/* -*-comment-start: "//";comment-end:""-*- * GNU Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software * Copyright © 2017 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen * * This file is part of GNU Mes. * * GNU Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * GNU Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Mes. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include int add (int a, int b) { return a + b; } int inc (int i) { return i + 1; } struct scm { int type; int car; int cdr; }; int bla = 1234; char g_arena[84]; #if __MESC__ struct scm *g_cells = g_arena; #else struct scm *g_cells = (struct scm*)g_arena; #endif char *g_chars = g_arena; int foo () {oputs ("t: foo\n"); return 0;}; int bar (int i) {oputs ("t: bar\n"); return 0;}; struct function { int (*function) (void); int arity; //long arity; char *name; }; struct function g_fun = {&exit,1,"fun"}; struct function g_foo = {&foo,0,"foo"}; struct function g_bar = {&bar,1,"bar"}; void *functions[2]; //int functions[2]; struct function g_functions[2]; int g_function = 0; enum type_t {TCHAR, TCLOSURE, TCONTINUATION, TFUNCTION, TKEYWORD, TMACRO, TNUMBER, TPAIR, TREF, TSPECIAL, TSTRING, TSYMBOL, TVALUES, TVECTOR, TBROKEN_HEART}; typedef int SCM; int g_free = 3; SCM tmp; SCM tmp_num; int ARENA_SIZE = 200; #define TYPE(x) g_cells[x].type #define CAR(x) g_cells[x].car #define CDR(x) g_cells[x].cdr #define VALUE(x) g_cells[x].cdr #define CAAR(x) CAR (CAR (x)) struct scm scm_fun = {TFUNCTION,0,0}; SCM cell_fun; int main () { oputs ("\n"); oputs ("t: g_cells[0] = g_cells[1]\n"); TYPE (1) = 1; CAR (1) = 2; CDR (1) = 3; g_cells[0] = g_cells[1]; if (TYPE (0) != 1) return 1; if (CAR (0) != 2) return 2; if (CDR (0) != 3) return 3; oputs ("t: g_cells[i] = g_cells[j]\n"); int i = 0; int j = 1; TYPE (1) = 4; CAR (1) = 5; CDR (1) = 6; g_cells[i] = g_cells[j]; if (TYPE (0) != 4) return 4; if (CAR (0) != 5) return 5; if (CDR (0) != 6) return 6; oputs ("t: g_cells[0+add(0,0] = g_cells[0+inc(0)]\n"); TYPE (1) = 1; CAR (1) = 2; CDR (1) = 3; g_cells[0+add(0, 0)] = g_cells[0+inc(0)]; if (TYPE (0) != 1) return 7; if (CAR (0) != 2) return 9; if (CDR (0) != 3) return 9; g_cells[0].type = TNUMBER; g_cells[0].car = 0; g_cells[0].cdr = 0; g_cells[1].type = TNUMBER; g_cells[1].car = 0; g_cells[1].cdr = 0; oputs ("t: TYPE (0) == TYPE (1)\n"); if (TYPE (0) == TYPE (1)) goto ok; return 10; ok: g_cells[0].car = 1; g_cells[1].car = 2; oputs ("t: int c = VALUE (0)\n"); int c = CAR (0); if (c != 1) return 11; oputs ("t: CAAR (0) != 2\n"); if (CAAR (0) != 2) return 12; oputs ("t: 2 != CAAR (0)\n"); if (2 != CAAR (0)) return 13; g_cells[3].type = 0x64; if (g_cells[3].type != 0x64) return g_cells[3].type; TYPE (4) = 4; if (TYPE (4) != 4) return 14; CDR (3) = 0x22; CDR (4) = 0x23; if (CDR (3) != 0x22) return 15; oputs ("t: g_fun.arity != 1;\n"); if (g_fun.arity != 1) return 16; oputs ("t: g_fun.function != exit;\n"); if (g_fun.function != &exit) return 17; oputs ("t: struct fun = {&exit,1,\"exit\"};\n"); struct function fun = {&exit,1,"exit"}; oputs ("t: fun.arity != 1;\n"); if (fun.arity != 1) return 18; oputs ("t: fun.function != exit;\n"); if (fun.function != &exit) return 19; oputs ("t: oputs (fun.name)\n"); if (strcmp (fun.name, "exit")) return 20; oputs ("t: oputs (g_fun.name)\n"); if (strcmp (g_fun.name, "fun")) return 21; oputs ("t: g_functions[g_function++] = g_foo;\n"); g_functions[g_function++] = g_foo; oputs ("t: pbar->arity == 1\n"); struct function* barp = &g_bar; if (barp->arity != 1) return 22; int fn = 0; oputs ("t: g_functions[g_cells[fn].cdr].arity\n"); if (g_functions[g_cells[fn].cdr].arity) return 23; if (g_functions[g_cells[fn].cdr].arity != 0) return 24; int (*functionx) (void) = 0; functionx = g_functions[0].function; oputs ("t: functionx == foo\n"); if (functionx != foo) return 25; oputs ("t: g_functions[0].name\n"); if (strcmp (g_functions[0].name, "foo")) return 26; oputs ("t: (functionx) () == foo\n"); if ((functionx) () != 0) return 27; oputs ("t: g_functions[].arity\n"); if (g_functions[0].arity != 0) return 28; fn++; g_functions[fn] = g_bar; g_cells[fn].cdr = fn; if (g_cells[fn].cdr != fn) return 29; oputs ("t: g_functions[g_cells[fn].cdr].function\n"); functionx = g_functions[g_cells[fn].cdr].function; oputs ("t: g_functions[1].name\n"); if (strcmp (g_functions[1].name, "bar")) return 30; oputs ("t: functionx == bar\n"); if (functionx != bar) return 31; oputs ("t: (functiony) (1) == bar\n"); int (*functiony) (int) = 0; functiony = g_functions[g_cells[fn].cdr].function; if ((functiony) (1) != 0) return 32; oputs ("t: g_functions[].arity\n"); if (g_functions[fn].arity != 1) return 33; // fake name scm_fun.car = 33; scm_fun.cdr = g_function; g_function++; oputs ("fun"); g_functions[g_function] = g_fun; cell_fun = g_free++; g_cells[cell_fun] = scm_fun; oputs ("t: TYPE (cell_fun)\n"); if (TYPE (cell_fun) != TFUNCTION) return 34; oputs ("t: CAR (cell_fun)\n"); if (CAR (cell_fun) != 33) return 35; // FIXME! // oputs ("t: CDR (cell_fun)\n"); // if (CDR (cell_fun) != g_function) // return 36; return 0; }