Random plans and ideas for 1.1 and beyond: * To say it bluntly: libparted is a complete dead end. What we have to do is separate the backend logic from the core and write backend interfaces so partitionmanager can make use of other backends apart from libparted. KDE's own Solid would of course be candidate #1 here; unfortunately, it doesn't implement much of what HAL does regarding disks, partitions and file systems. Also, DeviceKit-disks is around the corner and implementations using it for solid begin to materialize. * The whole lvm/dm debacle. Nothing much useful can be done about it without the backend stuff mentioned above, though. * The interface between core and the file systems needs some more thought. Ideally we'd be free to use either external helper apps (like we do now) or libraries to achieve the same things. Libraries in this case being libntfs-3g and libext2fs. There's one for reiserfs too, iirc. Using libraries we'd hopefully be able to get meaningful progress status reporting while resizing, checking and so on. * Information about file system on a separate tab in the properties, unique to the file system in use. * GPT support