243 lines
11 KiB
Org Mode

guix environment -l guix.scm #64 bit + 32bit
guix environment --system=i686-linux -l guix.scm #32 bit only
guix package --profile=~/.config/guix/mes --manifest=build-aux/manifest.scm
. ~/.config/guix/mes/etc/profile
There are two major modes to build Mes: true bootstrap and
To help development we assume ./configure sets these variables for make
CC -- gcc
CC32 -- i686-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc (or on x86, also gcc)
GUILE -- guile
HEX2 -- hex2
MES -- unset
M1 -- M1
PREFIX -- ""
Mes is supposed to serve as a full equivalent for Guile, however Mes
~30 times slower than Guile. That's why we usually don't use Mes
during development.
Gcc is used to verify the sanity of our C sources.
i686-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc is used to compare hex/assembly, to test
the gcc variant of Mes-libc: lib/libc-gcc.c and steal ideas. Target
prefix: mlibc-gcc.
Guile is used to develop MesCC, the C compiler in Scheme that during
bootstrapping will be executed by Mes.
mes is built from src/*.c and some out/src/*.h files that are snarfed from
src/*.c by build-aux/mes-snarf.scm.
Running ./make.scm produces a `script' file.
In bootstrap mode, we don't have gcc (CC), we don't have a 32 bit gcc
(CC32), we have no guile (GUILE)...but we should have hex2, M1, and
mes.M1. That's a bootstrap problem which is currently ignored by
using the mes-seed package. mes.M1 will be produced by M2-Planet from
*** release 0.x, unsorted
- upstream mes-boot to GuixSD.
- add full source gcc-4.7 package build.
- replace GuixSD bootstrap for x86.
- tcc: remove or upstream patches from tcc-boot
- mes: prepare src/mes.c for M2-Planet transpiler.
- mes: real module support, bonus for supporting Guile's define-module/define-public syntax.
- mes: produce functional mes from mes.M1 transpiled by M2-Planet.
- mes: we're a full Scheme now, drop .MES suffix, use .SCM.
+ find a way to fix foo.mes/foo.scm trickery (full Guile-like module support?) + how about setting `guile' or even `guile-2' cond-expand features
for external libraries (Nyacc) we look like Guile/Guile-2
internally, we could make sure to start every cond-expand with (mes)
- mes: use more efficient scheme continuation stack (wip-array?)
- mes: drop SCM stack in C / implement call/cc a la guile-1.8 setjmp?
- mes/mescc: bootstrap a minimal-Guile
+ libguile/{eval,init,list,strings,values,..}.c
+ ice-9/eval.scm
- mescc: have mes-tcc pass all scaffold/tests, scaffold/tinycc tests.
- mescc: support long long.
- mescc: full support for floats?
- mescc: some success with 8cc,pcc,guile/libguile/eval.c.
- build: guile/guix/make.scm: add file-types, intermediate, hash all dependencies
- build: make.scm: imperative->declaritive
- get full source syntax-case up (Andre van Tonder?) OR drop it.
psyntax/syntax-case and rewrite Nyacc without syntax-case+R7RS Ellipsis.
- mescc: split-off MesCC as as standalone Guile C compiler project.
*** release 1.0
- replace GuixSD's bootstrap binaries for x86.
- add x86_64, replace GuixSD's bootstrap binaries for x86_64.
- more architectures?
*** 0.15: MesCC now has a libc+gnu that supports compiling binutils-2.14, gcc-2.95.3 and glibc-2.2.5.
*** 0.14: Mes+MesCC now compiles a slightly patched self-hosting tcc.
*** 0.13: Mes+MesCC now compiles a modified, functional tcc.c (~25,000LOC) in 1h30'.
*** 0.12: Mes+MesCC now compiles mes.c (~3000LOC) in ~4min.
*** 0.11: MesCC now compiles a mes-tcc that passes 26/69 of mescc's C tests.
*** 0.10: Mescc now compiles a mes-tcc that compiles a trivial C to a running a.out.
*** 0.9: Mescc now writes M1 macro assembly files and compiles tcc.
*** 0.8: Mescc now writes object files in stage0's labeled hex2 format.
*** 0.7: Mescc supports -E, -c, -o options, include more complete set of header files,
eenough to work on compiling tinycc's tcc.c albeit a somewhat modified version.
*** 0.6: Work with unmodified, unbundled Nyacc; compile 33/55 tinycc's tests/test2 suite.
*** 0.5: Mutual self-hosting Scheme interpreter and C compiler: mes.c and mescc,
Support call-with-current-continuation, refactor catch/throw
*** 0.4: Support Nyacc, Gcc-compiled Mes compiles minimal main.c using nyacc
*** 0.3: Garbage collector
*** 0.2: Support psyntax
*** 0.1: Mes eval/apply feature complete; support syntax-rules, compile main.c using LALR, dump ELF
MES_DEBUG=<level> mes
** Levels
1) Informational:
- included SCM modules and sources
- result of program
- gc stats at exit
2) opened files
3) runtime gc stats
4) detailed info
- parsed, expanded program
- list of builtins
- list of symbol
- opened input strings
- gc details
5) usage of opened input strings
* Bugs
** mes: remove pmatch-car/pmatch-cdr hack.
** mescc: softcode stack frame size, now hardcoded and very large
** mes+mescc: parse tcc.c->tcc.E works, compile tcc.E -> tcc.M1 segfaults.
time GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/home/janneke/src/nyacc/module:$GUILE_LOAD_PATH ../mes/scripts/mescc -E -o tcc.E -I . -I ../mes/lib -I ../mes/include -D 'CONFIG_TCCDIR="usr/lib/tcc"' -D 'CONFIG_TCC_CRTPREFIX="usr/lib:{B}/lib:."' -D 'CONFIG_TCC_ELFINTERP="/gnu/store/70jxsnpffkl7fdb7qv398n8yi1a3w5nx-glibc-2.26.105-g0890d5379c/lib/"' -D 'CONFIG_TCC_LIBPATHS="/home/janneke/src/tinycc/usr/lib:{B}/lib:."' -D 'CONFIG_TCC_SYSINCLUDEPATHS="../mes/include:usr/include:{B}/include"' -D CONFIG_USE_LIBGCC=1 -D 'TCC_LIBGCC="/home/janneke/src/tinycc/usr/lib/libc+tcc-gcc.mlibc-o"' -D CONFIG_TCC_STATIC=1 -D ONE_SOURCE=yes -D TCC_TARGET_I386=1 -D BOOTSTRAP=1 tcc.c
time GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/home/janneke/src/nyacc/module:$GUILE_LOAD_PATH MES_ARENA=200000000 ../mes/scripts/mescc -c -o tcc.M1 tcc.E
** mes: with-fluids: tests/fluids.test test 7 fails with Mes.
** mescc: 7n-struct-struct-array.c: struct file f = {"first.h"};
** test/match.test ("nyacc-simple"): hygiene problem in match
* OLD: Booting from LISP-1.5 into Mes
Mes started out experimenting with booting from a hex-coded minimal
LISP-1.5 (prototype in mes.c), into an almost-RRS Scheme.
When EOF is read, the LISP-1.5 machine calls loop2 from loop2.mes,
which reads the rest of stdin and takes over control. The functions
readenv, eval and apply-env in mes.mes introduced define, define-macro
quasiquote and macro expansion.
While this works, it's amazingly slow. We implemented a full reader
in mes.c, which makes running mes:apply-env mes:eval somewhat
bearable, still over 1000x slower than running mes.c.
Bootstrapping has been removed and mes.c implements enough of RRS to
run a macro-based define-syntax and syntax-rules.
loop.mes and mes.mes are unused and lagging behind. Probably it's not
worth considering this route without a VM. GNU Epsilon is taking the
more usual VM-route to provide multiple personas. While that sounds
neat, Lisp/Scheme, bootstrapping and trusted binaries are probably not
in scope as there is no mention of such things; only ML is mentioned
while Guile is used for bootstrapping.
* Assorted ideas and info
** Using GDB on assembly/a.out
info registers
p/x $eax
p/x $edx
set disassemble-next-line on
b *0x804a79d
** Create memory dump with 32 bit Gcc compiled Mes
make out/i686-unknown-linux-gnu-mes
out/i686-unknown-linux-gnu-mes --dump < module/mes/read-0.mes > module/mes/
** C parser/compiler
*** [[][nyacc]]
*** PEG: [[][parse C using PEG]]
*** [[][Tiny C Compiler]]
*** [[][Sub C]]
*** [[!topic/comp.lang.lisp/VPuX0VsjTTE][C intepreter in LISP/Scheme/Python]]
** C assembler/linker
*** [[][Assembly HOWTO]]
*** ELF
7f 45 4c 46
*** [[][Small ELF programs]]
*** [[][Elf hello world]]
** SC - c as s-expressions
*** [[][Scheme Reports]]
*** [[][Scheme - Report on Scheme]]
*** [[][RRS - Revised Report on Scheme]]
** tiny schemes
<civodul> janneke: looks interesting [15:18]
** Orians Jeremiah
<OriansJ> janneke: also, if you look at
[the garbage collected lisp I implemented], if there are any pieces
I could add to finish off your mes lisp bootstrap just let me know
because I would be more than happy to do that :D
<janneke> OriansJ: that's what I'm hoping for, that our efforts can be
complementary and we can work together
*** lfam (~lfam@2601:47:4180:2ffb:7c05:17de:cf5f:23ef) has quit: Ping timeout:
246 seconds [00:22]
<janneke> exciting times! [00:23]
<janneke> OriansJ: i looked a few times and saw 'LISP empty', so thanks for
the pointer! [00:24]
<civodul> OriansJ, janneke: from that page, there's also:
** C4/C500
** Compilers for free
** Small lisps
*** [[][ZETA-C]]
** Small C compilers
*** tinycc
*** [[][8cc]] -- a C11 compiler, but simple
8cc is a compiler for the C programming language. It's intended to
support all C11 language features while keeping the code as small and
simple as possible.
*** pcc
*** early GCC?
*** [[][ack]]
<rain1> it may be possible to compile like this: mes |> ack |> pcc |> tcc |>
gcc 4.7.4 |> gcc later version... up to modern
*** [[][cc500]]
** rain1's Bootstrapping Wiki:
** rain1's hex86