Plans and ideas for 1.1: =============================================================================== Bugs to fix for 1.1: * handling of illegal values in the size dialog spin boxes is not correct: we need to make use of the validator, not just overwrite with the previous value if the new one is not legal. i.e., we must constantly update the valid ranges of the spin boxes if any value changes. * if mkfs fails (at least for ext3/4) because the device node does not exist, it still returns success * if e2label fails it becaue the device node does not exist it still returns success * sector alignment in extended partitions seems to be broken or at least uses some cylinder alignment logic (offset of 63) =============================================================================== For releases after 1.1: * write a setup-kcm in the style of k3b's so that the user can set the r/w permissions of the disks there; also use kauth to update the partition table in the kernel. that should cover all cases where we actually need root privileges now. -- we actually also need root privs for SMART now. * The whole lvm/dm debacle. * The interface between core and the file systems needs some more thought. Ideally we'd be free to use either external helper apps (like we do now) or libraries to achieve the same things. Libraries in this case being libntfs-3g and libext2fs. There's one for reiserfs too, iirc. * Convert the fs implementations into plugins. Redesign the support-stuff, make that more flexible (no statics in the FS classes, some helper class or at least an array in FileSystem). * Write a udisks backend plugin. * Add a SMART self test operation, only available if the backend plugin supports that (udisks does, libparted does not). * support KLocale::BinaryUnitDialect and use KLocale's formatting methods (how feasable is that? does it make sense?) * Information about file system on a separate tab in the properties, unique to the file system in use. * let the user specify external command locations and options in the settings; use some program and binary management setup internally like k3b has it * parse progress information at least from e2fsck and ntfsclone (do we use the latter at all? if not we should); maybe others.