/* -*-comment-start: "//";comment-end:""-*- * GNU Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software * Copyright © 2016,2017,2018 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen * * This file is part of GNU Mes. * * GNU Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * GNU Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Mes. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int readchar (); int unreadchar (); int peekchar () { if (__stdin >= 0) { int c = readchar (); unreadchar (c); return c; } SCM port = current_input_port (); SCM string = STRING (port); size_t length = LENGTH (string); if (!length) return -1; char const *p = CSTRING (string); return p[0]; } int readchar () { if (__stdin >= 0) return fdgetc (__stdin); SCM port = current_input_port (); SCM string = STRING (port); size_t length = LENGTH (string); if (!length) return -1; char const *p = CSTRING (string); int c = *p++; STRING (port) = make_string (p, length-1); return c; } int unreadchar (int c) { if (__stdin >= 0) return fdungetc (c, __stdin); SCM port = current_input_port (); SCM string = STRING (port); size_t length = LENGTH (string); char *p = CSTRING (string); p--; string = make_string (p, length+1); p = CSTRING (string); p[0] = c; STRING (port) = string; return c; } SCM peek_byte () { return MAKE_NUMBER (peekchar ()); } SCM read_byte () { return MAKE_NUMBER (readchar ()); } SCM unread_byte (SCM i) { unreadchar (VALUE (i)); return i; } SCM peek_char () { return MAKE_CHAR (peekchar ()); } SCM read_char (SCM port) ///((arity . n)) { int fd = __stdin; if (TYPE (port) == TPAIR && TYPE (car (port)) == TNUMBER) __stdin = VALUE (CAR (port)); SCM c = MAKE_CHAR (readchar ()); __stdin = fd; return c; } SCM unread_char (SCM i) { unreadchar (VALUE (i)); return i; } SCM write_char (SCM i) ///((arity . n)) { write_byte (i); return i; } SCM write_byte (SCM x) ///((arity . n)) { SCM c = car (x); SCM p = cdr (x); int fd = __stdout; if (TYPE (p) == TPAIR && TYPE (car (p)) == TNUMBER && VALUE (CAR (p)) != 1) fd = VALUE (CAR (p)); if (TYPE (p) == TPAIR && TYPE (car (p)) == TNUMBER && VALUE (CAR (p)) == 2) fd = __stderr; char cc = VALUE (c); write (fd, (char*)&cc, 1); #if !__MESC__ assert (TYPE (c) == TNUMBER || TYPE (c) == TCHAR); #endif return c; } SCM getenv_ (SCM s) ///((name . "getenv")) { char *p; p = getenv (CSTRING (s)); return p ? MAKE_STRING0 (p) : cell_f; } SCM setenv_ (SCM s, SCM v) ///((name . "setenv")) { char buf[1024]; strcpy (buf, CSTRING (s)); setenv (buf, CSTRING (v), 1); return cell_unspecified; } SCM access_p (SCM file_name, SCM mode) { return access (CSTRING (file_name), VALUE (mode)) == 0 ? cell_t : cell_f; } SCM current_input_port () { if (__stdin >= 0) return MAKE_NUMBER (__stdin); SCM x = g_ports; while (x && PORT (CAR (x)) != __stdin) x = CDR (x); return CAR (x); } SCM open_input_file (SCM file_name) { return MAKE_NUMBER (mes_open (CSTRING (file_name), O_RDONLY, 0)); } SCM open_input_string (SCM string) { SCM port = MAKE_STRING_PORT (string); g_ports = cons (port, g_ports); return port; } SCM set_current_input_port (SCM port) { SCM prev = current_input_port (); if (TYPE (port) == TNUMBER) __stdin = VALUE (port) ? VALUE (port) : STDIN; else if (TYPE (port) == TPORT) __stdin = PORT (port); return prev; } SCM current_output_port () { return MAKE_NUMBER (__stdout); } SCM current_error_port () { return MAKE_NUMBER (__stderr); } SCM open_output_file (SCM x) ///((arity . n)) { SCM file_name = car (x); x = cdr (x); int mode = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR; if (TYPE (x) == TPAIR && TYPE (car (x)) == TNUMBER) mode = VALUE (car (x)); return MAKE_NUMBER (mes_open (CSTRING (file_name), O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, mode)); } SCM set_current_output_port (SCM port) { __stdout = VALUE (port) ? VALUE (port) : STDOUT; return current_output_port (); } SCM set_current_error_port (SCM port) { __stderr = VALUE (port) ? VALUE (port) : STDERR; return current_error_port (); } SCM chmod_ (SCM file_name, SCM mode) ///((name . "chmod")) { chmod (CSTRING (file_name), VALUE (mode)); return cell_unspecified; } SCM isatty_p (SCM port) { return isatty (VALUE (port)) ? cell_t : cell_f; } SCM primitive_fork () { return MAKE_NUMBER (fork ()); } SCM execl_ (SCM file_name, SCM args) ///((name . "execl")) { char *c_argv[1000]; // POSIX minimum 4096 int i = 0; if (length__ (args) > 1000) error (cell_symbol_system_error, cons (file_name, cons (MAKE_STRING0 ("too many arguments"), cons (file_name, args)))); c_argv[i++] = CSTRING (file_name); while (args != cell_nil) { assert (TYPE (CAR (args)) == TSTRING); c_argv[i++] = CSTRING (CAR (args)); args = CDR (args); if (g_debug > 2) { eputs ("arg["); eputs (itoa (i)); eputs ("]: "); eputs (c_argv[i-1]); eputs ("\n"); } } c_argv[i] = 0; return MAKE_NUMBER (execv (c_argv[0], c_argv)); } SCM waitpid_ (SCM pid, SCM options) { int status; int child = waitpid (VALUE (pid), &status, VALUE (options)); return cons (MAKE_NUMBER (child), MAKE_NUMBER (status)); } #if __x86_64__ /* Nanoseconds on 64-bit systems with POSIX timers. */ #define TIME_UNITS_PER_SECOND 1000000000 #else /* Milliseconds for everyone else. */ #define TIME_UNITS_PER_SECOND 1000 #endif struct timespec g_start_time; SCM init_time (SCM a) ///((internal)) { clock_gettime (CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &g_start_time); a = acons (cell_symbol_internal_time_units_per_second, MAKE_NUMBER (TIME_UNITS_PER_SECOND), a); } SCM current_time () { return MAKE_NUMBER (time (0)); } SCM gettimeofday_ () ///((name . "gettimeofday")) { struct timeval time; gettimeofday (&time, 0); return cons (MAKE_NUMBER (time.tv_sec), MAKE_NUMBER (time.tv_usec)); } long seconds_and_nanoseconds_to_long (long s, long ns) { return s * TIME_UNITS_PER_SECOND + ns / (1000000000 / TIME_UNITS_PER_SECOND); } SCM get_internal_run_time () { struct timespec ts; clock_gettime (CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &ts); long time = seconds_and_nanoseconds_to_long (ts.tv_sec - g_start_time.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec - g_start_time.tv_nsec); return MAKE_NUMBER (time); } SCM getcwd_ () ///((name . "getcwd")) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; return MAKE_STRING0 (getcwd (buf, PATH_MAX)); } SCM dup_ (SCM port) ///((name . "dup")) { return MAKE_NUMBER (dup (VALUE (port))); } SCM dup2_ (SCM old, SCM new) ///((name . "dup2")) { dup2 (VALUE (old), VALUE (new)); return cell_unspecified; } SCM delete_file (SCM file_name) { unlink (CSTRING (file_name)); return cell_unspecified; }