
65 lines
2.1 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-22 fosslinux <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andrius Štikonas <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# XXX: Fix package after builder-hex0
src_unpack() {
mkdir "${pkg}"
mv "${DISTFILES}/deblob-4.9" "${pkg}/"
# Remove all previous source tarballs
mv "${DISTFILES}/${pkg}.tar.gz" .
rm -r "${DISTFILES:?}/"*
mv "${pkg}.tar.gz" "${DISTFILES}"
default || true # Predictable link errors - not a problem
rm -r "${DISTFILES}" # Clear storage space
generate_autoconf_h() {
# generate include/linux/autoconf.h -- we do not have gperf rn to do it the normal way
mkdir -p include/generated
# Transform each of the CONFIG_* options that are =y into header
grep -E '=y$' .config | sed 's/=y$/ 1/' | sed 's/^/#define /' >> include/generated/autoconf.h
# Transform each of the CONFIG_* options that are unset into headers
grep -E ' is not set$' .config | sed 's/ is not set$//' | sed 's/#/#undef/' >> include/generated/autoconf.h
# Transform each of the non-boolean options into headers
grep -E '=.*$' .config | grep -v -E '=y$' | sed 's/=/ /' | sed 's/^/#define /' >> include/generated/autoconf.h
src_prepare() {
mv config .config
mkdir -p include/config
cp .config include/config/auto.conf
# Deblob the kernel
chmod +x deblob-4.9
./deblob-4.9 --force
# Remove shipped files
find . -name "*_shipped*" -delete
src_compile() {
cp .config include/config/auto.conf
rm include/generated/autoconf.h
# Allow use of patched (which is required anyway)
make "${MAKEJOBS}" ARCH=i386 prepare
PATH="${PWD}/usr:${PATH}" make "${MAKEJOBS}" ARCH=i386
# Clear up more space
find . -name '*.o' -delete
src_install() {
install -D -m 644 arch/i386/boot/bzImage "/boot/linux-4.9.10"
install -D -m 755 usr/gen_init_cpio "${PREFIX}/bin/gen_init_cpio"
install -D -m 755 scripts/ "${PREFIX}/bin/"