/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 by Volker Lanz * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #if !defined(PARTPROPSWIDGET_H) #define PARTPROPSWIDGET_H #include "ui_partpropswidgetbase.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "util/guihelpers.h" /** Central widget in the PartPropsDialog. @author Volker Lanz */ class PartPropsWidget : public QWidget, public Ui::PartPropsWidgetBase { public: PartPropsWidget(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) { setupUi(this); m_PartWidget->setFileSystemColorCode(GuiHelpers::fileSystemColorCodesFromSettings()); MainWindow* mw = nullptr; const auto widgets = qApp->topLevelWidgets(); for (auto &widget : widgets) { mw = qobject_cast< MainWindow* >( widget ); if ( mw ) break; } if ( mw ) { connect( mw, &MainWindow::settingsChanged, this, [this] { m_PartWidget->setFileSystemColorCode(GuiHelpers::fileSystemColorCodesFromSettings()); }); } } public: PartWidget& partWidget() { Q_ASSERT(m_PartWidget); return *m_PartWidget; } QLabel& mountPoint() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelMountPoint); return *m_LabelMountPoint; } QLabel& role() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelRole); return *m_LabelRole; } QLabel& capacity() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelCapacity); return *m_LabelCapacity; } QLabel& textAvailable() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelTextAvailable); return *m_LabelTextAvailable; } QLabel& available() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelAvailable); return *m_LabelAvailable; } QLabel& textUsed() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelTextUsed); return *m_LabelTextUsed; } QLabel& used() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelUsed); return *m_LabelUsed; } QLabel& textFileSystem() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelFileSystem); return *m_LabelFileSystem; } QComboBox& fileSystem() { Q_ASSERT(m_ComboFileSystem); return *m_ComboFileSystem; } const QComboBox& fileSystem() const { Q_ASSERT(m_ComboFileSystem); return *m_ComboFileSystem; } QCheckBox& checkRecreate() { Q_ASSERT(m_CheckRecreate); return *m_CheckRecreate; } QLabel& firstSector() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelFirstSector); return *m_LabelFirstSector; } QLabel& lastSector() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelLastSector); return *m_LabelLastSector; } QLabel& numSectors() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelNumSectors); return *m_LabelNumSectors; } QLabel& status() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelStatus); return *m_LabelStatus; } QLabel& textUuid() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelTextUuid); return *m_LabelTextUuid; } QLabel& uuid() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelUuid); return *m_LabelUuid; } QLabel& textLabel() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelTextLabel); return *m_LabelTextLabel; } QLineEdit& label() { Q_ASSERT(m_EditLabel); return *m_EditLabel; } QLabel& partitionTextUuid() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelTextPartitionUuid); return *m_LabelTextPartitionUuid; } QLabel& partitionUuid() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelPartitionUuid); return *m_LabelPartitionUuid; } QLabel& partitionTextLabel() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelTextPartitionLabel); return *m_LabelTextPartitionLabel; } QLabel& partitionLabel() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelPartitionLabel); return *m_LabelPartitionLabel; } const QLineEdit& label() const { Q_ASSERT(m_EditLabel); return *m_EditLabel; } QLabel& noSetLabel() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelTextNoSetLabel); return *m_LabelTextNoSetLabel; } QLabel& textFlags() { Q_ASSERT(m_LabelTextFlags); return *m_LabelTextFlags; } QListWidget& listFlags() { Q_ASSERT(m_ListFlags); return *m_ListFlags; } const QListWidget& listFlags() const { Q_ASSERT(m_ListFlags); return *m_ListFlags; } QFrame& lineFlags() { Q_ASSERT(m_LineListFlags); return *m_LineListFlags; } void showAvailable(bool b) { available().setVisible(b); textAvailable().setVisible(b); } void showUsed(bool b) { used().setVisible(b); textUsed().setVisible(b); } void showFileSystem(bool b) { fileSystem().setVisible(b); textFileSystem().setVisible(b); } void showCheckRecreate(bool b) { checkRecreate().setVisible(b); } void showListFlags(bool b) { listFlags().setVisible(b); textFlags().setVisible(b); lineFlags().setVisible(b); } void showLabel(bool b) { textLabel().setVisible(b); label().setVisible(b); } void showUuid(bool b) { textUuid().setVisible(b); uuid().setVisible(b); } }; #endif