/* -*-comment-start: "//";comment-end:""-*- * GNU Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software * Copyright © 2018 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen * * This file is part of GNU Mes. * * GNU Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * GNU Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Mes. If not, see . */ #include #include int link (char const *old_name, char const *new_name) { return _sys_call2 (SYS_link, (long)old_name, (long)new_name); } pid_t getpid () { return _sys_call (SYS_getpid); } uid_t getuid () { return _sys_call (SYS_getuid); } int kill (pid_t pid, int signum) { return _sys_call2 (SYS_kill, (long)pid, (long)signum); } int rename (char const *old_name, char const *new_name) { return _sys_call2 (SYS_rename, (long)old_name, (long)new_name); } int mkdir (char const *file_name, mode_t mode) { return _sys_call2 (SYS_mkdir, (long)file_name, (long)mode); } int dup (int old) { return _sys_call1 (SYS_dup, (int)old); } gid_t getgid () { return _sys_call (SYS_getgid); } // long _sys_call (long sys_call); // long _sys_call4 (long sys_call, long one, long two, long three, long four); #define SA_SIGINFO 4 #define SA_RESTORER 0x04000000 #define SYS_rt_sigreturn 15 void _restorer (void) { _sys_call (SYS_rt_sigreturn); } # define __sigmask(sig) \ (((unsigned long int) 1) << (((sig) - 1) % (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int)))) sighandler_t signal (int signum, sighandler_t action) { #if __i386__ return _sys_call2 (SYS_signal, signum, action); #else static struct sigaction setup_action = {-1}; static struct sigaction old = {0}; setup_action.sa_handler = action; setup_action.sa_restorer = _restorer; setup_action.sa_mask = __sigmask (signum); old.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; setup_action.sa_flags = SA_RESTORER | SA_RESTART; int r = _sys_call4 (SYS_rt_sigaction, signum, &setup_action, &old, sizeof (sigset_t)); if (r) return 0; return old.sa_handler; #endif } int fcntl (int filedes, int command, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, command); int data = va_arg (ap, int); int r = _sys_call3 (SYS_fcntl, (int)filedes, (int)command, (int)data); va_end (ap); return r; } int pipe (int filedes[2]) { return _sys_call1 (SYS_pipe, (long)filedes); } int dup2 (int old, int new) { return _sys_call2 (SYS_dup2, (int)old, (int)new); } int getrusage (int processes, struct rusage *rusage) { return _sys_call2 (SYS_getrusage, (int)processes, (long)rusage); } int lstat (char const *file_name, struct stat *statbuf) { return _sys_call2 (SYS_lstat, (long)file_name, (long)statbuf); } int nanosleep (const struct timespec *requested_time, struct timespec *remaining) { return _sys_call2 (SYS_nanosleep, (long)requested_time, (long)remaining); } int setitimer (int which, struct itimerval const *new, struct itimerval *old) { return _sys_call3 (SYS_setitimer, (long)which, (long)new, (long)old); } int fstat (int filedes, struct stat *statbuf) { return _sys_call2 (SYS_fstat, (int)filedes, (long)statbuf); } int getdents (int filedes, char *buffer, size_t nbytes) { return _sys_call3 (SYS_getdents, (int)filedes, (long)buffer, (long)nbytes); } int chdir (char const *file_name) { return _sys_call1 (SYS_chdir, (long)file_name); } int clock_gettime (clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *tp) { return _sys_call2 (SYS_clock_gettime, (long)clk_id, (long)tp); }