# NeoHubAPI This is a simple python wrapper around Heatmiser's Neohub API. It's primary purpose is to be used via Home Assistant integration but it can also be used as a standalone library. ## Usage example ```python import asyncio import neohubapi.neohub as neohub async def run(): hub = neohub.NeoHub() system = await hub.get_system() hub_data, devices = await hub.get_live_data() for device in devices['thermostats']: print(f"Temperature in zone {device.name}: {device.temperature}") await device.identify() asyncio.run(run()) ``` ## NeoHub API documentation API documentation can be found from various places online or you can request the latest version from support@heatmiser.com ## neohub_cli.py This package includes a CLI for performing common tasks. ``` $ neohub_cli.py help # Shows all commands $ neohub_cli.py help set_time # Displays help for the set_time function $ neohub_cli.py --hub_ip=myneohub set_time "2021-01-31 15:43:00" # Specify times like this $ neohub_cli.py --hub_ip=myneohub set_lock 1234 "Living Room" # Name NeoStats like this. ```