/* -*-comment-start: "//";comment-end:""-*- * GNU Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software * Copyright © 2018,2019,2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen * * This file is part of GNU Mes. * * GNU Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * GNU Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Mes. If not, see . */ #include "mes/lib.h" #include "mes/mes.h" #include int hash_cstring (char const *s, long size) { int hash = s[0] * 37; if (s[0] != 0) if (s[1] != 0) hash = hash + (s[1] * 43); assert_msg (size != 0, "size"); hash = hash % size; return hash; } int hashq_ (struct scm *x, long size) { if (x->type == TSPECIAL || x->type == TSYMBOL) return hash_cstring (cell_bytes (x->string), size); /* FIXME: hash x directly. */ error (cell_symbol_system_error, cons (make_string0 ("hashq_: not a symbol"), x)); } int hash_ (struct scm *x, long size) { if (x->type == TSTRING) return hash_cstring (cell_bytes (x->string), size); return 0; } struct scm * hashq (struct scm *x, struct scm *size) { eputs ("hashq not supporteed\n"); assert_msg (0, "0"); } struct scm * hash (struct scm *x, struct scm *size) { eputs ("hash not supporteed\n"); assert_msg (0, "0"); } struct scm * hashq_get_handle_ (struct scm *table, struct scm *key, struct scm *dflt) { struct scm *s = struct_ref_ (table, 3); long size = s->value; unsigned hash = hashq_ (key, size); struct scm *buckets = struct_ref_ (table, 4); struct scm *bucket = vector_ref_ (buckets, hash); struct scm *x = cell_f; if (dflt->type == TPAIR) x = dflt->car; if (bucket->type == TPAIR) x = assq (key, bucket); return x; } struct scm * hashq_ref_ (struct scm *table, struct scm *key, struct scm *dflt) { struct scm *x = hashq_get_handle_ (table, key, dflt); if (x != cell_f) x = x->cdr; return x; } struct scm * hash_ref_ (struct scm *table, struct scm *key, struct scm *dflt) { struct scm *s = struct_ref_ (table, 3); long size = s->value; unsigned hash = hash_ (key, size); struct scm *buckets = struct_ref_ (table, 4); struct scm *bucket = vector_ref_ (buckets, hash); struct scm *x = cell_f; if (dflt->type == TPAIR) x = dflt->car; if (bucket->type == TPAIR) { x = assoc (key, bucket); if (x != cell_f) x = x->cdr; } return x; } struct scm * hash_set_x_ (struct scm *table, unsigned hash, struct scm *key, struct scm *value) { struct scm *buckets = struct_ref_ (table, 4); struct scm *bucket = vector_ref_ (buckets, hash); if (bucket->type != TPAIR) bucket = cell_nil; bucket = acons (key, value, bucket); vector_set_x_ (buckets, hash, bucket); return value; } struct scm * hashq_set_x (struct scm *table, struct scm *key, struct scm *value) { struct scm *s = struct_ref_ (table, 3); long size = s->value; unsigned hash = hashq_ (key, size); return hash_set_x_ (table, hash, key, value); } struct scm * hash_set_x (struct scm *table, struct scm *key, struct scm *value) { struct scm *s = struct_ref_ (table, 3); long size = s->value; unsigned hash = hash_ (key, size); return hash_set_x_ (table, hash, key, value); } struct scm * hash_table_printer (struct scm *table) { fdputs ("#<", __stdout); display_ (struct_ref_ (table, 2)); fdputc (' ', __stdout); fdputs ("size: ", __stdout); display_ (struct_ref_ (table, 3)); fdputc (' ', __stdout); struct scm *buckets = struct_ref_ (table, 4); fdputs ("buckets: ", __stdout); int i; struct scm *e; for (i = 0; i < buckets->length; i = i + 1) { e = vector_ref_ (buckets, i); if (e != cell_unspecified) { fdputc ('[', __stdout); while (e->type == TPAIR) { write_ (e->car->car); e = e->cdr; if (e->type == TPAIR) fdputc (' ', __stdout); } fdputs ("]\n ", __stdout); } } fdputc ('>', __stdout); } struct scm * make_hash_table_type () /*:((internal)) */ { if (scm_hash_table_type == 0) { struct scm *fields = cell_nil; fields = cons (cell_symbol_buckets, fields); fields = cons (cell_symbol_size, fields); fields = cons (fields, cell_nil); fields = cons (cell_symbol_hashq_table, fields); scm_hash_table_type = make_struct (cell_symbol_record_type, fields, cell_unspecified); } return scm_hash_table_type; } struct scm * make_hash_table_ (long size) { if (size == 0) size = 100; struct scm *type = make_hash_table_type (); struct scm *buckets = make_vector_ (size, cell_unspecified); struct scm *values = cell_nil; values = cons (buckets, values); values = cons (make_number (size), values); values = cons (cell_symbol_hashq_table, values); /*FIXME: symbol/printer return make_struct (type, values, cstring_to_symbol ("hash-table-printer");*/ return make_struct (type, values, cell_unspecified); } struct scm * hash_table_p (struct scm *table) { if (table->type == TSTRUCT && struct_ref_ (table, 0) == scm_hash_table_type) return cell_t; return cell_f; } struct scm * make_hash_table (struct scm *x) /*:((arity . n)) */ { long size = 0; if (x->type == TPAIR) { x = x->car; assert_number ("make-hash-table size", x); size = x->value; } return make_hash_table_ (size); } struct scm * hash_map_to_list (struct scm *proc, struct scm *table) { struct scm *lst = cell_nil; struct scm *buckets = struct_ref_ (table, 4); int i; for (i = 0; i < buckets->length; i = i + 1) { struct scm *e = vector_ref_ (buckets, i); if (e != cell_unspecified) { while (e->type == TPAIR) { struct scm *a = e->car; struct scm *x = cons (a->car, cons (a->cdr, cell_nil)); lst = cons (apply (proc, x, cell_nil), lst); e = e->cdr; } } } return lst; }