-*-mode:org-*- * SETUP guix environment -l guix.scm #64 bit + 32bit guix environment --system=i686-linux -l guix.scm #32 bit only * ROADMAP ** TODO *** release 0.x, unsorted - discuss full source bootstrap strategy on guile-user with Jeremiah Orians (stage0+) Luca Saiu (GNU Epsilon). - fix bugs - produce intermediate annotated assembly-like mes.S - and/or: connect to OriansJ's stage0...LISP bootstrapping tools - and/or: connect to GNU Epsilon's VM - and/or: translate Mes.c interpreter into VM - and/or: compile Scheme to C, rewrite Mes.c into Mes.scm. - real module support, bonus for supporting Guile's define-module/define-public syntax - get full source syntax-case up (Andre van Tonder?) OR drop psyntax/syntax-case and rewrite Nyacc without syntax-case+R7RS Ellipsis - support regexp OR rewrite Nyacc without regexps - split-off Guile C compiler as standalone Guile project, still respecting no-syntax-case bootstrap requirement *** Compile the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_C_Compiler][Tiny C Compiler]] - build tcc (tinycc) *** release 1.0 - work to replace GuixSD's bootstrap binaries for x86 - more architectures? ** DONE ** 0.5: Mutual self-hosting Scheme interpreter and C compiler: mes.c and mescc, Support call-with-current-continuation, refactor catch/throw ** 0.4: Support Nyacc, Gcc-compiled Mes compiles minimal main.c using nyacc ** 0.3: Garbage collector ** 0.2: Support psyntax ** 0.1: Mes eval/apply feature complete; support syntax-rules, compile main.c using LALR, dump ELF * Bugs ** eval_apply/gc + Nyacc bug scripts/messc.mes intermittently exposes a bug in eval_apply/gc when Nyacc parses mes.c-sized source. Running MES_MAX_ARENA= scripts/mescc.mes may [un]cover the bug. So there is probably some eval_apply-construct that Nyacc uses, possiblby indirectly via with-fluid, like (call/cc, call-with-current-continuation), that breaks when GC triggers at the wrong time. ** mescc can only compile itself, it cannot compile tcc, gcc or guile ** mes.mes cannot read sexps, only --dump's, mes.mes cannot --dump ** Bootstrap binary mes is too big and opaque to be considered source 68kB ELF binary which can be disassembled (objdump -d mes.mes). ** Psyntax is too big and opaque to be considered source And needs a patched Guile-1.8 to [re]generate. ** test/match.test ("nyacc-simple"): hygiene problem in match ** Performance *** mes is slow *** The Scheme reader is very slow. *** mescc is slow **** compiling mes.c takes mescc.mes 2h30' mescc.scm which runs on Guile takes 30" ** Fluids are a hack for Nyacc. *** Translate C-prototype mes.c into annotated hex? One idea is to use OriansJ's amazing self-hosting [[https://github.com/oriansj/stage0][stage0]] hex assembler and minimal bootstrap binaries and rewrite the mes.c core to directly bootstrap into Scheme. *** Rewrite mes.c in Schemy/Sexp-C and generate annotated hex? Another idea (thanks Rutger!) is to rewrite the mes.c core in a s-exp C/Assembly variant and thave mescc produce the simple, annotated bootstrap binary. *** Compile the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_C_Compiler][Tiny C Compiler]] ** Build tools do not run on mes *** configure needs Bash, Guile *** GNUmakefile needs Bash, Guile *** build-aux/mes-snarf.scm needs Guile *** build-aux/git-changelog needs Perl * OLD: Booting from LISP-1.5 into Mes Mes started out experimenting with booting from a hex-coded minimal LISP-1.5 (prototype in mes.c), into an almost-RRS Scheme. When EOF is read, the LISP-1.5 machine calls loop2 from loop2.mes, which reads the rest of stdin and takes over control. The functions readenv, eval and apply-env in mes.mes introduced define, define-macro quasiquote and macro expansion. While this works, it's amazingly slow. We implemented a full reader in mes.c, which makes running mes:apply-env mes:eval somewhat bearable, still over 1000x slower than running mes.c. Bootstrapping has been removed and mes.c implements enough of RRS to run a macro-based define-syntax and syntax-rules. loop.mes and mes.mes are unused and lagging behind. Probably it's not worth considering this route without a VM. GNU Epsilon is taking the more usual VM-route to provide multiple personas. While that sounds neat, Lisp/Scheme, bootstrapping and trusted binaries are probably not in scope as there is no mention of such things; only ML is mentioned while Guile is used for bootstrapping. * Assorted ideas and info ** Using GDB on assembly/a.out info registers p/x $eax p/x $edx set disassemble-next-line gdb-display-disassembly-buffer b *0x804a79d ** Create memory dump with 32 bit Gcc compiled Mes guix environment --ad-hoc --system=i686-linux gcc-toolchain -- bash -c 'make mes CC=i686-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc LIBRARY_PATH=${PATH%%/bin:*}/lib' mv mes mes-32 MES_TINY=1 ./mes-32 --dump < module/mes/tiny-0.mes > module/mes/tiny-0-32.mo ./mes-32 --dump < module/mes/read-0.mes > module/mes/read-0-32.mo ** C parser/compiler *** [[https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/nyacc][nyacc]] *** PEG: [[http://piumarta.com/software/peg/][parse C using PEG]] *** [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_C_Compiler][Tiny C Compiler]] *** [[http://www.t3x.org/subc/index.html][Sub C]] *** [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.lisp/VPuX0VsjTTE][C intepreter in LISP/Scheme/Python]] ** C assembler/linker *** [[http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Assembly-HOWTO/linux.html][Assembly HOWTO]] *** ELF 7f 45 4c 46 *** [[http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tiny/][Small ELF programs]] *** [[http://www.cirosantilli.com/elf-hello-world/][Elf hello world]] ** SC - c as s-expressions sc: http://sph.mn/content/3d3 ** RNRS *** [[http://www.scheme-reports.org/][Scheme Reports]] *** [[ftp://publications.ai.mit.edu/ai-publications/pdf/AIM-349.pdf][Scheme - Report on Scheme]] *** [[ftp://publications.ai.mit.edu/ai-publications/pdf/AIM-452.pdf][RRS - Revised Report on Scheme]] ** tiny schemes http://forum.osdev.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=19937 http://www.stripedgazelle.org/joey/dreamos.html http://armpit.sourceforge.net/ http://common-lisp.net/project/movitz/movitz.html janneke: https://github.com/namin/inc looks interesting [15:18] ** Orians Jeremiah janneke: also, if you look at https://github.com/oriansj/stage0/tree/master/stage2/High_level_prototypes [the garbage collected lisp I implemented], if there are any pieces I could add to finish off your mes lisp bootstrap just let me know because I would be more than happy to do that :D OriansJ: that's what I'm hoping for, that our efforts can be complementary and we can work together *** lfam (~lfam@2601:47:4180:2ffb:7c05:17de:cf5f:23ef) has quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [00:22] exciting times! [00:23] OriansJ: i looked a few times and saw 'LISP empty', so thanks for the pointer! [00:24] OriansJ, janneke: from that page, there's also: https://web.archive.org/web/20160604035203fw_/http://homepage.ntlworld.com/edmund.grimley-evans/bcompiler.html ** C4/C500 https://web.archive.org/web/20160604041431/http://homepage.ntlworld.com/edmund.grimley-evans/cc500/cc500.c https://github.com/rswier/c4/blob/master/c4.c ** Compilers for free http://codon.com/compilers-for-free