Building and installing KDE Partition Manager from source ========================================================= 1. Dependencies libparted: Either get it from and build it yourself or, preferably, install your distribution's packages (don't forget the dev-package). libuuid: This is part of e2fsprogs, something you will most probably need anyway. Get the source and build it from or, preferably, install your distribution's packages (again, don't forget the dev-package). libblkid: Also part of e2fsprogs. See libuuid. KDE4: KDE 4.0 will not work. The minimum required version is 4.1.0. 2. Configure KDE Partition Manager is built with cmake, like most of KDE4 today. It is recommended to build out of tree: After unpacking the source, create a separate build directory and run cmake there: $ tar xfj partitionmanager-1.0.0-BETA3.tar.bz2 $ cd partitionmanager-1.0.0-BETA3 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. If all dependencies are met, cmake configures the build directory. If you get an error message like "ERROR: Could not find KDE4 kde4-config" but have KDE4 and its development packages installed, you might need to add the KDE4 bin directory to the path. 3. Build and install Just run make and make install in the build directory. The default install path is /usr/local, so installing will need write privileges there. You can configure a different install path by passing -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= to cmake when configuring. To change the install path after configuring and building, run $ ccmake . in the build directory and modify CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX there. 4. Running KDE Partition Manager should be run as root. Running it as an unprivileged user does no harm, but you will not be allowed to apply any operations (i.e., you can click through the UI, but cannot modify your disks). 5. Troubleshooting If you are getting an error like this during the build: index.docbook:71: parser error : Entity 'partman' not defined there is a problem with a documentation file. This is easily fixed by commenting out the offending language in doc/CMakeLists.txt -- the error message should indicate which language causes the error. As an alternative, you can disable building all documentation by commenting out the macro_optional_add_subdirectory(doc) line in the toplevel CMakeLists.txt file.