/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2015 by Andrius Štikonas * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #include "socket.h" #include #include #include #include Socket::Socket ( QHostAddress IPaddress, QByteArray reply ) { ip = IPaddress; mac = reply.mid ( 7, 6 ); rmac = mac; std::reverse ( rmac.begin(), rmac.end() ); powered = reply.right ( 1 ) == one; // 68:64:00:06:71:61 initial detection ?? commandID[Subscribe] = QByteArray::fromHex ( "63 6c" ); commandID[PowerOn] = QByteArray::fromHex ( "73 66" ); commandID[PowerOff] = commandID[PowerOn]; commandID[TableData] = QByteArray::fromHex ( "72 74" ); commandID[SocketData] = commandID[TableData]; commandID[TimingData] = commandID[TableData]; commandID[WriteSocketData] = QByteArray::fromHex ( "74 6d" ); // 2 hex bytes are the total length of the message datagram[Subscribe] = magicKey + QByteArray::fromHex ( "00 1e" ) + commandID[Subscribe] + mac + twenties + rmac + twenties; datagram[PowerOn] = magicKey + QByteArray::fromHex ( "00 17 64 63" ) + mac + twenties + zeros + one; datagram[PowerOff] = magicKey + QByteArray::fromHex ( "00 17 64 63" ) + mac + twenties + zeros + zero; datagram[TableData] = magicKey + QByteArray::fromHex ( "00 1d" ) + commandID[TableData] + mac + twenties + zeros + QByteArray::fromHex ( "01 00 00" ) + zeros; udpSocket = new QUdpSocket(); udpSocket->connectToHost ( ip, 10000 ); connect (this, &Socket::datagramQueued, this, &Socket::listen); subscribed = false; subscribeTimer = new QTimer(this); subscribeTimer->setInterval(2*60*1000); // 2 min subscribeTimer->setSingleShot(false); connect(subscribeTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Socket::subscribe); subscribeTimer->start(); subscribe(); tableData(); } Socket::~Socket() { delete subscribeTimer; delete udpSocket; } void Socket::sendDatagram ( Datagram d ) { commands.enqueue(d); Q_EMIT datagramQueued(); } void Socket::run() { while ( commands.size() > 0 ) { udpSocket->write ( datagram[commands.head()] ); QThread::msleep(100); } } void Socket::subscribe() { sendDatagram ( Subscribe ); } void Socket::toggle() { sendDatagram ( powered ? PowerOff : PowerOn ); } void Socket::changeSocketName ( QString newName ) { QByteArray name = newName.toLatin1().leftJustified(16, ' ', true); QByteArray record = QByteArray::fromHex ( "01:00" ) /* record number = 1*/ + versionID + mac + twenties + rmac + twenties + remotePassword + name + icon + hardwareVersion + firmwareVersion + wifiFirmwareVersion + port + staticServerIP + port + QStringLiteral("vicenter.orvibo.com ").toLatin1() + twenties + twenties + twenties + localIP + localGatewayIP + localNetMask + dhcpNode + discoverable + timeZoneSet + timeZone + QByteArray::fromHex ( "00:ff" ) + countdown; QByteArray recordLength; QDataStream stream(&recordLength, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); quint16 length = record.length(); stream << length; datagram[WriteSocketData] = magicKey + QByteArray::fromHex ( "00 a5" ) + commandID[WriteSocketData] + mac + twenties + zeros + QByteArray::fromHex ( "04:00:01" ) /*table number and unknown*/ + recordLength + record; sendDatagram ( WriteSocketData ); } void Socket::tableData() { sendDatagram ( TableData ); datagram[SocketData] = magicKey + QByteArray::fromHex ( "00 1d" ) + commandID[SocketData] + mac + twenties + zeros + QByteArray::fromHex ( "04 00 00" ) + zeros; datagram[TimingData] = magicKey + QByteArray::fromHex ( "00 1d" ) + commandID[TimingData] + mac + twenties + zeros + QByteArray::fromHex ( "03 00 00" ) + zeros; // table number + 00 + version number sendDatagram ( SocketData ); sendDatagram ( TimingData ); } bool Socket::parseReply ( QByteArray reply ) { if ( reply.left ( 2 ) != magicKey ) { return false; } QByteArray id = reply.mid ( 4, 2 ); unsigned int datagram = std::distance ( commandID, std::find ( commandID, commandID + MaxCommands, id ) ); // match commandID with enum if ( datagram == TableData ) // determine the table number { unsigned int table = reply[reply.indexOf ( zeros ) + 4]; // Table number immediately follows zeros switch ( table ) { case 1: break; case 3: datagram = TimingData; break; case 4: datagram = SocketData; break; default: return false; } } switch ( datagram ) { case Subscribe: subscribed = true; subscribeTimer->setInterval(2*60*1000); // 2min case PowerOff: case PowerOn: { bool poweredOld = powered; powered = reply.right ( 1 ) == one; if (powered != poweredOld) Q_EMIT stateChanged(); if ( datagram == PowerOff && powered == true ) { datagram = PowerOn; } break; } case TableData: // FIXME: order might be swapped; socketTableVersion = reply.mid ( reply.indexOf ( QByteArray::fromHex ( "000100000600" ) ) + 6, 2 ); // 000100000600 break; case SocketData: { std::cout << reply.toHex().toStdString() << " " << datagram << std::endl; // for debugging purposes only unsigned short int index = reply.indexOf ( rmac + twenties ); versionID = reply.mid ( index - 14, 2 ); index += 12; // length of rmac + padding remotePassword = reply.mid ( index, 12 ); // max 12 symbols index += 12; name = reply.mid ( index, 16 ); // max 16 symbols index += 16; icon = reply.mid ( index, 2 ); index += 2; hardwareVersion = reply.mid ( index, 4 ); index += 4; firmwareVersion = reply.mid ( index, 4 ); index += 4; wifiFirmwareVersion = reply.mid ( index, 4 ); index += 6; staticServerIP = reply.mid ( index, 4 ); // is used index += 46; localIP = reply.mid ( index, 4 ); index += 4; localGatewayIP = reply.mid ( index, 4 ); index += 4; localNetMask = reply.mid ( index, 4 ); index += 4; dhcpNode = reply.mid ( index, 1 ); ++index; discoverable = reply.mid ( index, 1 ); ++index; timeZoneSet = reply.mid ( index, 1 ); ++index; timeZone = reply.mid ( index, 1 ); ++index; countdown = reply.mid ( index, 2 ); Q_EMIT stateChanged(); break; } case TimingData: break; case WriteSocketData: sendDatagram ( SocketData ); break; default: return false; } if (commands.size() > 0) { if ( datagram == commands.head() ) { commands.dequeue(); } } return true; }