Installation How to obtain &partman; The main website for &partman; is For the most current version, this is the place to go. Requirements In order to successfully use &partman;, you need &kde; 4.1 or later and &Qt; 4.4.0 or later. You do however not need to be logged into &kde; to use it: &partman; will run just fine under any other desktop environment as long as you have the basic &kde; libraries installed. For a large part of its basic functionality &partman; relies on libparted. To generate UUIDs for copied file systems, it uses libuuid, which is part of e2fsprogs. Both of these are required to build or run &partman;. &partman; makes extensive use of external tools to support a wide range of file systems. A specific tool is only required if you need the support for an operation it provides for a certain file system. For example, if you have no need to resize NTFS file systems you do not require to have ntfsresize installed. None of these tools are required to build &partman; from sources. Here is a list of all external tools &partman; can make use of: &debugfsreiser4;: Reads usage information and file system labels for reiser4 file systems. Part of the reiser4progs utility suite that can be downloaded from . &debugreiserfs;: Reads usage information and file system labels for reiserfs file systems. Part of the reiserfsprogs utility suite that can be downloaded from . &dumpe2fs;: Reads usage information for ext2 and ext3 file systems. Part of the e2fsprogs utility suite that can be downloaded from . &e2label;: Reads and writes file system labels for ext2 and ext3 file systems. Part of the e2fsprogs utility suite that can be downloaded from . &fsckmsdos;: Reads usage information and checks FAT16 and FAT32 file systems. Part of the dosfstools utility suite that can be downloaded from . &hfsck;: Reads file system labels and checks HFS file systems. Part of the hfsutils utility suite that can be downloaded from . &hpfsck;: Checks HFS+ file systems. Part of the hfsplusutils utility suite that can be downloaded from . &jfsdebugfs;: Reads usage information for JFS file systems. Part of the jfsutils utility suite that can be downloaded from . &jfstune;: Reads and writes file system labels for JFS file systems. Part of the jfsutils utility suite that can be downloaded from . &ntfslabel;: Reads and writes file system labels for NTFS file systems. Part of the ntfsprogs utility suite that can be downloaded from . &ntfsresize;: Reads usage information, checks and resizes NTFS file systems. Part of the ntfsprogs utility suite that can be downloaded from . &swapoff;: Deactivates swap file systems. Part of the util-linux utility suite that can be downloaded from . &swapon;: Activates swap file systems. Part of the util-linux utility suite that can be downloaded from . &volid;: Reads file system labels for linuxswap file systems. Part of udev that can be downloaded from . &xfsdb;: Reads usage information and reads and writes file system labels for XFS file systems. Part of the xfsprogs utility suite that can be downloaded from . Compilation and Installation &install.compile.documentation; Further Reading The Linux Information Project has a ton of information on many aspects of Linux. Their article on partitions is very informative. But also see their entries on partition tables, hard disk devices and file systems. The Linux Partition HOWTO is a basic overview of handling and partitioning disk devices on Linux and the native Linux file systems. It also covers swap partitions. Wikipedia has an entry on disk partitioning.