
140 lines
6.1 KiB

#! /bin/sh
# Copyright © 2019,2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <>
# This file is part of GNU Mes.
# GNU Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# GNU Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU Mes. If not, see <>.
# Usage:
# kaem --verbose --strict
mkdir -p m2
M2-Planet \
--debug \
--architecture x86 \
-f include/m2/lib.h \
-f lib/linux/x86-mes-m2/crt1.c \
-f lib/linux/x86-mes-m2/mini.c \
-f lib/mes/globals.c \
-f lib/m2/cast.c \
-f lib/m2/exit.c \
-f lib/mes/mini-write.c \
-f lib/linux/x86-mes-m2/syscall.c \
-f include/linux/x86/syscall.h \
-f lib/linux/brk.c \
-f lib/m2/malloc.c \
-f lib/string/memset.c \
-f lib/m2/read.c \
-f lib/mes/fdgetc.c \
-f lib/stdio/getchar.c \
-f lib/stdio/putchar.c \
-f lib/m2/open.c \
-f lib/m2/mes_open.c \
-f lib/string/strlen.c \
-f lib/mes/eputs.c \
-f lib/mes/fdputc.c \
-f lib/mes/eputc.c \
-f include/mes/mes.h \
-f include/mes/builtins.h \
-f include/mes/constants.h \
-f include/mes/symbols.h \
-f lib/mes/__assert_fail.c \
-f lib/mes/assert_msg.c \
-f lib/mes/fdputc.c \
-f lib/string/strncmp.c \
-f lib/posix/getenv.c \
-f lib/mes/fdputs.c \
-f lib/mes/ntoab.c \
-f lib/ctype/isdigit.c \
-f lib/ctype/isxdigit.c \
-f lib/ctype/isspace.c \
-f lib/ctype/isnumber.c \
-f lib/mes/abtol.c \
-f lib/stdlib/atoi.c \
-f lib/string/memcpy.c \
-f lib/stdlib/free.c \
-f lib/stdlib/realloc.c \
-f lib/string/strcpy.c \
-f lib/mes/itoa.c \
-f lib/mes/ltoa.c \
-f lib/mes/fdungetc.c \
-f lib/posix/setenv.c \
-f lib/linux/access.c \
-f lib/m2/chmod.c \
-f lib/linux/ioctl3.c \
-f lib/m2/isatty.c \
-f lib/linux/fork.c \
-f lib/linux/execve.c \
-f lib/m2/execv.c \
-f lib/linux/waitpid.c \
-f lib/linux/gettimeofday.c \
-f lib/m2/clock_gettime.c \
-f lib/m2/time.c \
-f lib/linux/_getcwd.c \
-f lib/posix/getcwd.c \
-f lib/linux/dup.c \
-f lib/linux/dup2.c \
-f lib/string/strcmp.c \
-f lib/string/memcmp.c \
-f lib/linux/unlink.c \
-f src/builtins.c \
-f src/core.c \
-f src/display.c \
-f src/eval-apply.c \
-f src/gc.c \
-f src/hash.c \
-f src/lib.c \
-f src/m2.c \
-f src/math.c \
-f src/mes.c \
-f src/module.c \
-f src/posix.c \
-f src/reader.c \
-f src/stack.c \
-f src/string.c \
-f src/struct.c \
-f src/symbol.c \
-f src/vector.c \
-o m2/mes.M1
blood-elf -f m2/mes.M1 -o m2/mes.blood-elf-M1
M1 \
--LittleEndian \
--architecture x86 \
-f lib/m2/x86/x86_defs.M1 \
-f lib/x86-mes/x86.M1 \
-f lib/linux/x86-mes-m2/crt1.M1 \
-f m2/mes.M1 \
-f m2/mes.blood-elf-M1 \
-o m2/mes.hex2
mkdir -p bin
hex2 \
--LittleEndian \
--architecture x86 \
--BaseAddress 0x1000000 \
--exec_enable \
-f lib/m2/x86/ELF-i386-debug.hex2 \
-f m2/mes.hex2 \
-o bin/mes-m2
echo Running mes-m2
./bin/mes-m2 -c "(display 'Hello,M2-mes!) (newline)"
cp bin/mes-m2 bin/mes