEntry::setDumpFreq(int s)
d->m_dumpFreq = s;
void FstabEntry::setPassNumber(int s)
d->m_passNumber = s;
QStringList possibleMountPoints(const QString& deviceNode, const QString& fstabPath)
QStringList mountPoints;
QString canonicalPath = QFileInfo(deviceNode).canonicalFilePath();
const FstabEntryList fstabEntryList = readFstabEntries( fstabPath );
for (const FstabEntry &entry : fstabEntryList)
if (QFileInfo(entry.deviceNode()).canonicalFilePath() == canonicalPath)
return mountPoints;
static QString findBlkIdDevice(const char *token, const QString& value)
QString rval;
#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
if (char* c = blkid_evaluate_tag(token, value.toLocal8Bit().constData(), nullptr)) {
rval = QString::fromLocal8Bit(c);
return rval;
static void parseFsSpec(const QString& m_fsSpec, FstabEntry::Type& m_entryType, QString& m_deviceNode)
m_entryType = FstabEntry::Type::comment;
if (m_fsSpec.startsWith(QStringLiteral("UUID="))) {
m_entryType = FstabEntry::Type::uuid;
m_deviceNode = findBlkIdDevice("UUID", QString(m_fsSpec).remove(QStringLiteral("UUID=")));
} else if (m_fsSpec.startsWith(QStringLiteral("LABEL="))) {
m_entryType = FstabEntry::Type::label;
m_deviceNode = findBlkIdDevice("LABEL", QString(m_fsSpec).remove(QStringLiteral("LABEL=")));
} else if (m_fsSpec.startsWith(QStringLiteral("PARTUUID="))) {
m_entryType = FstabEntry::Type::uuid;
m_deviceNode = findBlkIdDevice("PARTUUID", QString(m_fsSpec).remove(QStringLiteral("PARTUUID=")));
} else if (m_fsSpec.startsWith(QStringLiteral("PARTLABEL="))) {
m_entryType = FstabEntry::Type::label;
m_deviceNode = findBlkIdDevice("PARTLABEL", QString(m_fsSpec).remove(QStringLiteral("PARTLABEL=")));
} else if (m_fsSpec.startsWith(QStringLiteral("/"))) {
m_entryType = FstabEntry::Type::deviceNode;
m_deviceNode = m_fsSpec;
// Used to nicely format fstab file
std::array<unsigned int, 4> fstabColumnWidth(const FstabEntryList& fstabEntries)
std::array<unsigned int, 4> columnWidth;
#define FIELD_WIDTH(x) 3 + std::max_element(fstabEntries.begin(), fstabEntries.end(), [](const FstabEntry& a, const FstabEntry& b) {return a.x().length() < b.x().length(); })->x().length();
columnWidth[0] = FIELD_WIDTH(fsSpec);
columnWidth[1] = FIELD_WIDTH(mountPoint);
columnWidth[2] = FIELD_WIDTH(type);
columnWidth[3] = FIELD_WIDTH(optionsString);
return columnWidth;
static void writeEntry(QTextStream& s, const FstabEntry& entry, std::array<unsigned int, 4> columnWidth)
if (entry.entryType() == FstabEntry::Type::comment) {
s << entry.comment() << "\n";
s << entry.fsSpec()
<< qSetFieldWidth(columnWidth[1]) << (entry.mountPoint().isEmpty() ? QStringLiteral("none") : escapeSpaces(entry.mountPoint()))
<< qSetFieldWidth(columnWidth[2]) << entry.type()
<< qSetFieldWidth(columnWidth[3]) << entry.optionsString() << qSetFieldWidth(0)
<< entry.dumpFreq() << " "
<< entry.passNumber() << " "
<< entry.comment() << "\n";
bool writeMountpoints(const FstabEntryList& fstabEntries, const QString& filename)
QString fstabContents;
QTextStream out(&fstabContents);
std::array<unsigned int, 4> columnWidth = fstabColumnWidth(fstabEntries);
for (const auto &e : fstabEntries)
writeEntry(out, e, columnWidth);
ExternalCommand cmd;
return cmd.createFile(fstabContents.toLocal8Bit(), filename);