
307 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Andrius Štikonas <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Dave O'Connor <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import types
import asyncio
import inspect
import argparse
import datetime
from functools import partial
from neohubapi.neohub import NeoHub
from neohubapi.neohub import NeoHubUsageError
from neohubapi.neostat import NeoStat
from neohubapi.enums import ScheduleFormat, Weekday
class Error(Exception):
class NeoHubCLIUsageError(Error):
class NeoHubCLIInternalError(Error):
class NeoHubCLIArgumentError(Error):
class NeoHubCLI(object):
"""A runner for neohub_cli operations."""
def __init__(self, command, args, hub_ip=None, hub_port=4242):
self._hub = NeoHub(host=hub_ip, port=hub_port)
self._command = command
self._args = args
# live data cached from the neohub. We assume this data will remain current
# throughout the execution of the script.
self._live_data = None
if command == 'help':
if command not in self._hub_command_methods():
raise NeoHubCLIUsageError(f'Unknown command {command}')
def _hub_command_methods(self):
"""Return a list of NeoHub functions.
Right now this is just all methods not starting with _
all_methods = [
m for m in dir(self._hub) if inspect.ismethod(getattr(self._hub, m))]
return [m for m in all_methods if not m.startswith('_')]
async def callable(self):
"""Return a bound callable for the method we want, or None."""
if self._command == 'help':
return None
# Firstly, see if we have a separately-implemented exception below.
special_method = getattr(self, f'_callable_{self._command}', None)
if special_method:
return await special_method()
hubmethod = getattr(self._hub, self._command)
sig = inspect.signature(hubmethod)
if len(sig.parameters) == 0:
# No arguments
return hubmethod
# See if we have the right numer of command line arguments.
if len(sig.parameters) != len(self._args):
print(f'Expecting {len(sig.parameters)} args for {self._command}, got {len(self._args)}')
return None
# Next, see if all our arguments are annotated correctly.
# Several methods ask for [NeoStat] (i.e. a list of NeoStat objects).
# Cover for this case, without getting into expanding lists of other things.
# (Yes, this means we only support passing one neostat name per CLI command, for now).
arg_types = []
for p in sig.parameters:
a = sig.parameters[p].annotation
if type(a) == type:
elif type(a) == list:
if a[0] == NeoStat:
raise NeoHubCLIInternalError(f'Command {self._command} argument not bindable: {a[0]}')
raise NeoHubCLIInternalError(f'Unexpected para annotation in {self._command}: {a}')
if inspect._empty not in arg_types:
# build a list comprising the 'real' objects represented.
real_args = []
for i in range(len(self._args)):
real_args.append(await self._parse_arg(self._args[i], arg_types[i]))
except NeoHubCLIArgumentError:
except NeoHubCLIInternalError:
print('Internal Error:')
return partial(getattr(self._hub, self._command), *real_args)
# No special method and un-annotated params.
print(f'Cannot do {self._command} (yet)')
return None
async def _parse_arg(self, arg, argtype):
"""Return the desired type, given the string version of arg.
This also does things liks parsing dates, etc.
if argtype == int:
if not arg.isnumeric():
raise NeoHubCLIArgumentError(f'argument to {self._command} must be numeric')
return int(arg)
elif argtype == str:
return str(arg)
elif argtype == bool:
if arg in ('1', 'True', 'true', 'on', 'y'):
away = True
elif arg in ('0', 'False', 'false', 'off', 'n'):
away = False
raise NeoHubCLIArgumentError(f'\'{arg}\' not recognised as boolean')
return away
elif argtype == ScheduleFormat:
sf = getattr(ScheduleFormat, arg, None)
if not sf:
raise NeoHubCLIArgumentError(
f'argument must be in {[ for x in ScheduleFormat]}')
return sf
elif argtype == datetime.datetime:
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(arg, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
except ValueError:
raise NeoHubCLIArgumentError('dates must be in format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"')
return dt
elif argtype == NeoStat:
# We assume the cmdline argument is the thermostat name.
if not self._live_data:
# (hub_data, devices)
self._live_data = await self._hub.get_live_data()
found = [x for x in self._live_data[1]['thermostats'] if == arg]
if found:
# methods always expect a list of these.
return [found[0]]
raise NeoHubCLIArgumentError(f'No such thermostat: {arg}')
raise NeoHubCLIInternalError(f'Unknown type {type(argtype)} {argtype} for {self._command}')
async def _optional_datetime(self):
# If we got an arg, assume it's a date, otherwise use today.
if len(self._args) > 1:
print(f'{self._command} takes zero or one argument')
return None
elif len(self._args) == 1:
real_arg = await self._parse_arg(self._args[0], datetime.datetime)
return partial(getattr(self._hub, self._command), *[real_arg])
return getattr(self._hub, self._command)
# These take a single datetime (optional) argument.
_callable_set_date = _optional_datetime
_callable_set_time = _optional_datetime
_callable_set_datetime = _optional_datetime
async def _callable_permit_join(self):
if len(self._args) > 2 or len(self._args) == 0:
print(f'{self._command} takes either 1 or 2 arguments')
return None
real_name = self._args[0]
args = [real_name]
if len(self._args) == 2:
timeout_s = await self._parse_arg(self._args[1], int)
return partial(getattr(self._hub, 'permit_join'), *args)
def output(self, raw_result, output_format='json'):
"""Produce output in a desired format."""
if output_format == 'raw':
return raw_result
# Right now, everything just returns hub data or a single outcome
# except get_live_data. Handle special cases.
special_case = getattr(self, f'_output_{self._command}', None)
if special_case:
return special_case(raw_result, output_format)
if type(raw_result) == bool:
return 'Command Succeeded' if raw_result else 'Command Failed'
if type(raw_result) in (int, str):
return f'{raw_result}'
if type(raw_result) != types.SimpleNamespace:
if type(raw_result) == dict:
raw_result = types.SimpleNamespace(**raw_result)
raise NeoHubCLIInternalError(
f'Unexpected type {type(raw_result)} in output()')
return self._output_simplenamespace(raw_result, output_format)
def _resolve_output_val(self, val):
"""Return a readable str version of a value.
This is mainly so our own enums and objects look readable.
if type(val) in (ScheduleFormat, Weekday):
return val.value
elif type(val) == NeoStat:
return f'[NeoStat: {}]'
return val
def _output_simplenamespace(self, obj, output_format):
"""Output a types.Simplenamespace object."""
if output_format == 'list':
attrs = dict(
[(a, getattr(obj, a)) for a in dir(obj)
if not a.startswith('_')])
return '\n'.join([f'{a}: {self._resolve_output_val(attrs[a])}' for a in attrs])
raise NeoHubCLIUsageError(f'Unknown output format {output_format}')
def _output_get_live_data(self, raw_result, output_format):
"""Return special case output for get_live_data."""
out = self._output_simplenamespace(raw_result[0], output_format)
out += '\n\n'
for device_type in raw_result[1]:
out += f'{device_type}:\n'
devices = raw_result[1][device_type]
for d in devices:
out += str(d) + '\n'
return out
def get_help(self, args):
"""Print help on what commands do"""
if len(args) == 0:
ret = 'Valid commands:\n\n'
for cmd in self._hub_command_methods():
ret += f' - {cmd}\n'
return ret
# handle 'help <blah>'
if args[0] not in self._hub_command_methods():
return f'Command {args[0]} not known'
docstr = getattr(self._hub, args[0]).__doc__ or 'No help for {args[0]}'
sig = inspect.signature(getattr(self._hub, args[0]))
ret = f'{args[0]}:\n'
if len(sig.parameters) == 0:
ret += ' - No Arguments\n'
for s in sig.parameters:
ret += f' - {sig.parameters[s]}\n'
return f'{ret}\n{docstr}\n'
async def main():
argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='CLI to neohub devices')
argp.add_argument('--hub_ip', help='IP address of NeoHub', default=None)
'--hub_port', help='Port number of NeoHub to talk to', default=4242)
argp.add_argument('--format', help='Output format', default='list')
argp.add_argument('command', help='Command to issue')
argp.add_argument('arg', help='Arguments to command', nargs='*')
args = argp.parse_args()
nhc = NeoHubCLI(
m = await nhc.callable()
if m:
result = await m()
print(nhc.output(result, output_format=args.format))
except NeoHubUsageError as e:
print(f'Invalid API usage: {e}')
except Error as e:
if __name__ == '__main__':