Copyright (C) 2016 Matthew R. Wette Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. BUG-005 <= next bug id BUG-004 Idea: use guile prompts to implement rollback parser BUG-003 If using phony prec token then it ends up in match table. For example, "then" appears in the match table for lang/c99. =fixed= BUG-001 In lalr.scm, hashify-machine, if pat contains a rrconf then the output is unspecified todo I think this was already fixed BUG-002 If mach has a conflict and hashify followed by pp-lalr-machine then error because hashify puts #f, not integer, for pat-v. fixed fixed pp-lalr-machine to check for #f