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* oproep: wereld moet het gaan begrijpen
* hardware boys
* politiek actiever worden om dit te vereisen: trusted computing base
* free software: moet mensenrecht worden
* need your help
Technical requirements: Please adhere to the following technical requirements for your FOSDEM 2021 presentation video:
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On May 18, 2020, GCC moved away from ISO/IEC C++03 standard to ISO/IEC
C++11 standard needed to compile, bootstrap, the compiler itself.
Supported releases
GCC 4.9.4 released [2016-08-03]
June 12, 2014
The GNU project and the GCC developers are pleased to announce the release of GCC 4.7.4.
GCC 4.8.1 will be C++11 feature-complete [2013-04-01]
Support for C++11 ref-qualifiers was added to the GCC 4.8 branch, making G++ the first C++ compiler to implement all the major language features of the C++11 standard. This functionality will be available in GCC 4.8.1.
* hoe sturen we olietanker bij
* als je bootstrappen serieus wilt nemen, zullen we dit moeten
* voldongen feit, geen awareness
** megolomane visie **: all software must be bootstrappable
** niet-bootstrappable: geen controle over binaries, trust
*** Choices: *giving up*
**** finding great reasons for giving up
ik houd van yoghurt, melk is verzekerd, moet ik vasthouden aan yoghurt
* stel nou dat iemand mijn yoghurt, lawyers
* stel nou op n dag, mijn yoghurt is bedorven
* it just doesn't feel right
* i call upon you to understand what it means for You (you, me, the free
software world, humanity)
* ultieme vrijheid: als je niemand nodig hebt
* je hebt niks aan broncode, het moet omgezet
* 0001100101 machine code is abundant, maar geen garantie
* imagine this press release: intel,ppc,arm are all compromised
* wat gaat de wereld hiermee doen?
** gaan we een vrijere wereld cre-eren?
** do we just forget this idea, and keep trusting yoghurt
** bitcoin example
** sit back and place your bets on the apocolypse
** hardware
** less control or more control ... place your bets
** bootstrappability pandamic
** enormous gamble
** bitcoin?
** health care?