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<chapter id="usermanual">
<title>Using &partman;</title>
<sect1 id="mainwindow">
<title>The Main Window</title>
Besides the main view showing the currently selected device in a graphical and a tree view, &partman; uses &Qt;'s <quote>dock widgets</quote> or panels to display some information and allow selections. See the following screen shot for an overview of &partman;'s main window.
<screeninfo>&partman;'s main window</screeninfo>
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="mainwindow.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
<textobject><phrase>Main Window</phrase></textobject>
<para>Menubar: The menu bar presents some custom and some non-standard menus to choose actions to perform. All commands are described in detail in <xref linkend="reference"/>.</para>
<para>Toolbar: &partman;'s tool bar is a &kde; 4 standard tool bar. It can be fully customized; for details see <xref linkend="menu-settings"/>.
<para>Devices Panel: This panel lists all <glossterm linkend="glossary-device">devices</glossterm> found on your computer that &partman; can handle. Select a device in this panel to view or modify it in the graphical device view or in the tree device view.</para>
Graphical Device View: In this view &partman; shows a graphical representation of the currently selected device. Each of the device's <glossterm linkend="glossary-partition">partitions</glossterm> has its own box with device node name (<quote>sda1</quote> for the first partition in the screenshot above) and usage information (the dark violet area in the screenshot).
<glossterm linkend="glossary-extendedpartition">Extended partitions</glossterm> are visually distinct by their extra border (light green in the screenshot above) around them.
You can select a partition by clicking on it in the graphical device view. A double click opens <link linkend="menu-partition-properties">the partition's properties dialog</link>. A right click shows the partition context menu.
Tree Device View: The tree device view shows extended information about each partition on the selected device. The currently selected partition is highlighted. Double-clicking a partition opens <link linkend="menu-partition-properties">the partition's properties dialog</link>. A right click shows the partition context menu.
<para>Information Panel: The information panel shows some details about the currently selected device or partition. It is not enabled by default.</para>
Pending Operations Panel: This panel lists all operations that will be executed once you choose <xref linkend="menu-edit-apply"/>.
In the screenshot above, one operation is pending: If the user applies the operations now, the ext2 <glossterm linkend="glossary-filesystem">file system</glossterm> on /dev/sdb3 will be checked for errors and, if required, repaired.
Statusbar: The status bar shows how many operations are currently pending.
<para>Log Output Panel: This panel shows log information. It is only of secondary importance for non-advanced users and is not enabled by default.</para>