
312 lines
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andrius Štikonas <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Jeremiah Orians <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# Usage: hex0 file.hex0 file
# Does not validate the arguments or check for success
# Calling convention:
# First four arguments are passed via registers rcx, rdx, r8, r9 (if they fit in 64-bits)
# but we need to leave stack space
# rax, rcx, rdx, r8, r9, r10 and r11 are volatile and can be changed by called function
# Stack must be 16-byte aligned before UEFI calls.
.intel_syntax noprefix
2022-07-10 22:08:36 +01:00
.global _start
# efi_main(void *image_handle, struct efi_system_table *system)
2022-07-10 22:08:36 +01:00
# Save non-volatile registers
push rbp
push rbx
push rdi
push rsi
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov r15, rcx # save image_handle
mov r14, [rdx+96] # system->boot
# Open Loaded Image protocol
mov r9, r15 # arg4 = image_handle
mov rcx, r9 # arg1 = image_handle
push rax # allocate stack for image
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &image
push 0 # arg5 = NULL
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+280] # system->boot->open_protocol(image_handle, &guid, &image, image_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL)
add rsp, 48 # deallocate stack
pop rdi # get image
# Get root file system
mov r9, r15 # arg4 = image_handle
mov rcx, [rdi+24] # arg1 = root_device = image->device
mov r13, rcx # save root_device
push rax # allocate stack for rootfs
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &rootfs
push 0 # arg5 = NULL
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+280] # system->boot->open_protocol(root_device, &guid, &rootfs, image_handle, 0, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL)
add rsp, 48 # deallocate stack
pop rcx # get rootfs
2022-07-14 22:55:42 +01:00
2022-07-23 18:40:41 +01:00
# Get root directory
push rax # allocate stack for rootdir
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &rootdir
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
2022-07-14 22:55:42 +01:00
call [rcx+8] # rootfs->open_volume(rootfs, &rootdir)
add rsp, 32 # deallocate stack
pop rsi # get rootdir
# Push command line arguments onto stack
mov rbx, [rdi+56] # options = image->load_options
mov rdx, rbx # save beginning of load_options
add rbx, [rdi+48] # go to the end of load_options
cmp rbx, rdx # Check if we are done
je loop_options_done # We are done
sub rbx, 2 # --options
mov al, [rbx] # *options
cmp al, 0x20 # if *options != ' '
jne loop_options # then continue looping
mov BYTE PTR [rbx], 0 # zero it
add rbx, 2 # ++options
push rbx # push another argument onto stack
jmp loop_options # next argument
# Open file for reading
pop r8 # arg3 = in
and rsp, -16 # align stack to 16 bytes
push rdx # allocate stack for fin
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &fin
push 1 # arg5 = EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY
push 1 # prepare to set arg4 to EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
pop r9 # arg4 = EFI_FILE_MODE_READ
mov rcx, rsi # arg1 = rootdir
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+8] # rootdir->open()
add rsp, 40 # deallocate stack
pop r12 # get fin
2022-07-14 22:55:42 +01:00
# Open file for writing
pop r8 # arg3 = out
push r13 # save root_device
push rdx # allocate stack for fout
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &fout
push 0 # arg5 = 0
push 7 # to get 0x8000000000000003 we set the rightmost 3 bits
pop r9 # and then do right rotation by 1
2022-07-23 18:40:41 +01:00
mov rcx, rsi # arg1 = rootdir
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
2022-07-14 22:55:42 +01:00
call [rcx+8] # rootdir->open()
add rsp, 40 # deallocate stack
pop r13 # get fout
2022-07-14 22:55:42 +01:00
# Save variables that are needed for cleanup
push r14 # save system->boot
push rsi # save rootdir
# Our flag for byte processing
push -1
pop rbx # rbx = -1
# temp storage for the sum
2022-07-23 18:40:41 +01:00
xor edi, edi # rdi = 0
# Read a byte
call read_byte
# process byte
call hex
# Deal with -1 values
test eax, eax
jl loop
# deal with toggle
test ebx, ebx # jump if ebx >= 0
jge print
# process first byte of pair
mov edi, eax
2022-07-23 18:40:41 +01:00
xor ebx, ebx # rbx = 0
jmp loop
# process second byte of pair
# update the sum and store in output
shl edi, 4
add eax, edi
# flip the toggle
dec ebx # rbx = -1
call write_byte
jmp loop
# Purge Comment Lines (#)
cmp al, 35
je purge_comment
# Purge Comment Lines (;)
cmp al, 59
je purge_comment
# deal all ascii less than 0
cmp al, 48
jl ascii_other
# deal with 0-9
cmp al, 58
jl ascii_num
# deal with all ascii less than A
cmp al, 65
jl ascii_other
# deal with A-F
cmp al, 71
jl ascii_high
# deal with all ascii less than a
cmp al, 97
jl ascii_other
# deal with a-f
cmp al, 103
jl ascii_low
# The rest that remains needs to be ignored
jmp ascii_other
2022-07-10 22:08:36 +01:00
# Read a byte
call read_byte
# Loop if not LF (works for CR/LF and LF/CR endings too)
cmp al, 10
jne purge_comment
# Otherwise return -1
push -1
pop rax # return = -1
sub al, 48
sub al, 32 # convert to uppercase
2022-07-10 22:08:36 +01:00
sub al, 55
# Writes byte stored in al
push rsp # align stack to 16 bytes
push [rsp] # align stack to 16 bytes
and rsp, -16 # align stack to 16 bytes
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov rcx, r13 # arg1 = fout
push 1 # size = 1
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &size
push rax # allocate stack
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &output
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+40] # fout->write()
mov rsp, [rsp+56] # deallocate stack
ret # return
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov rcx, r12 # arg1 = fin
push 1 # size = 1
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov rdx, rsp # arg2 = &size
2023-12-10 23:10:28 +00:00
push 0 # allocate stack
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov r8, rsp # arg3 = &input
2023-12-09 19:54:44 +00:00
push rsp # align stack to 16 bytes
push [rsp] # align stack to 16 bytes
and rsp, -16 # align stack to 16 bytes
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [rcx+32] # fin->read()
2023-12-09 19:54:44 +00:00
mov rsp, [rsp+40] # deallocate stack
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
pop rax # save input to rax
pop rsi # save size to rsi
# If the file ended (0 bytes read) terminate
2022-07-23 18:40:41 +01:00
test esi, esi # if size == 0
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
je terminate # then we are done
ret # return
pop rax # deallocate stack (return code of read_byte)
pop rsi # restore rootdir
pop r14 # restore system->boot
pop rbx # restore root_device
push rbx # allocate stack
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov rcx, r12 # arg1 = fin
call [rcx+16] # fin->close()
2022-08-07 23:15:34 +01:00
mov rcx, r13 # arg1 = fout
call [rcx+16] # fout->close()
mov rcx, rsi # arg1 = rootdir
call [rcx+16] # rootdir->close()
mov r8, r15 # arg3 = image_handle
mov rcx, rbx # arg1 = root_device
xor r9, r9 # arg4 = NULL
sub rsp, 32 # allocate shadow stack space for UEFI function
call [r14+288] # system->boot->close_protocol(root_device, &guid, image_handle, 0)
mov r8, r15 # arg3 = image_handle
mov rcx, r8 # arg1 = image_handle
xor r9, r9 # arg4 = NULL
call [r14+288] # system->boot->close_protocol(image_handle, &guid, image_handle, 0)
add rsp, 40 # deallocate stack
# Restore non-volatile registers
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rsi
pop rdi
pop rbx
abort: # used for debugging only
pop rbp
ret # return to UEFI
2022-07-10 22:08:36 +01:00
# Protocol GUIDs
.long 0x5b1b31a1
.short 0x9562
.short 0x11d2
2022-07-14 22:55:42 +01:00
.byte 0x8e, 0x3f, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b
.long 0x964e5b22
.short 0x6459
.short 0x11d2
2022-07-14 22:55:42 +01:00
.byte 0x8e, 0x39, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b