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;;; -*-scheme-*-
;;; Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software
;;; Copyright © 2016 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
;;; scm.mes: This file is part of Mes.
;;; Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Mes. If not, see <>.
(define (list . rest) rest)
(define-macro (case val . args)
(if (null? args)
(let* ((clause (car args))
(pred (car clause))
(body (cdr clause)))
(if (pair? pred)
`(if ,(if (null? (cdr pred))
`(eq? ,val ',(car pred))
`(member ,val ',pred))
(begin ,@body)
(case ,val ,@(cdr args)))
`(begin ,@body)))))
(define-macro (when expr . body)
`(if ,expr
((lambda () ,@body))))
(define-macro (do init test . body)
`(let loop ((,(caar init) ,(cadar init)))
(when (not ,@test)
(loop ,@(cddar init)))))
(define (procedure? p)
(cond ((builtin? p) #t)
((and (pair? p) (eq? (car p) 'lambda)))
((and (pair? p) (eq? (car p) '*closure*)))
(#t #f)))
2016-07-09 19:12:49 +01:00
(define integer? number?)
2016-07-09 21:01:13 +01:00
(define (vector . rest) (list->vector rest))
2016-07-23 13:39:33 +01:00
(define (make-vector n . x)
2016-07-24 13:10:18 +01:00
(let ((fill (if (pair? x) (car x) *unspecified*)))
2016-07-23 13:39:33 +01:00
(list->vector (let loop ((n n))
(if (= 0 n) '()
(cons fill (loop (- n 1))))))))
2016-07-23 00:38:25 +01:00
(define (assq-set! alist key val)
(let ((entry (assq key alist)))
(cond (entry (set-cdr! entry val)
(#t (cons (cons key val) alist)))))
(define (assq-ref alist key)
(let ((entry (assq key alist)))
(if entry (cdr entry)
(define assv assq)
(define assv-ref assq-ref)
2016-07-23 00:38:25 +01:00
2016-07-24 11:08:21 +01:00
(define (assoc key alist)
(cond ((null? alist) #f) ;; COND
2016-07-24 11:08:21 +01:00
((equal? key (caar alist)) (car alist))
(#t (assoc key (cdr alist)))))
(define (assoc key alist)
(if (null? alist) #f ;; IF
(if (equal? key (caar alist)) (car alist)
(assoc key (cdr alist)))))
(define (assoc-ref alist key)
(let ((entry (assoc key alist)))
(if entry (cdr entry)
(define (memq x lst)
(cond ((null? lst) #f) ;; COND
((eq? x (car lst)) lst)
(#t (memq x (cdr lst)))))
(define (memq x lst)
(if (null? lst) #f ;; IF
(if (eq? x (car lst)) lst
(memq x (cdr lst)))))
(define memv memq)
(define (member x lst)
(cond ((null? lst) #f) ;; COND
((equal? x (car lst)) lst)
(#t (member x (cdr lst)))))
(define (member x lst)
(if (null? lst) #f ;; IF
(if (equal? x (car lst)) lst
(member x (cdr lst)))))
2016-07-10 12:04:10 +01:00
2016-07-17 21:35:00 +01:00
(define (for-each f l . r)
(cond ((null? l) '()) ;; COND
2016-07-24 11:40:44 +01:00
((null? r) (f (car l)) (for-each f (cdr l)))
((null? (cdr r))
(for-each f (cdr l) (cdar r)))))
2016-07-17 21:35:00 +01:00
(define (for-each f l . r)
(if (null? l) '() ;; IF
(if (null? r) (begin (f (car l)) (for-each f (cdr l)))
(if (null? (cdr r))
(for-each f (cdr l) (cdar r))))))
2016-07-17 11:56:31 +01:00
2016-07-24 15:29:38 +01:00
(define (<= . rest)
(or (apply < rest)
(apply = rest)))
2016-07-17 11:56:31 +01:00
2016-07-24 15:29:38 +01:00
(define (>= . rest)
(or (apply > rest)
(apply = rest)))
2016-07-17 11:56:31 +01:00
;; (define (>= . rest)
;; (if (apply > rest) #t
;; (if (apply = rest) #t
;; #f)))
2016-07-24 14:25:16 +01:00
(define quotient /)
2016-07-24 16:11:49 +01:00
(define (remainder x y)
(- x (* (/ x y) y)))
2016-07-24 16:16:55 +01:00
(define (expt x y)
(let loop ((s 1) (count y))
(if (= 0 count) s
(loop (* s x) (- count 1)))))
2016-07-24 15:34:54 +01:00
(define (max x . rest)
(if (null? rest) x
(let* ((y (car rest))
(z (if (> x y) x y)))
(apply max (cons z (cdr rest))))))
(define (min x . rest)
(if (null? rest) x
(let* ((y (car rest))
(z (if (< x y) x y)))
(apply min (cons z (cdr rest))))))
2016-07-17 11:56:31 +01:00
(define (list? x)
(or (null? x)
(and (pair? x) (list? (cdr x)))))
2016-07-10 12:04:10 +01:00
(define gensym
(let ((counter 0))
(lambda (. rest)
(let ((value (number->string counter)))
(set! counter (+ counter 1))
(string->symbol (string-append "g" value))))))
2016-07-23 07:17:49 +01:00
(define else #t)
2016-07-24 11:08:21 +01:00
(define (error who . rest)
(display "error:")
(display who)
(display ":")
(display rest)
(display newline))
(define (syntax-error message . rest)
(display "syntax-error:")
(display message)
(display ":")
(display rest)
2016-07-24 16:25:03 +01:00
(define (list-ref lst k)
(let loop ((lst lst) (k k))
(if (= 0 k) (car lst)
(loop (cdr lst) (- k 1)))))
2016-07-23 07:17:49 +01:00
;; srfi-1
(define (last-pair lst)
(let loop ((lst lst))
(if (or (null? lst) (null? (cdr lst))) lst
(loop (cdr lst)))))
2016-07-24 11:08:21 +01:00
(define (reverse lst)
(if (null? lst) '()
(append (reverse (cdr lst)) (cons (car lst) '()))))
(define (eof-object? x)
(or (and (number? x) (= x -1))
(and (char? x) (eof-object? (char->integer x)))))
(define (char=? x y)
(and (char? x) (char? y)
(eq? x y)))
(define (char-alphabetic? x)
(and (char? x)
(let ((i (char->integer x)))
(or (and (>= i (char->integer #\A)) (<= i (char->integer #\Z)))
(and (>= i (char->integer #\a)) (<= i (char->integer #\z)))))))
2016-07-24 23:06:50 +01:00
(define (char-numeric? x)
(and (char? x)
(let ((i (char->integer x)))
(and (>= i (char->integer #\0)) (<= i (char->integer #\9))))))
2016-07-24 23:06:50 +01:00
(define (current-input-port) #f)
(define (port-filename port) "<stdin>")
(define (port-line port) 0)
(define (port-column port) 0)
(define (ftell port) 0)
(define (false-if-exception x) x)