
154 lines
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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008-2010 Volker Lanz <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Andrius Štikonas <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include "util/report.h"
#include "util/htmlreport.h"
#include "backend/corebackend.h"
#include "backend/corebackendmanager.h"
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
/** Creates a new Report instance.
@param p pointer to the parent instance. May be nullptr if this is a new root Report.
@param cmd the command
Report::Report(Report* p, const QString& cmd) :
/** Destroys a Report instance and all its children. */
/** Creates a new child for this Report and appends it to its list of children.
@param cmd the command
@return pointer to a new Report child
Report* Report::newChild(const QString& cmd)
Report* r = new Report(this, cmd);
return r;
@return the Report converted to HTML
@see toText()
QString Report::toHtml() const
QString s;
if (parent() == root())
s += QStringLiteral("<div>\n");
else if (parent() != nullptr)
s += QStringLiteral("<div style='margin-left:24px;margin-top:12px;margin-bottom:12px'>\n");
if (!command().isEmpty())
s += QStringLiteral("\n<b>") + command().toHtmlEscaped() + QStringLiteral("</b>\n\n");
if (!output().isEmpty())
s += QStringLiteral("<pre>") + output().toHtmlEscaped() + QStringLiteral("</pre>\n\n");
if (children().size() == 0)
s += QStringLiteral("<br/>\n");
for (const auto &child : children())
s += child->toHtml();
if (!status().isEmpty())
s += QStringLiteral("<b>") + status().toHtmlEscaped() + QStringLiteral("</b><br/>\n\n");
if (parent() != nullptr)
s += QStringLiteral("</div>\n\n");
return s;
@return the Report converted to plain text
@see toHtml()
QString Report::toText() const
QString s;
if (!command().isEmpty()) {
s += QStringLiteral("==========================================================================================\n");
s += command() + QStringLiteral("\n");
s += QStringLiteral("==========================================================================================\n");
if (!output().isEmpty())
s += output() + QStringLiteral("\n");
for (const auto &child : children())
s += child->toText();
return s;
/** Adds a string to this Report's output.
This is usually not what you want. In most cases, you will want to create a new child Report.
@param s the string to add to the output
@see newChild()
void Report::addOutput(const QString& s)
m_Output += s;
void Report::emitOutputChanged()
Q_EMIT outputChanged();
/** @return the root Report */
Report* Report::root()
Report* rval = this;
while (rval->parent() != nullptr)
rval = rval->parent();
return rval;
const Report* Report::root() const
const Report* rval = this;
while (rval->parent() != nullptr)
rval = rval->parent();
return rval;
/** @return a Report line to write to */
ReportLine Report::line()
return ReportLine(*this);