#!/bin/bash set -ex pushd sysa # SYSTEM A # Setup tmp mkdir -p tmp/ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=8G tmpfs tmp # base: mescc-tools-seed #debugging cp busybox.static tmp/ # copy in all the mescc-tools-seed stuff cp -r mescc-tools-seed/x86/* tmp cp -r mescc-tools-seed/{M2-Planet,mes-m2,mescc-tools} tmp/ # and the kaem seed cp ../bootstrap-seeds/POSIX/x86/kaem-optional-seed tmp/init cp ../bootstrap-seeds/POSIX/x86/kaem-optional-seed tmp/ cp -r ../bootstrap-seeds tmp/ # replace the init kaem with our own custom one mv tmp/kaem.run tmp/mescc-tools-seed.kaem.run cp base.kaem.run tmp/kaem.run # create directories needed mkdir tmp/bin # after mescc-tools-seed we get into our own little directory because # the mescc-tools-seed one is hella messy mkdir tmp/after/bin -p # put all the kaems for after in cp after.kaem tmp/ cp after.kaem.run tmp/after/kaem.run # blynn-compiler pushd tmp/after git clone ../../blynn-compiler-oriansj blynn-compiler cp ../../blynn-compiler.kaem blynn-compiler/go.kaem mkdir blynn-compiler/{bin,generated} popd # General cleanup find tmp -name .git -exec rm -rf \; # initramfs cd tmp find . | cpio -H newc -o | gzip > initramfs.igz # Run qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm \ -m 16G \ -nographic \ -no-reboot \ -kernel ../../kernel -initrd initramfs.igz -append console=ttyS0,kernel.panic=2 # Cleanup sudo umount tmp popd